My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1591: The emperor killed you himself [seeking a monthly pass]

"Okay." Jiang Wushu nodded, and tried Baili Qingxue again.

Jiao. Mei's eyes are rippling, and an inexplicable body fragrance covers Baili Qingxue.

The flame in Dan's belly seemed to burn more vigorously.

Burning hot.

The big beads of sweat rolled off, Baili Qingxue's teeth clenched, his eyes blinked, and the drops of water dripped down his eyelashes.

"If you are really contaminated by this demonized woman, even if you are the emperor half-souled and turned around, the emperor will kill you personally!" The cold voice of the ice emperor resounded in Baili Qingxue's mind, like a scratch There was a snow storm.

His soul body watched silently as an outsider, and there was no expression on his handsome ice face.

If he doesn't make a move, is it not a test of Baili Qingxue?

If he really loses his life under this inferior method, then he is not qualified to merge with him and become the emperor of the snow!

"You don't need to be reminded." Baili Qingxue's voice was dull and dim, but extremely cold.

His mental power slammed into the dantian wrapped in black mist again and again, adjusting his power.

Jiang Wushu's hand fell on Baili Qingxue's shirt again.

This time, it was not thrown out.

Baili Qingxue is like a silent sculpture, with her dim pupils drooping and dizzy, seeming not to notice the outside world.

Jiang Wushu's heart was slightly let go.

As long as she absorbs the strength of this man, she will be able to cross another level.

The man with the highest strength and talent is more beneficial to her. Especially those men whose Yuanyang has not yet dispersed!

Baili Qingxue is not only the Yuanyang not scattered, but also the talent and superb strength is very pure, without impurities, for her is simply a perfect complement.

What's more, that face is even more beautiful and exquisite like an ice crystal sculpture, and the ascetic and indifferent breath on his body is even more tempting.

She took off her coat with her hands, Jiang Wushu's breathing was a little short, and a little sweat leaked out of her palms.

When facing Lin Zixiao before, she had never been so nervous, because Lin Zixiao always pleased her, and there is no difficulty in doing it.

But Baili Qingxue was different, she still remembered his indifference and contempt for her before.

At the thought of waiting, this clean and snowy man would be entangled with her [river crab], Jiang Wushu was nervous and excited, and his heart was about to jump into his throat.


As the belt fell, Bai Li Qingxue's original meticulous clothes became messy and loose.

There is also a layer of snow-white single clothes inside, and you can faintly see white skin and **** collarbones from among the meticulous clothes.

The ascetic and indifferent face glowed with a faint red color, which was more attractive, with long and thick eyelashes, and the thin lips that he pressed very beautifully.

The meticulousness of the single clothes, the indifferent and resisting face, the disorganization of the outer clothes forms a sharp contrast, which strongly stimulates the eyeballs.

Jiang Wushu swallowed, and said in his heart.

Baili Qingxue really deserves to be famous for being cold, even the clothes are so meticulous.

It took a lot of effort to make her want to untie it.

When Jiang Wushu's hand was about to poke inward along the gap in his single clothes----


The extreme cold air came out of Baili Qingxue's body, and the torn wind engulfed the ice crystals and roared to all sides!

"Ah!" Jiang Wushu was hit by the snow waves, like a rag flying backwards, screaming again and again.

Baili Qingxue has stood up, snowflakes lingering around him, dancing playfully in his flying hair.

The wind and snow flew around him and roared, like an emperor sitting on the throne, looking down coldly and daring to blaspheme his subordinates!

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