My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1751: Xuanming Thunder Body

The severity of the protection here makes Yun Qingyan secretly speechless. It seems that City Lord Huo really cares about his son.

"The dog has a special status, so I have to." Huo Lingtian noticed Yun's lightly gaze and smiled bitterly at her.

If it hadn't been for Yichen's extraordinary talent before falling asleep that had attracted a lot of murderous intent, he wouldn't have to take him to the Dongming Realm for refuge.

Yun nodded softly to express understanding.

The barrier was opened, and soon, an icy cold air mixed with a trace of extremely violent power came oncoming.

The cold air comes from Wannian Xuanbing.

And yet another violent force was waved away by Huo Lingtian with one hand before it approached. Yun said lightly before he could sense what it was, he could only vaguely feel the ruining mania and oppression in it.

"Since the dog fell asleep, his power has become more and more uncontrollable." Huo Lingtian smiled apologetically to Yun, "I am afraid that in a few years, even I will be unable to suppress it."

Yun Qingyan pursed his lips and smiled, "Blue is better than blue because of blue, which makes Lang's talent extraordinary."

"His strength has grown so fast, it is a source of blessing and a disaster.

His mother died early, leaving only his blood.

I only hope that he can live his life safely. "Huo Lingtian shook his head, pointing a finger at the person who was frozen on the ice bed in front, "There is a dog over there." "

Yun Qingyan raised his eyes and looked up.

On the crystal ice bed made by Wannian Xuanbing, a handsome and resolute young man in armor was lying.

His long buttocks-length hair was thrown away, but it didn't hurt his handsomeness at all. The starry eyes were sharp and the sword eyebrows flew into the temple, even if he was asleep, there was a thunderous aura exuding.

A faint purple lightning surrounded him, making crackling noises from time to time, but most of them were shocked by the chill of Wannian Xuanbing.

"Xuanming Thunder Body?!"

Yun Qingyan said in surprise.

Huo Lingtian's gaze also turned towards her, with a little surprise in her eyes, "Miss Yun also knows about Xuanming Thunder Body?"

This is the top physique in their family, and even the tribe doesn't know much.

Yun nodded softly, "I know something."

It was an ancient book she saw in the ancient site where she obtained the Xuan Ring.

Although it didn't introduce any exercises that can make people climb into the sky in one step, it introduces various rare and magical bloodlines and physiques on the mainland.

At that time, she just rolled her eyes randomly, and after seeing that it had no value to her, she let it go. The Xuanming Thunder Body was one of the few physiques she had read.

Xuan Ming thunder body, one of the top thunder tyrants, is very tough and domineering, and unmatched in power. Once this physique cultivates to the later stage, it is a well-deserved top master.

However, the loss rate of this constitution is also very high, and there are not many cultivators who can survive a hundred years.

Because, as the cultivation base increases, the lightning power in the body will become stronger and stronger, and it will counteract the host, and eventually the host will be wiped out because of the inability to withstand that powerful force.

To solve this problem, one is to find magical medicine to improve physical fitness and talent, and the other is to carry it over! Rely on my perseverance and luck to carry it.

It's just that the latter has a failure rate of 99%, and few people can do it.

"With such a rare and rare blood physique, even my people don't know much about it. I didn't expect Miss Yun to know it.

Worthy of being a great alchemist, he is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. "

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