My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 1752: Owed 2.58 million

Huo Lingtian said admiringly, and then waved his hand, a star power covered Yun's surroundings, "I want to try to wake Chen'er, Miss Yun, be careful not to be injured by his rioting power."

After finishing speaking, the lavender star power in Huo Lingtian's two hands surged, and the purple light entangled, fiercely blasting towards the ice ridge covering Huo Yichen!

"Kacha!" Wannian Xuanbing began to shatter, and a manic and mighty aura spread out.

The crackling lightning flew around with a bang!

"Go!" Huo Lingtian sent the Bailian Good Fortune Pill in his hand into Huo Yichen's mouth with star power.

Rejection appeared on the face of the young man who fell into a deep sleep and frowned.

But the son couldn't fight Lao Tzu, and after a while, the white lotus good fortune pill was delivered into his mouth, and the pill melted.

Almost at the moment of entrance, a white light glow covered Huo Yichen's body, and a white lotus phantom that exuded a holy and gentle breath bloomed under him.

The tyrannical lightning on him seemed to be struggling harder, as if he was making a final counterattack.

Huo Lingtian and the old housekeeper were serious, their eyes focused on Huo Yichen.

They knew that it was Huo Yichen himself now that no one could get involved.

Yun Qingyan saw a light purple lightning pattern twinkling between the youth's eyebrows.

She cleared her eyes and narrowed slightly.

It seemed that the opponent's Xuan Ming Thunder Body was not simple.

Even for the same type of physique, there are different levels of fit, and thunder patterns can appear, indicating that the opponent’s fit with the Xuanming thunder body is more than 90%.

"Boom!" A small thunderstorm flashed on Huo Yichen, and the violent wind swept in all directions!

When the accumulated power reached its peak, the white lotus phantom disappeared, and a pair of majestic star eyes suddenly opened!

The star eyes glowing with a faint thunder light, domineering and awe-inspiring, exploded from the young man's body, and in an instant it directly broke through the armor of his body!

The dazzling light rushed into the sky, and the majesty of shock radiated out!

Divine King-Divine Emperor-Divine Emperor-Divine Emperor peak, half a step to punish God!

"Hiss." Yun Qingyan's eyes widened, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

No wonder so many people want special blood and special physique!

This is almost like a cheat device!

Xuan Ming Lei body is like this.

Can't survive life and death, death!

Cross over, soar into the sky!

Huo Lingtian didn't expect his son to be promoted so quickly, and the whole person was stuck in place.

Huo Yichen’s armor had been shattered by the thunderstorm he had just stepped into, revealing his strong upper body. The tight muscles did not shrink from being lethargic for three years. He looked very powerful, like a cheetah with a vigorous posture. .

It may be because the body has been frozen for too long, Huo Yichen is still a bit stiff now.

But that face already showed a sharp edge.

"Father." He frowned and looked at Huo Lingtian on the side, and his sharp gaze swept towards Yun Qingyan who was standing beside Huo Lingtian.

That handsome face sank instantly.

Yun said that his fierce and dissatisfied gaze made his heart angry, his eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze was dangerous.

Is she the savior of this guy anyway?

What's the matter with his eyes? When I woke up, it was this expression that drew two to eighty-five thousand yuan! As if she owed him millions of star yuan jade!

"Who is she?"

Huo Yichen's cold voice was like a hard rock strike, but his eyes fell heavily on Yun Qingyan.

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