In the following days, Yun said lightly that they would live the days of dungeons and treasures, and their strength has been steadily improved.

Among the spirit springs in the snow region, Yun Qingyan even directly took out the jade essence liquid that he had previously obtained in the Death Mountains to distribute to his partners, and cooperated with the spirit spring to absorb the medicine.

After half a month, the light of promotion rose from everyone!

Baili Qingxue, who was originally a Senior Master Yuan, directly smashed the barriers of the Order, and crossed to the Order of God!

Rich and majestic divine power rose from his body, vast and boundless, bursts of stars and moon patterns rose from the soles of his feet, and five silver stars shone brightly!

That is the unique star pattern battle mark of the gods!

The wind blew his long hair, icy blue hair, handsome and immaculate facial features, divine prestige.

"Ou Di obediently!" Yu Da Pang tried his best to hug Qin Li's thigh to avoid being blown away by the wind, his eyes widened, "This is the God order?! That's cool!"

"If you work hard and don't be lazy, you can achieve it." Yun gave him a faint glance.

Among the few people, Yu Dapang has the least advanced and the lowest level.

It stands to reason that his cultivation base is low and it should be easier to advance. But this guy, after spending a day in Lingquan, crawling out because of fear of coldness, the effect was minimal.

Today, with the exception of Baili Qingxue, everyone's cultivation base is probably as follows.

Yun Qingyan, the eighth-order Zunyuan Master.

Qin Li, the sixth-order Zunyuan Master.

Ji Siwen, the fifth-order Zunyuan Master.

Ji Weiran, the first-order Zunyuan Master.

However, Yu Dapang, the little fat man, was still wandering around the seventh-order Xuanyuan Master, but he was very satisfied with his desire to cultivate. In his words, he couldn't even think of such a high level of cultivation before. After returning to his hometown in Bei'anguo, he must turn around three or four times in front of his father, blinding his father's eyes!

Instead, it was Xing Lan that made Yun Qingyan's eyes light up. Although she did not awaken the elemental meaning, her body was naturally close to the ice element, and her cultivation level had risen to a great realm, reaching the realm of the eighth-order Zongyuan master, and Lei Yu, because Her cultivation base is slightly higher than Xing Lan, but she has reached the same realm as her.

Everyone’s strength has been steadily improved, especially the freshmen of the first academy. Many of them are already comparable to the students of the Profound Level Department or even the Prefectural Level Department. This time I leave the secret valley, I am afraid that the entire ranking will be required. Going to a bloodbath.

Yun Qingyan's voice among the freshmen is getting louder and louder. Even though the election of the chief student of the Yellow Division has not yet started, she seems to have become the default chief student.

Lei Yu and Xing Lan also admire her the most, and they have no thoughts of competing.

"We should go get the ice heart stone." Baili Qingxue, who had been practicing for the longest time, woke up, Yun Qingyan stepped forward.

"Yeah." Baili Qingxue nodded.

"Then let's go back to college first." The others nodded.

Lei Yu began to organize everyone to exit.

According to the Ice Emperor, this small world is also supported by the ice core stone. Once the ice core stone is taken away, the entire ice and snow world will collapse. Although the strength of most new students is good, they are also very weak in the face of the collapse of space.

Anyway, the gains they have gained in the past half month have been ten times and a hundred times more than those in the first half month. Now when they go back, they don't think they have lost anything.

Lights and shadows floated and dissipated, and the number of people in the secret realm gradually began to decrease. In the end, only a few people were left.

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