The chief referee gave Huo Yichen a cold look. This was the palace's territory, and he was not worried about him doing it.

Gong Moxi stopped Huo Yichen with one hand.

"The chief referee, they are my friends, they are indeed not demons." Gong Moxi said.

The chief referee was slightly suspicious, because just now, it was Gong Moxi who stood up to prove that Yun Qing said that he was not from the demons.

However, the later results proved that Yun lightly said that it is not only the Demon Race, but also the Shura Demon Race with a high status in the Demon Race.

"His Royal Highness, it's not that I suspect you, but..."

Gong Moxi smiled slightly, and did not stop him anymore, "Alright, you can arrest them for review."

Ji Weiran's eyes suddenly widened...

Ah hello! His Royal Highness! Are you not fighting for it? Abandon them so easily?

Seeing that the temple knights were gradually encircling them and wanted to act on them, Huo Yichen frowned, planning to roll up his sleeves and do it.

With his half-step punishing the gods, he is not afraid of these people.

"Don't do it." But when he was about to do it, a gentle voice rang in his mind.

He was startled, turned his head and looked around, making sure that he was the only one who could hear him.

"I know you are a half-step punisher, but for now, it's better to calm down."

The voice continued.

Huo Yichen looked at Gong Moxi, his white jade gentle face with a smile on his face was talking to the chief referee, but he was extremely sure that the sound transmission just now was done by Gong Moxi.

"This invasion of the demons is a big deal. Letting the demons take part in the competition will cause heavy losses, and neither of you nor I can escape.

How many people know that Yun Qingyan is a matter of the demons? "Gong Moxi asked with a smile.

Hearing what Gong Moxi said, the chief referee's eyes lit up. Yes, this matter is also related to His Royal Highness the Son. They are grasshoppers on the same line. If they want to be punished, they will be punished together. Maybe His Royal Highness has any way to suppress this matter.

"There is also the elder of the Beast Tamer Sect..." The chief referee will see everyone one by one. .

With a soothing smile on Gong Moxi's face, she encouraged the chief referee to continue speaking.

"That's it." The referee said, "At that time, the black mist was filled, and Yun Qingyan was held by a mysterious man again. Not many people saw her strange."

"Yeah." Gong Moxi smiled lightly.

Then, Huo Yichen heard the gentle voice in his mind, "Did you remember the name clearly?

Wait a minute, kill them. "

That clear and moist voice was as high as a god, indifferent and ruthless, even without a trace of killing intent.

But Huo Yichen felt an inexplicable coldness for no reason.

However, it was not Huo Yichen's turn to think about it, because they were soon brought down by the attendant in the name of trial.

Yu Dapang's eyes burst into tears, "His Royal Highness! Brother Gong! Why do you want to arrest us!"

A **** attendant gave him a cold look, "Shut up! How can you call His Royal Highness the name?!"

Gong Moxi looked at the **** and said, "Before the trial department has confirmed the charges, they are all our guests.

Don't be rude. "

The **** servant immediately bowed his head in shame, "His Royal Highness is kind."

The elder of the palace frowned, wondering, "Why is your Royal Highness the Son being polite to them?"

Gong Moxi's pale glazed eyes glanced at him lightly, and the elder immediately chose to shut up.

Now they are grasshoppers on a rope, and together they have to bear the anger of those sects who have lost their elite disciples. He can't loosen his thigh.

"Be safe and restless.

After three days, you will be able to come out safely. "At the same time, Yu Da Pang and the others were sent to the secret by Gong Moxi, and the few people instantly understood. They pretended to howl and let them be arrested.

Huo Yichen spoke to Gong Moxi in a puzzled voice, "I was taken away by the people in your palace, how can I kill someone?"

Gong Moxi glanced at him and said, "Wait a minute, keep him."

He pointed at Huo Yichen.

The two **** servants who grabbed Huo Yichen quickly let go.

"This..." The elder was hesitant.

"What? I don't even have the right to be personal?" Gong Moxi looked at the elder with a smile.

The elder doesn't seem to know that his life is imminent, "He is a friend of Yun Qingyan that demon clan, and his identity is suspicious. His Royal Highness's move is indeed inappropriate. In my opinion..."

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