"We are the students of the first college." Yun lightly pointed to the college behind him and replied.

When Qiu Chuchu and others heard that Yun said that they were students of the First Academy, the serious expression on their faces disappeared.

"Are you from the Tianyuan Continent?"

"Yes, we are natives." Ji Siwen said, looking at Qiu Chuchu, "I just heard you talk about the Sifang Pavilion in the South Sea Realm, where is this power?

How did I not hear it being said? "

Looking at them, they are quite proud.

Qiu Chuchu's eyes showed deep contempt.

When Xu Lian saw that they were not the ones above, his arrogance began to arrogant again, "Cut!

Of course, you ignorant people from the lower realms don't know our Sifang Pavilion. "

The hatred is full, and the tone is full of superiority.

"Brother Li'an." But Qiu Chuchu hid the contempt and contempt in her eyes very well. She frowned, "Don't say that!"

"Well, Chu Chu, I know you have the kindest heart." The arrogant Xu Li'an was as good as a quail in front of Qiu Chuchu.

Yun Qingyan's eyes lightly mocked.

This Sifang Pavilion Saintess, although not as high as her predecessor, has learned a hundred percent of her predecessor's style.

While disdainful of contempt, while pretending to be a good person.

In the previous life, it was because of such credulity that she revealed the Profound Ring news that she caused herself to kill herself.

Fortunately, most of those guys went to hell.

With a friendly and sweet smile on his face, Qiu Chuchu walked forward without any pretensions. It seemed that there was a shelf of every **** level, which made people feel good.

People who don't know may really think that this is a kind-hearted goddess who does not eat the fireworks.

However, after staying with Yun Qingyan for a long time, everyone gradually had a tacit understanding. After feeling Yun Qingyan's faint rejection and disgust, they ignored her.

Qiu Chuchu was not embarrassed, stretched out his hand to lift a strand of forehead from the temple, and smiled.

"I'm sorry just now, my friend is more impulsive, he is not malicious."

Release coercion at them as soon as they meet. What does it mean to be malicious?

Ji Siwen and others looked inexplicable.

If it were replaced by an ordinary sect-level student, under the pressure of the god-level, the Qiqiao would have been bleeding unconsciously.

Seeing that Yun Qingyan and others did not express their apology, Qiu Chuchu was disdainful.

Only a group of people from the lower realms, can get her apology, it is the blessing they have cultivated for eight lifetimes, they dare to show her face?

However, she still has a smile on her beautiful white face.

"You don’t know if you grew up on the Tianyuan Continent. Above Tianyuan, there are four realms, namely Nanming, Dongming, Ximing and Beiming. Each realm is ten times as large as the Tianyuan Continent, and its aura is stronger , The plane suppression is smaller, and there are many practitioners.

And above the Sifang Realm, there is a more advanced continent called Shengyuan. The territory is vast and boundless. The Sifang Realm adds up to only one-thousandth of the area of ​​the square.

Countless strong people in the world separatize the Saint Yuan, and there are many capable people.

And our Sifang Pavilion is one of the most powerful forces in Shengyuan Continent-Sifang City, the spokesperson in the lower realm.

The Sifang Pavilion enshrines the Sifang City and is sheltered by the Sifang City. It is a direct force under it. When the adults of the Sifang City are not present, we represent the Sifang City. "

Qiu Chuchu's tone still carried a sense of pride and superiority that could not be concealed.

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