When the voice fell, Bingdi turned into a streamer and shot into Baili Qingxue's eyebrows.

Yun Qingyan narrowed his phoenix eyes, and wanted to stop--


Huang Yan tasted it, "He's okay, what are you so worried about?"

Gong Moxi looked much more elegant and gentle than him, and explained empathetically, "

Don't worry, he is fine.

The Ice Emperor is now just a soul body, and the consumption of soul power by staying outside the body for a long time will increase.

Baili Qingxue is not only his half-soul reincarnation, but his body is incomparably compatible with him. The Ice Emperor just enters his body to recuperate. "

Huang Yan hated that iron could not become a steel road, "They will merge into one sooner or later, why are you worried about him?"

Yun Qingyan looked at Baili Qingxue quietly floating in the air with his eyes closed, frowning, "Isn't Baili no longer there after fusion?"

Gong Moxi and Huang Yan were a little surprised at what she said, "The fusion is not swallowing, they are originally the same. Girl, why do you think so?"

Yun Qingyan shook his head.

Baili and Bingdi were completely two people in her eyes. Baili was Baili. Although he usually likes to have a cold face, his personality is dull and alienated, but at least he still has a touch of human touch.

But the Ice Emperor... gave her the feeling that it was a snow, a piece of ice, clear and beautiful, but without the breath of human beings.

Seeing Yun Qingyan's contemplative appearance, Huang Yan couldn't help but said, "Girl, if one day...the deity also merges with the remnant soul, will you treat me like you do now?"

He couldn't help being a little panicked, "You won't treat the deity directly as a stranger, right?"

He could see that Yun said lightly his attitude towards Bingdi, completely without emotion.

Clearly Baili Qingxue is the Ice Emperor.

"This... of course not." A trace of sly flicked across Yun's eyes, and he couldn't help teasing Huang Yan as he looked a little nervous.

"Girl." Huang Yan's face sank, and he squeezed her shoulder and ordered in a deep voice, "Don't treat me as a stranger."

Gong Moxi had a headache looking aside.

Huang Yan, this fool, didn't he see that Yun Qingyan was joking? Has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, has it ruined the brain?

However, looking at the two from the outside, a little envy rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but say, "It's time for us to go down."

Before going down, there was a small episode.

Because Bai Li Qingxue was still in a coma, Yun said lightly that he planned to hug him directly.

For the cultivator, the weight of an adult is the same as holding a bamboo pole.

However, Huang Yan's face turned dark for an instant. In the end, before he hugged Yun Qingyan, he hugged Baili Qingxue with a face.

Baili Qingxue was sober in the middle, and it was almost the first time to reward him with an ice ridge. Fortunately, Chi Huang kept the fire in time, so he was not disfigured.

The two almost didn't fight again, but fortunately they were stopped in time by Yun Qingyan.

Because of the battle between Huangyan and Bingdi, many people ran away, and only about one-third of the people were left. Among them, the people from the First Academy accounted for the majority, and Ji Siwen and the others had not left! I have been waiting for Yun Qingyan and Baili Qingxue all the time.

It was a pity that Ling Yun said lightly that Jade had also left, otherwise, she really wanted that guy to stay in the snowy area forever.

This ice and snow world itself is a small fragment of the snowy territory, it is used for the experience of the snow clan. There are different trial levels, and there are rich rewards after clearing the level.

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