My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1402: Apologize to Yun lightly

For the first time, the depressed Bingdi had a feeling of being popular.

Rank Nine Ice Glazed, but a unique treasure in the world, just changed him once, but he refused?

It was extremely greedy.

"What else do you want?" Bingdi said coldly.

Huang Yan grabbed Yun Qingyan's shoulders, and smiled coldly, "The incident you hurt my girl in the past has not been completely written off.

If you want the deity to take action, first make some compensation for my girl.

The deity feels that the Snowy Ice Heart Stone is pretty good, and he barely qualified as an apologize. "

Bingdi's face became even more cold.

If the nine-turn ice glaze is the first treasure in the snowy area, then the ice-core stone in the snowy area is the second most treasure. It can be said to be the cornerstone of the snowy area. The snowy area will maintain the state of being filled with snow all year round.

"Do you know the significance of the snowy ice core stone to the snowy area?" The ice emperor's voice is cold, his handsome face is hard, the ice core stone disappears, and the snowy area will no longer exist.

"Don't be a fool.

There are ninety-nine ice core stones in your snowy area, even if one or two are missing, it will not affect it, right? "Huang Yan's red eyes flew up.

Obviously he was saving his own companion, but now it was like a deal. Baili Qingxue's life and death are like meat with a price tag in a vegetable market for people to choose from. This made Yun said slightly uncomfortable.

Thinking that he could also use Chi Huanghuo, Yun Qingyan just wanted to speak, and the keen Huangyan noticed her thoughts, and her voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Girl, with your current control over Chi Huanghuo, there is still no way to compete with the magic weapon.

Your friend's deity will save, but that guy just injured you, he must pay a price. "

Yun Qingyan suddenly closed his mouth obediently.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yan is also a black belly!

Obviously he had made up his mind to save people, but he still didn't forget to slaughter people severely.

Bingdi frowned lightly on his handsome face, and finally let out a cold snort, "This emperor does not have a Bingxin Stone on his body.

But there are two pieces in this small world, and if you can get it, it's okay to give it to you. "

The two ice core stones were originally intended to restore his strength after fusing with the half soul. Now it seems that the plan can only be stranded.

Huang Yan was satisfied, and said to Gong Moxi,

"Let's do it together!"

The two shot together, the golden light accompanied by the flames forced out the magic weapon rooted in Baili Qingxue's body!

"Hey!" The magic weapon made a sharp and piercing sound. After being forced out of the host's body, the black mist filled with it, turning into a stream of light and galloping away!

"Beam!" Gong Moxi raised her hand, countless light elements turned into giant nets and fettered away, two magic weapons struggled inside, and the two sides wrestled.

In the end, the magic weapon without the owner's blessing was defeated, the golden net shrank and was taken into the palm of Gong Moxi.

His face was also white enough, obviously it was too much energy.

At the same time, in the Dark Demon Realm, Jiang Wuya opened a pair of purple eyes instantly.

The corners of the bright red mouth slid across a cold arc, overflowing with murderous intent.

"Tsk, **** people, they all survived."

"Although the magic weapon has been removed, he may have been affected by the long period of erosion." Gong Moxi retracted her strength.

His hair instantly changed from silvery silver to black, and his gilt pupils turned into a more ordinary warm brown. He stretched out his hand and put on the jade mask.

Yun Qingyan watched this scene blankly, in fact, she had already faintly guessed his identity.

The golden pupil in the Forest of Warcraft, the holy son of the palace, and... Xi Mo.

Even now, there is another identity, the reincarnation of Emperor Kongyu.

"Sorry, I deceived you before." Xi Mo looked at Yun with apologetic eyes, with helpless helplessness in his eyes, "My current identity is not suitable to appear in the four major colleges, so I can only hide my identity."

Yun said lightly and nodded clearly.

The identity of the Son of the Palace is indeed inconvenient.

Seeing that the magic weapon in Baili Qingxue's body was removed, the Bingdi just glanced at Xi Mo and left a sentence, "This emperor owes you a favor."

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