My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1602: Dreams will wake up after all

"Fart!" The white priest blew his beard and stared.

He dared not argue with His Royal Highness Saint Son, is he still afraid of this little baby?

"You think we are blind! Can't even tell the beast and the monster?! You don't have to quibble!"

"It's not that you are blind." Yun Qingyan shook his index finger and said with a bright smile, "You are blind."

"You!" The white clothes priest was so angry that his nose was crooked.

"Cang Ming, let him see and see the power and prestige of Tian Rui Beast in Sifang Zhen." Yun said lightly.

As Yun Qingyan's voice fell, the cyan light appeared on the ghost dragon, and a majestic and huge blue dragon phantom flew out of the ghost dragon, the huge body almost entangled half of the sky, and the dragon's eyes were piercing and energetic.

The heavy dragons overflowed, majestic and majestic——

"Which ant dare to question my identity?!"

The mighty and huge blue dragon brings a huge sense of oppression, although it is a translucent figure, but the terrifying coercion is enough to make people breathless.

In particular, the bright and upright dignified dragon power on it is extremely pure.

The priest in white who was still questioning aggressively just now looked like a duck with his throat pinched, and could no longer be called out.

Who knows, there is such a majestic and sacred blue dragon in that ghost dragon that seems to be overflowing with evil spirits?

Seeing that the Baiyi priest was speechless, Yun lightly waved Cang Ming back, she just didn't want Gong Moxi and the others to do it hard.

"Huh. If anyone dares to question my identity, I won't be polite." Cang Ming, who has been suffocated in the Qingxuan cauldron all the year round, couldn't figure it out once, and hummed proudly, earning enough sense of existence. Melt into the body of the ghost dragon.

Baili Qingxue immediately greeted him, "Quite lightly, are you okay?"

He can't help but frown when he sees the blood above Yun Qingyan.

"It's okay." Yun gently shook his head.

Due to the dual effects of Kuhai Qinglian and the pill, her injuries have almost recovered.

Yun lightly looked at Baili Qingxue, and joked, "Ask me if I have anything to do and don't look at yourself.

What's wrong with your clothes? "

Usually Baili Qingxue's clothes are meticulously worn, and nothing that should be exposed or should be exposed, a lively ascetic male god.

Today, the clothes on his body are very messy, even the belt is loose, it is not like Baili style.

Could it be that the abstinence male **** is here?

Baili Qingxue followed Yun Qingyan's gaze and looked at herself, a blush climbed on her handsome and white face, and she quickly sorted her clothes.

Waking up from the dream, he was thinking of Yun Qingyan with all his heart, and hurried over without paying attention to his messy clothes.

"Cough cough." Yun Qingyan made a fist with his right hand and placed it at the corner of his mouth, and asked teasingly, "It seems that your afternoon experience is quite rich."

Baili Qingxue, who had arranged his clothes, did not refute, her clear pupils gently stared at Yun Qingyan, "Something happened.

Had a sweet dream that I didn't want to wake up. "

Yun Qingyan was a little curious about what Baili Qingxue dreamed about. People with his personality are not like people who are addicted to dreams.

"Dream, you will wake up after all." An elegant voice came in.

Gong Moxi is dressed in an exquisite silver-patterned white dress, very elegant and natural-looking.

"Yes, dreams will wake up after all..." Baili Qingxue echoed with a melodious voice.

He didn't see any lonely color on his face, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and his eyes blue as deep as the Arctic Ocean looked at Gong Moxi, "However, there is no regret for being able to have such a beautiful dream once."

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