"Sister Yun, you are okay, great." Xing Lan and others who searched for Yun Qingyan on the other side also heard the sound. Xing Lan patted his chest with lingering fear, "After you enter, the passage to the basement is just Disappeared, the earth is still shaking, and we have always worried that something will happen to you."

"Don't worry, I'm okay." Yun said with a light smile, still lingering in his heart.

The ghost dragon has a strong physique, and his body is unmatched. At the last moment, thanks to Cang Ming's subduing the ghost dragon body.

Who could imagine that this blue dragon corpse that was refined into a ghost dragon was Cang Ming's corpse?

Although Cang Ming said disgust, his soul was honestly living in the ghost corpse, and gained control of the ghost dragon's body. Now Cang Ming can be regarded as a great power.

"His Royal Highness, our people have found the source of the devil qi.

Just in the basement of the fortress. "A clergyman in white clothes stepped forward to report, "It's just that you can't find any other useful clues except for the remaining demonic energy and traces of battle." "

"I see." Gong Moxi nodded, not caring, and waved for someone to leave.

"His Royal Highness, this monster invasion is of great importance. I would mind that everyone involved will be arrested and questioned one by one."

The white-clothed priest stepped forward unwillingly to show weakness, his gaze mostly fell on Yun Qingyan, "Especially those who have entered the secret room must be interrogated strictly. There is also the ghost dragon, even if the soul inside is a beast. Qinglong can't change the fact that it is a demonized dragon corpse.

This dangerous monster should be kept by the palace. "

He talked endlessly without breathing, and after talking to Gong Moxi, he looked at Yun arrogantly and said lightly, "Did you find other monsters in the secret room? What have you confiscated?"

Yun Qingyan was very dissatisfied with his arrogant attitude of despising people.

Even the pretty face became cold a bit, "What does it have to do with you?"

"Of course it has something to do with me." The white sacrificial priest said proudly, "I am the high priest of the palace in the Starfall Empire.

I am in charge of everything related to monsters. "

"Retreat." Gong Moxi's voice was already a little cold.

There are also many factions in the palace, and this white-clothed priest is a person from his opposing faction. It is not so much to assist him, as to monitor him, and to trouble him all the time.

Although he didn't care about those people jumping, but the ants jumping too happy and boring.

"His Royal Highness, although you are the holy son of the palace, you are a noble body above the 10,000 people under one person, but you can't act personally just because she is your friend.

According to the palace's regulations, all races must cooperate with the palace's investigation after discovering a monster.

If he refuses, he is betraying the human race with the demons, and he should be punished by the torch. "

The priest in white clasped his fists, his look seemed respectful, but the respect was not in his eyes.

"According to the remaining demonic energy here, the demons that appeared are at least the nobles among the higher demons.

How could she, an ordinary cultivator, escape from the hands of the advanced demons so easily? Also subdued the ghost dragon?

According to my guess, she is very likely a human being disguised by the higher demons! Also deceived you! "

Yun Qingyan was secretly speechless.

Although this **** old man just wanted to suppress Gong Moxi in her name, he really guessed something right.

Gong Moxi's Liuli eyes narrowed, her gentle and graceful aura disappeared, replaced by superior majesty.

The eyes looked sharply at the white clothes sacrifice.

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