However, only she herself knew that under the veil was a terrible scar that was raised like a loach, ugly enough to stop a child from crying at night.

This person was Lin Wanyue who disappeared in the pear garden that day.

Lin Wanyue's gaze was cold, and her smile under the veil was even more grim, "Yun Qingyan, Yun Qingyan... Before I can take action, someone will kill you.

It's really unhappy to be retribution. "

She ordered to the person behind her, "Search! Search for all the female corpses here! They are all exposed to the sun and flogged!"

She wants to meet people!

Die, see the corpse!


When Yun Qingyan and the others returned to the imperial capital, they found that the atmosphere of the imperial capital was completely different from before.

Teams of soldiers in armor patrolled the streets, and the air was still full of solemn breath.

And on the road to the four colleges.

The street was emptied out of a avenue, and the major practitioners were squeezed aside. There was a wide road, but people were not allowed to walk, as if someone had deliberately cleared the place.

"It's the Royal Guard." Xing Lan recognized their identities.

"Is there any important person coming out?" Ji Siwen scratched his head. "Could it be His Majesty the Emperor?"

"The emperor father will take care of everything, he won't come to the academy." Xing Lan shook his head, "Furthermore, the emperor is not a person who likes pomp."

What's the use of more people? Thousands of troops and horses are still not enough for the power of a high-ranking master. If Your Majesty Xingluo really comes to inspect the academy, he should bring fewer and better people.

In addition, the royal family likes to accept those who graduated from the four major colleges. In order to give these future masters a good impression, it will not make such a big show to be annoying.

At this time, the door of the First Academy had been cleared by the guards, and Xing Lan wanted to go in, but was stopped by the opponent.

This really surprised Xing Lan, her eyes widened.

As the third royal princess, she was actually stopped by the Royal Guard at the gate of her college?

"You guys, do you know who I am?"

Xing Lan looked at the door with majesty and blocked his guard.

She was not a good temper, even if she did not bully others, she would not allow the guards under the royal family to bully herself.

Otherwise, what is lost is the majesty of her three princesses in the Starfall Empire.

"I'm sorry, your Royal Highness the third princess." The headed guard looked tangled in pain.

"When the distinguished guests come, please feel wronged for a while."

Xing Luo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the other party to know his identity and still stop her.

What kind of distinguished guest still needs to make her three imperial princesses wronged? Even Xingluo's several big families are just on the same level as their Xingluo royal family.

"Didn't you clear the court? Why are there people in the way?"

Between the stalemate, a strong coercion swept over!

The coercive momentum is majestic, even more powerful than the senior master.

Yun Qingyan's eyes condensed, and Baili Qingxue shot at the same time, blocking the coercion back.

The strong wind whizzed and the sleeves flew!

The other party obviously didn't react. Yun said lightly that they still had the power to resist, and they were shocked to take two steps backwards.

"Ah!" a soft cry.

The headed girl's long skirt in gauze was turned upside down, and it was covered in time to avoid embarrassment.

"Chu Chu, are you okay?" The man's nervous voice sounded, and a man in a royal blue brocade rushed over.

Yun Qingyan looked around and saw a woman and two men in luxurious clothes in front of him.

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