"Cracking." Huo Yichen loosened his bones and made a crackling sound.

"Sure enough, the star power above is very comfortable."

In the lower realm, his cultivation is also suppressed. Although he is still very strong, he is always bound by a layer of restraint. How can he feel better?

Yun lightly glanced at him and glanced around. It may be because there is no bottleneck to enter the advanced stage, but Ji Siwen and the others do not have the urge to advance.

"It is said that the upper realm star strength is high. It is true." Ji Siwen stretched his limbs, "If you want me to stay here for more than ten years, young master, I am already the **** king and **** emperor."

"His Royal Highness Saint Child is coming to the South Sea Realm, and the Sifang Pavilion is greeted far away." In the front, a man with a strong breath came forward.

Behind him, there are also a large number of men and women who are well dressed and luxurious.

"Pavilion Master has worked hard." Gong Moxi nodded.

"Pavilion Master." Qiu Chuchu jumped out.

The Lord of the Four Pavilions looked at her for a while before recognizing her as one of the candidates of the Four Square Pavilion, and immediately frowned, "The distinguished guest is here.

As our candidate for the Saintess of the Square Pavilion, how can we be rash? What should I do if I disturb a distinguished guest? "

Qiu Chuchu was a little aggrieved, and pointed to the Red Secretary and Vollinger and said, "His Royal Highness and Red Secretary are also here."

The pavilion master was taken aback first, His Royal Highness? What Spirit?

But when he saw the token on Vollinger's waist, he was suddenly panicked.

"My old eyes are dim, I haven't seen His Royal Highness and the Red Chief, please forgive me."

How far away His Royal Highness is usually for them. He also didn't expect her to come over, and he didn't see their identity for a while.

"It's okay. The pavilion master has worked hard." Fu Linger smiled.

Several people communicated very happily.

At this moment, Yun Qingyan stared at the Pavilion Master Sifang closely, with a ray of cold light passing under his eyes.

In her previous life, when she blew herself up in the Southern Sea Realm, the most ruthless one was the Sifang Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, in this life, under such circumstances, she stepped into the South Sea Realm again.

Huo Yichen felt the change in her breath, "Woman, what's the matter with you?" Huo Yichen asked in a low voice.

Yun Qingyan glanced at him lightly, "Would you like to do something with me?"

Mess up?

Huo Yichen was excited, it would definitely be a big deal to be able to be said to cause trouble by this cloud.

"You talk about it first, I will consider it later." He pretended to be reserved.

Yun said lightly this time but did not speak any more.

Huo Yichen stared.

Half-talking is really annoying.

High-level leaders like the Sifang Pavilion will definitely not care about the trivial matters of their contestants. The people who came to receive them were local cultivators hired heavily by the court, who also received a little training.

"Before you, a group of cultivators from the Tianyuan Continent have arrived. The cultivation base is much higher than yours." The one who received Yun said lightly was a young man with a neither cold nor hot attitude.

"Huh?" Ji Swen said in surprise, "Better than us?"

Their cultivation base is considered pretty good in the entire Tianyuan Continent.

"Yeah. I heard it came from the endless sea.

Especially Xuantianzong and Danzong, they have a bad temper. When you meet them, remember to converge. "The young man exhorted.

Xuan Tianzong? Danzong? When Yun Qingyan heard these two words, a ray of coldness slipped across his eyes.

Long-term memories flooded my mind.

When he was still in Bei Anguo, Su Ying, the eldest son of the Su family, was the apprentice of Dan Zong Elder Dan Wuji.

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