The Red Chief Secretary's eyes pierced, and he shot at Gong Moxi, "You have to report this matter to Lord Saint Emperor."

Gong Moxi glanced at him lazily, "Don't worry about it."

"By the way, I almost forgot." Suddenly, Vollinger slapped his head, as if thinking of something, pulled out a young girl from behind the Red Secretary.

The girl had a charming figure, graceful and graceful, with a plain white dress. Because she kept her head down and silent, not many people noticed her.

"Sister Yue, didn't you say that you want to come down and watch the Tianyuan competition? Let me introduce to you, this is Brother Mo from the palace, he proposed the competition."

Vollinger pulled the girl with her head down.

Yun said lightly that several people had just looked over curiously.

It seemed that at the moment the girl raised her head, Yun Qingyan had a familiar feeling flashed across her heart.

But she couldn't catch it.

At this time, the girl also looked at him,

The pitiful Xing Miao turned sullen and secluded in an instant, hiding the most vicious venom, and smashing her bones into ashes.

However, when Yun calmly fixed his eyes, he found that those eyes were just a pair of ordinary moist apricot eyes, and they were completely strange.

But even so, the strange feeling at that moment made Yun Qingyan vigilant.

"Strange...Why do I think this beauty is a bit familiar?" Yu Dafang scratched his head and muttered to himself.

"Do you feel familiar?" Yun asked softly.

Da Pang Yu didn't expect Yun Qingyan to hear his own words to himself, he was stunned for two times, and then nodded heavily, "I don't know any big figures in the Saint Yuan Continent.

But there is always a sense of familiarity, which may be an illusion. "

The people who have been involved in the relationship between the Dianting Red Clothes Master and the people who are in the lower realm of them are well known.

Yun Qingyan touched his chin with his right hand, and said softly, "Maybe, it's not an illusion..."

Da Pang Yu did not hear clearly, "Sister Yun, what did you just say?"

"Nothing." Yun said lightly.

Qiu Chuchu looked at Fu Ling'er who was happily talking with Gong Moxi, excited.

Sifang Pavilion is nothing in front of the palace, but Sifang City is the same power as the palace, and Fu Ling'er is the most favored daughter of Sifang City City Lord now.

With her backing them up, what are you afraid of?

Her secret eyes flicked across Yun Qingyan and the crowd.

"It's getting late, let's start the teleportation array." The cardinal said.

"Yes." The array wizards in the palace took their orders together, dazzling light rose into the sky, and countless mysterious patterns continued to rotate in the air.

Ji Weiran looked at the teleportation array almost greedily, remembering them in his heart.

It is indeed the palace, such a huge teleportation array, only they can get it.

When the light disappeared, tens of thousands of people came to a huge square.

Abundant auras rushed to everyone, and for a while, Tian Yuan, who had not yet adapted to the concentration of auras here, continued to advance, and the light of the promotion almost formed a light curtain.

This magnificent advanced aura directly stunned the group of people in the upper realm.

In addition, his face is even more ugly.

Originally came to the upper realm to compete because the upper realm had less restraint on them, and the cultivation level would not be suppressed. When the time comes, the boat is overturned in the gutter and planted under the ants, which is not fun.

But unexpectedly, the group of ants hit them in the face when they came.

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