My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2127: Black Belly Son (2)

Huo Yichen now deeply feels that this gentle and elegant Saint Child, who is respected by thousands of people, is actually... not a good thing at all!

"His Royal Highness." The anger, seriously injured, nearly caught up with Jiang Wuya and almost missed it.

His right arm was cut off by Emperor Jiuque, and his left shoulder was corroded by Gong Moxi's light arrow, looking extremely miserable.

Jiang Wuya's sly and narrow eyes swept across his shoulder, and a hand was inserted into the angry left shoulder like a sharp blade.

Then, agitated blankly.

"Ah—" His angry face twitched with pain, and his face twitched.

After a while, Jiang Wuya retracted his hand, his white fingertips were stained with blood, and his fingertips were still pinching a small golden spar.

"I haven't noticed it after being followed?" He crushed the spar in his hand, his cold and narrow eyes looked angry, and his thin lips raised slightly.

"Why do you keep this hall?"

Angrily frightened, knelt down on one knee, "Please punish your highness."

Although he is a humanoid mimicking a weapon, his anger is clear. If he does something wrong, this highness is likely to directly wipe out his intelligence.

"Let's go." Jiang Wuya glanced at him with a cold look, stupid idiots also have the value of idiots.


"What's the matter?" Huo Yichen asked incomprehensibly when Gong Moxi stopped suddenly.

"The breath has disappeared." Gong Moxi said lightly, "I was discovered."

With a wave of his hand, the light feather bird disappeared in the air, "Go back."

"His Royal Highness Saint Child!" As soon as he returned, the chief referee in the palace hurried over.

At this time, the chaos of the Tongtian Tower has been suppressed, and many people are cleaning the messy scene.

"Huh?" Gong Moxi looked at him with a smile.

The chief referee was filled with indignation.

"Unexpectedly, Yun Qingyan is really a demon!

We were all deceived by her! That insidious and cunning demons not only disturbed our order and caused such a big loss to the venue, but also killed the young master of the Taming Sect!

She should be broken into pieces! "

He looked at Gong Moxi excitedly, wishing to make up for his success, "This time the elites from the Shengyuan Continent have suffered heavy losses, and the schools and schools will definitely be angry.

I request that I personally take someone to arrest Yun Qingyan and give an explanation to the various schools! "

There was cold sweat on his forehead.

Those elites are all cultivated by the great powers. Although many powers are not as good as the palace, many ants kill the elephants!

In order to quell the anger of the major forces, he, the person in charge, must be the first to be taken out of the pot.

If you can grasp Yun's light words, the anger of those forces will have a direction to shift.

"Fart! What does this matter to my master?!" Ji Weiran heard the referee's slanderous words, and immediately retorted.

The chief referee waited around for a week and found that these guys looked very unkind.

There seemed to be an urge to rush up and beat him violently.


What else do you want to hide? She is from the Shura Demon Race!

I think she just came in under the guise of lurking in order to hunt down our mainland elites. "The chief referee sneered coldly, not in the slightest, "I think you are all partisans of the demons!" All must be arrested for trial! "

Had it not been for these guys to follow His Royal Highness, he would have sent someone to arrest him.

"You!" Huo Yichen's forehead blue veins jumped wildly, and he smiled contemptuously, "Then also see if you have this ability!"

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