My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1375: The breath of the palace

Understanding the pitting relationship between the two of them, Yun said lightly and cast his eyes on the field.

Seeing Yun lightly ignoring himself, Huang Yan touched his nose awkwardly, stared at Xi Mo, and watched the battle together.

This level of fighting didn't make much sense to him, but it was okay to relieve boredom when he was bored.

In the empty duel area, Hongluo and Feibo were inextricably beaten.

Feibo's water attribute just suppressed her attribute, but Hongluo was not a simple fire element attack. The blade wind in his hand opened and closed, making people overwhelmed.

"Attribution suppression doesn't have any advantage. It seems that the people brought by Master Feize are not so good!" There was a chuckle among the team of Baiyu Academy.

Bai Yi glanced at his team reproachfully, "The outcome is uncertain, don't talk nonsense."

However, this contemptuous sneer irritated the people in front of Hongluo, and Feibo's face twisted, revealing a bit of ferocity.

"Water Dragon Impact!" Fei Bo shouted, the star power of his whole body gathered in one place and turned into a roaring dragon and rushed towards Hong Luo!

With the frenzied water vapor and strong pressure, even the 9th-order Zunyuan Master can feel a bit of danger!

The powerful meta skills can increase the attack power of the meta master several times!

"Boss!" A worried look appeared in Hong Ye's eyes!

Feibo's eyes have the potential to kill with one blow, and he has the chance to win!

"Chi Yan!" Hong Luofeng screamed with sharp eyes, the flame rising from his body suddenly changed in color, and the hot temperature burned and the air was distorted!

"The fire dragon roars!" She slashed horizontally with a big knife, and the huge fire dragon flew out and collided with the water dragon.

No one noticed that when the word Chi Yan appeared, Huang Yan frowned slightly!

"Bump!" The fire and water rush each other!

The mighty water dragon was quickly evaporated and then condensed under the scorching flame, turning into white mist.

The red dragon cast off his momentum and rushed straight to Feibo, knocking him to the ground.

One was scorched and lost his fighting ability, and the other was as good as ever, and the outcome was clear at a glance.

"Master Ze." Feibo struggled twice before moving in the direction of Feize.

Feize commanded two people to bring Feibo back, and his gloomy eyes were even more unsightly.

I thought it was difficult for Yun to say that it was difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect Hongyan Academy to be a tough one.

The tier element technique just now was actually blocked by Hongluo!

"Go!" He pointed to another man beside him with a gloomy expression.

There are many senior masters on his side, but the top combat power is less than Yun said lightly.

Whether it is Yun Qingyan, Baili Qingxue or Hongluo... all of them have proud combat power.

What's more, there are two people he can't see, a handsome man with red eyes, and an elegant young man with a jade face.

Especially the latter, the smooth and clean breath on his body always makes him feel very uncomfortable. He felt this way only in the people of the palace.

This time, the man who came up was a middle-aged man with a sharp aura.

Maybe he wanted to save his strength by surprise, but he did not release his coercion and momentum.

Yun lightly looked at Huang Yan, this time Huang Yan seemed to have a sharp heart.

"Bone age forty-nine, seventh-order gold master Zunyuan."

One level higher than Hongluo!

Yun lightly said that these people were definitely not from the Wanye Academy, they should be from the Fei family.

It's just... so many masters, how did the Fei family create so many obedient masters?

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