My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1605: Handsome in three seconds

The priest in white clothes swallowed hard, and suddenly realized that the breath of the Saint Child seemed to be different from usual, and under the gentle and graceful, it brought a bit of pressure.

"You said you want to take the ghost dragon body back?" Yun asked the Baiyi sacrifice with a smile.

Seeing Yun lightly talked to himself, the white priest thought she was softened, and his fear of Gong Moxi was forgotten. He raised his head and said, "Of course! All monsters should be purified by the palace.

As a member of Tianyuan Continent, you have an obligation to assist us in our work! "

Yun Qingyan summoned the recovered Azure Dragon Cangming back.

"Little human girl, what do you call this seat? This seat is going to bed!" Cang Ming yawned lazily, and the dragon's whiskers trembled.

"It's not that I want to call you out, but someone wants to find you." Yun said lightly.

Cang Ming glanced around, "Who? Who is looking for this seat?"

Yun lightly pointed his hand to the white clothes in front of the sacrifice, "Hey! People are there!

This noble and sacred priest wants to take your body back to study and study purification.

After all, this body belongs to you. I can't agree to him, or else, can you discuss it with him? "

Yun said that the excitement is not too big a problem.

Cangming's pair of majestic dragoneyes suddenly held their majesty and shot at the white clothes for sacrifice.

The huge head approached him, and the white clothes were sacrificed in front of its dragon head, not as big as its eye.

People are always afraid of big things.

Such a huge behemoth approached him, especially the dragon head in front of him. It was completely dark, and the dragon's horns were half collapsed, making it even more brutal and fierce.

Sweat began to drip from the palms of the white sacrificial offerings.

He couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Yun said with a smile, "Sacrifice your lord, what are you doing backing? Cang Ming doesn't eat people.

Don't you want to take it back to the palace?

I have called Cang Ming out, enough to cooperate with you, right?

As for whether it can be brought to the palace, you have to ask if it can answer. "

The corner of Gong Moxi's mouth provoked an arc, Di Ming and Baili Qingxue both silently squeezed a sweat for the priest in white.

Yun said lightly, he was never the one who suffered.

This white-clothed sacrifice is going to be unlucky.

"It's you, want my body?" Cang Ming's voice was strong, shaking the priest's eardrums tingling.

The palace warriors and the white-clothed sacrificial rites are all here. This area has been surrounded by their palace people. It is their home court. Does he need to be afraid?

The priest in white cheered himself up, his face was still embarrassed that he had retreated before.

He stepped forward and straightened his back and said, "That is a ghost corpse contaminated with a devilish energy. It will be handled by our palace. All objects related to monsters belong to our palace."

"Yours?" Cang Ming's eyes widened, "You fart! This is my body!"

It had never expected that its body would be used to refine it into a ghost after 10,000 years of death.

However, because the ghost corpse is different from the ordinary corpse, its soul can reattach to it to control the body.

Although the magical energy on it makes it very disgusting and uncomfortable, but this is its body!

"You--" The priest in white was flushed with the sound of your fart, "As one of the four sacred beasts, how can you speak so vulgarly!"

There is no majesty and sacredness as a holy beast.

Cang Ming showed his true shape, "Uncle, do you care if I speak vulgarly?"

Yun Qingyan held his forehead silently, with a black line on his head. As expected, this dragon was handsome in only three seconds, and he immediately exposed his nature.

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