My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1750: Emperor Jiuque leaves

"But I just finished refining the pill, and my mental power hasn't fully recovered. I'm afraid I will have to wait for a while to start."

After eating the spirit meal, the star strength she had consumed had been restored seven or eight eight, but her mental strength was not so easy to recover.

"This is no problem. Miss Yun can rest in the city lord's mansion first."

Huo Lingtian waved his hand and said, "Come here, give Miss Yun and Zun a room for rest, and bring the spirit fruit!"

Even though the invitation was made lightly by Yun, Huo Lingtian did not dare to ignore the Emperor Jiuque.

Yun Qingyan was walking towards the resting compartment under the guidance of the attendants of the City Lord's Mansion, and the emperor Jiuque on the side paused.

A little bit of cold light appeared in the slightly rounded phoenix eyes, like a cold blade out of its sheath, which was extremely cold.

Everyone's footsteps stopped at once.

"Simply, I need to go back." Di Jiuque frowned.

In fact, he had expected this result as early as when he started to teach Bai Su and the Palace Master of the Red Sun Palace.

There is no impermeable wall in the world. Once he takes a shot, the people on it will definitely get news.

The news that he was growing in his infancy will definitely encourage his ambition not to kill.

Okay, some guys, it's time to clean up.

The deep phoenix eyes shot out the icy cold light that was as sharp as a falcon, and the aura of the world burst out from a small body, not at all like a five or six-year-old child.

Huo Lingtian's heart stopped for a moment.

"Okay." Yun said lightly that there would be such a result.

Di Jiuque glanced at her deeply, "The deity is gone."

There was a wave of waves in the air, and Emperor Jiuque opened the space for news.

Space is split!

Huo Lingtian took a breath of air, and even though he guessed that Di Jiuque was extraordinary in strength, he didn't expect to be extraordinary to this point.

"City Lord Huo, shall we go?" Yun said lightly to the stupid Huo Lingtian.

"Good, good. Miss Yun, please."

Huo Lingtian recovered from the shock, and looked at Yun Qingyan with a little more solemnity.

After resting, Yun Qingyan sent a message to his grandfather and the others, so that they don't worry about themselves, and then began to refine the White Lotus Pill of Good Fortune in the City Lord's Mansion.

With the first experience, it was much easier to refine Yun's words this time, and the consumption of star power and divine power was small.

The jade-colored pill with the white lotus pattern vaguely got up from the pill furnace, and Yun said that he was exhausted by the jade bottle, and handed it to Huo Lingtian, who walked quickly and looked excited.

"City Lord Huo, live up to his trust."

"Thank you Miss Yun!" Huo Ling Tianzhen took the jade bottle with great importance, with excitement and undisguised gratitude on his face.

"Since the pill has been successfully refined, I will go back first." Yun said lightly to Huo Lingtian.

She is going back to Yun's house with her grandpa.

"Girl Yun, wait a minute." Huo Lingtian suddenly stopped Yun and said lightly.

Yun lightly looked at him suspiciously, "City Lord Huo, is there anything else?"

Huo Lingtian's face appeared embarrassed, "Miss Yun, can you please come with me to see Dog.

I don't know if a white lotus pill of good fortune is still useful. If it doesn't take effect, you may have to trouble Miss Yun again. "

After speaking, he hurriedly added, "Of course! Remuneration is essential."

Yun lightly smiled, "You don't have to pay. City Master Huo lead the way."

Yun Qingyan followed Huo Lingtian and the old steward, the dark guard, in the city lord's mansion, before reaching a well-protected inner courtyard in the city lord's mansion.

Not only are there many expert protections on the periphery, but there are also many dangerous formations inside. The protection is tight, and one step will be wrong.

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