My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1520: Saint of the Square Pavilion

The girl in an orange gauze has a gorgeous face, and her skin is snowy, with a touch of arrogance. Next to her, there is a man with a crown and jade face in a sapphire brocade, and a white-skinned woman with a long face. A man who is somewhat similar.

All three of them have a square pattern on the neckline of their clothes without exception.

Seeing the familiar pattern, Yun said lightly his heart contracted, and the hand holding Di Jiuque couldn't help tightening.

Di Jiuque sensitively sensed her strangeness, and gathered his five fingers, gently hugging her.

Those indifferent and cold eyes looked at those people, frowning their long eyebrows.

There are only three lackeys in the Sifang City, how can the little guy react so much?

"Do you know who you are attacking?!" After comforting the orange girl, the young man in Jinpao walked over aggressively.

When he saw Yun Qingyan's beautiful face, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, a phoenix could emerge from the chicken coop.

In an instant, his fierce aura resolved a lot, and something flashed in his lightly gaze towards Yun.

The naked gaze made Di Jiuque very dissatisfied, and the cold and sharp gaze shot at him like a wolf.

"Xu Li'an." At this moment, another man came over with the orange girl.

Xu Li'an was trembling at the center of Di Jiuque's deep and dangerous gaze, and was pulled back to his thoughts by the voice.

"Chu Chu, I will help you teach these people from the lower realms!"

A faint disgust flashed in Qiu Chuchu's pretty eyes, but a sweet smile appeared on his face, "Brother Li'an, no, they shouldn't mean it."

When speaking, his gaze turned away from Yun and spoke casually.

Lessons must be learned, but they shouldn't be in full view.

When his eyes touched Yun Qingyan, a trace of jealousy flashed under his eyes. This **** from the lower realm turned out to be even more beautiful than her.

There is also the close man next to her. Although she wears a mask, she can still feel the beauty under that mask.

She hadn't felt the aura of this man even in the pavilion master.

"Is it you?" The voice of the older brother Qiu Chong pulled back Qiu Chuchu's thoughts.

"Brother, do you know them?" Qiu Chuchu asked in disbelief.

It's also the first time for my brother to come to the Lower Realm, how could he know them?

"Do you remember the group of people and beasts that we almost ran into when we first came down from above?" Qiu Chong said.

At that time, the speed of both sides was very fast, only he noticed the girl in white.

The expression on Qiu Chuchu's face changed slightly.

At that time, the power that the opponent wielded when blocking their attack was the power of the gods. This showed that the opponent was very likely to be from above, just like them.

"I am Qiu Chuchu, the sage of the Sifang Pavilion in the Southern Sea under the Holy Yuan." Qiu Chuchu put away his casual expression, and said to Yun and the others to tentatively, "Dare to ask who are your friends?"

Guessing that Yun said lightly that they might have come from above just like himself, even Xu Li'an, who was just now arrogant, was at ease.

Saint of the Square Pavilion?

Yun Qingyan looked at the girl's somewhat tender face and relatively low cultivation base, and the corners of her mouth evoked an arc of irony.

By the way, this should be the new saint.

The former saint of Sifang Pavilion was seriously injured by her self-destructive force in the process of hunting her down, right? I don't know if that person is still alive.

Looking at the smile on Yun Qingyan's face, Qiu Chuchu suddenly felt a little cold in his heart.

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