My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1592: Jiang Wuya intervenes

"Fireball!" Jiang Wushu repeated the old trick.

"Snow Blade Storm" Baili Qingxue's eyes flashed a stern look, and the surging star power surged violently!

"Princess, go back!" Batula tried to back away while holding Jiang Wushu.

Jiang Wushu didn't move, his eyes flashed crazily.

She has fire beads, and the ten-square formation of Netherfire, both of whom are the nemesis of the ice system star element.

What if Baili Qingxue is a god? !

"Ah!" The ice and snow that turned into countless small blades separated the delicate skin, and Jiang Wushu fell back.

With Batu the size of a hill.

Blood gushing.

The fire bead protected them from being frozen directly into ice sculptures, but their condition was not much better.

If this continues, even if it only bleeds, they can kill them!

What an idiot! Serastu scolded fiercely in his heart.

He didn't worry about the life and death of Jiang Wushu.

He just felt that Jiang Wushu was dead, and it was a bit troublesome to find a new sojourner, and the next host might not be as easy to control as Jiang Wushu.

Serastu was hesitating whether to help Jiang Wushu take a shot or Mingzhe to protect himself and run now.

The man in front of him is a little weird with strong strength, and he may not be an opponent without physicality. Especially, just now, the opponent has not only said how to break through the **** of [river crab] he left in his body, he has now lost the backing that threatened him.

Just as Serastu hesitated and struggled.


The cold, lazy, faint babble came from afar, and countless gorgeous shining purple butterflies gush out from the sky.

A faint fragrance emerged in all directions of the space, and the entire space seemed to be shrouded in darkness, leaving only purple butterflies flying.

Batu, who was covered in blood, backed back holding Jiang Wushu, kneeling respectfully on one knee, and his face was dripping blood, very embarrassed, very respectful, "Your Highness."

A lazy and evil young man in a purple and black robe appeared in front of Batu, with long hair flowing down like a waterfall, the corners of his red mouth faintly curled up, and his magnificent shiny eyes looked towards Bai with a smile. Li Qingxue.

"Jiang Wuya?" Bai Li Qingxue coldly looked at the person who appeared in front of her, and her icy blue indifferent eyes were unabashedly disgusted and indifferent.

The handsome face was as sculpted as ice and snow, and there was only a piece of icy cold that could hurt people. The thin lips pressed in a straight line were pale, and countless icy edges were all around him, ready to go.

Jiang Wuya smiled leisurely, "I didn't expect you to be able to withstand the damage of the fire bead under the influence of the devilish energy, but the main hall is small for you."

"Ice and Snow Cage!" Baili's way of greeting is more direct than Jiang Wuya.

The icy blue eyes were cold, and the cage of several icicles quickly gathered on the side of Jiang Wuya.

Batu, who was holding Jiang Wushu, was very nervous, "Your Highness, be careful!"

Jiang Wuya's figure fluttered out like a purple smoke, his face hidden by half of his mask with a leisurely smile, carelessly.

It is indeed the soul of the reincarnation of the ice emperor in the snowy area. It is really ruthless to start~

The main hall is here to give you gifts. "

"Absolutely frozen!" Baili Qingxue's eyes became cold, and the blue light burst in her eyes, and the extreme cold converged into overwhelming ice and swallowed them at Jiang Wuya!

"Anger." Suddenly a black scepter appeared in Jiang Wuya's hand. The top of the scepter was in the shape of a flame carved with black gems. There seemed to be a human-like beast-like head hidden in the flame, his mouth wide open and roared— —

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