Crimson fireworks burned the chain red, and the light flickered, fighting against Naha's fierce red flames.

Yun said lightly before he had time to react at all, he suddenly saw a dark figure falling down beside him.

"Master!" The Lightning Treasure Hunter exclaimed, and his body quickly flashed over.

Yun Qingyan retreated from the Profound Ring and turned his head to look.

Di Jiuque did not know when he became a five or six year old child again.

He closed his eyes tightly, his face was pale, and he was hugged by the lightning treasure hunter.

That little one looked pale and weak now.

The Lightning Treasure Hunter was holding Di Jiu Que in his hands, his body was tight, and the face of a fifteen or six-year-old baby was extremely helpless, like a hot potato hugged in his hand, it was not thrown, it was not lost, uncomfortable Extremely.

Although Di Jiuque was in a coma, his coercion was so deep that he remained in the heart of the Lightning Treasure Hunter, making him extremely frightened.

"Master, what do you do now?" Lightning Treasure Hunter asked.

Isn't Emperor Jiuque better? How could it suddenly reverse growth again?

Yun said lightly that his heart tightened. Could it be that Huang Yan's second seal was about to be unwound?

Suddenly she noticed with sharp eyes that silver lines appeared on Di Jiuque's neck.

Yun Qingyan took a step forward and opened Di Jiuque's clothes with his hand.

Is the owner so hungry that he doesn't choose food?

The Lightning Treasure Hunter looked surprised. Just as he wanted to remind Yun Qingyan that it was not the time, he saw the dense silver lines under the clothes that Yun Qingyan had opened.

The Lightning Treasure Hunter silently closed its mouth. It turned out that it was thinking too much...

"Master, what is this?" The lightning treasure hunter looked curiously at the silver lines on Di Jiuque's body.

The silver lines are like strips of invisible fetters, embedded in the flesh, entwined circle after circle, which is shocking to see.

"Maybe it's a seal?" Yun said hesitantly, his eyes falling on a dim pattern of light and shadow.

It is looming, the overall color is becoming lighter, but it disappears immediately unwillingly.

"Huh." Yun let out a soft breath, and finally let go of his heart.

"He's fine."

It should be to resist the seal and fell into a dormant state temporarily.

Yun lightly thought about it in his mind, and when Huang Yan unlocked the second seal, he didn't see anything too unusual about Emperor Jiuque.

Is it because, as the seal is lifted, the connection between the two deepens, so this connection occurs?

"Master..." Yun said softly and thoughtfully, the weak voice of the lightning treasure hunt rat rang.

"What's the matter?" Yun Qingyan raised his head to look at the Lightning Treasure Hunter.

Knowing that Di Jiuque was not in an accident, but just after the seal was released, Yun Qingyan's mood relaxed a lot.

"Can you hold this adult for you?" Lightning Treasure Hunter said weakly.

He felt that when he was holding Di Jiu Que, his soul was suffering every second. The strong pressure exuded from the opponent's body made his hands tremble, but he did not dare to throw Di Jiu Que on the ground. .

"I'm so courageous." Yun gave it a silent glance, and reached out to take Di Jiuque.

Di Jiu Que is not heavy. For the infinitely powerful beast, holding him is like holding a feather. She saw at a glance that the Lightning Treasure Hunter did not hold it, but did not dare to hold it.

The lightning treasure hunter bowed his head and tremblingly listened to his master's teaching.

It is as timid as a mouse!

And don't talk about it. If you replace it with a few other monsters of the owner, it doesn't mean that anyone dares to hug this adult, or an adult with a cub appearance.

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