My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1582: Blue Dragon Ghost Corpse

If the adult wakes up and knows that they are holding him as a cub, which is damaging his majesty, will they still be delicious?

Yun Qingyan looked at Emperor Jiuque in his arms, and also had a headache.

She didn't know when Di Jiuque would wake up, but she heard that Di Jiuque said that he still had many enemies.

If the enemy of Emperor Jiuque were found, with her current cultivation base, she would still not be able to deal with people of that level.

However, she didn't know the contact information of his subordinates, so she couldn't let Yaoya come over and settle him.

It would be great if Xuan Jie could bring other living people.

"Roar!" A low roar came from the bottom of the chamber, and a strong and deep coercion pressed down like a mountain head, and the entire fortress trembled.

"Withdraw first!" Yun Qingyan's face tightened, and he ran out with Di Jiuque!

The coercion of the things inside cannot be dealt with by her now!


But it was too late. With a roar of anger, the black barrier condensed and blocked Yun Qingyan's retreat.

Yun Qingyan feels that the connection with the outside world has disappeared!

Here, it has become an independent alien space! If she can't defeat the thing that seals the space, she will stay here forever.

The ground rumbling, it seemed that something huge was about to break out of the ground.

"Is it a corpse king?" Yun said lightly and couldn't believe that a corpse king was so powerful?

If Mrs. Luo Yu could control such a powerful corpse king, how could she run away in embarrassment? !

"Huh!" A stinking black mist hit, accompanied by a rotten breath.

Yun Qingyan shot out with Chi Huanghuo with Xing Yuan Li in his hand.

Chi Huanghuo is exactly the nemesis of this evil thing.

"Zi!" The flame hit the incoming person, making a terrifying sizzle, and black air filled.

"Oh oh oh."

After a scream, the black figure the size of a human became nothingness.

"Master! It's not the king of corpses! The king of corpses is the one you killed just now!" The lightning treasure hunter said, crying without tears, his body has been lifted from the human form under the terrifying pressure, and turned into a trembling golden retriever. The mouse shivered.

The corpse king just now was not attacking them, but escaping!

"It's Warcraft!

What came out of it was a monster with a very powerful bloodline! Absolutely suppress us! "The Lightning Treasure Hunter's voice trembled. If it hadn't been supported by Yun's light-spoken power, it might not even have the strength to speak, and it would be crawling all over.

The earth trembled violently, and a cobweb-like crack appeared on the ground. The crack gradually broke open and the earth bulged!

"Roar!" With an ancient and desolate roar, a huge behemoth rushed out of the ground, floating high in the air.

A pair of long eyes glowing with blood, staring at the incoming person coldly and mercilessly, with supreme majesty.

Yun Qingyan also saw its appearance clearly at this time.

A huge and incomparably winding blue dragon, the cyan skin of the whole body has turned black, the scales on its body have fallen off, and large pieces of flesh and blood are exposed in some places, which is very tragic.

The magnificent dragon horns on his head were half rotten, with a hideous face. The holy blue dragon, which was originally one of the sacred beasts of the Quartet, was full of ominous aura at this time.

The black air surging on it was full of dark resentment, and a thick death air spread, like a poisonous smoke, which contained Yun Qingyan's throat.

"Lightning, you go back first." Yun said lightly and took the Lightning Treasure Hunter back into the monster space, and looked at the Qinglong in front of him with solemn eyes.

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