My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2133: She is getting smaller (1)

When she woke up again, she looked at the man who seemed to be several times larger than usual and fell silent.

No... it's not that Di Jiuque has become bigger, but - she has become smaller!

Yun Qingyan looked at his small hand narrowed down, his eyes full of disbelief and unacceptable!

Wu Liuyuan's eyes made him the boss, and the soft little face was no longer the adult spirit, and looked soft and cute. At this time, the appearance of the eyes opened was unexpectedly cute.

Soon, Yun Qingyan felt a chill coming. Her clothes were not like the special elements of Emperor Jiuque. They could change and shrink according to the master's mind. Therefore, as soon as the body became smaller, those large clothes became The cumbersomeness, it became a quilt, and she slipped off as soon as she moved.

Di Jiuque opened his eyes, and what he saw was this look--

The little girl with horns above her head looked at her hands in a daze. The clothes that had originally fitted fell off halfway, and her little face was full of incredible and disbelief.

"Puff." Seeing this scene, Di Jiuque laughed lowly.

That sound seemed to awaken a certain nerve in Little Dick.

I saw the naked little bit silently get into the quilt, and then wrapped himself into a cocoon.

I don't care about me all over my body.

Emperor Jiuque gently wanted to lift the quilt.

Then the cocoon rolled again, wrapping itself tightly.

After repeating this two or three times...

Emperor Jiuque simply held the entire silkworm cocoon in his arms.

Then began to use his spiritual sense to check the situation of Yun Qingyan.

Except that the body became smaller and the cultivation base was suppressed, everything else was normal.

"Ah, it's just a shrinking body, as long as there is no accident." Di Jiuque comforted the person in his arms, trying to make his tone not look so... gloating?

I still remember that when he reversed his growth, Yun said that he laughed at him for a long time.

However, taking into account his wife's fragile self-esteem, Lord Emperor decided not to laugh at him.

Yun lightly said that the whole person fell into self-disgust and didn't want to talk.

It doesn't matter if the cultivation base regresses, even the body regresses! Is there anything worse than this?

"Even if you can't recover, the deity will grow up with you." Di Jiuque flicked her little forehead.

This gesture of coaxing a child made Yun Qingyan blow up her hair. She glared at Di Jiuque, "Don't flick my head!"

However, with the soft voice and the little baby-fat face, there is no convincing.

On the contrary, it looks so fierce.

"Good, good. No play, no play." Di Jiuque smiled and touched her white and tender face, and then touched the horns on the top of her forehead.


Yun Qingyan grabbed his messy hand with two small hands, frowned and said, "I don't have clothes that fit."

All the adult clothes in her space ring, there is no such small clothes yet.

"Yeah." Di Jiuque put her down and rubbed her gently, "Wait here, don't run around."

Yun Qingyan was lying on the bed blankly, how could she run without clothes?

Soon, after the Lord brought a woman, another major event happened in the entire Jiuzhong Palace, oh should be said that the entire God's Domain was shaken.

Under the crown of the emperor, who is not close to female **** and has always been abstinent, he even ordered the collection of clothes for three or four-year-old girls.

All the guards were dizzy, dreamlike.

This is only a few days, has the Lord brought over the future young master!

No new population has been born in the entire God's Domain for a hundred years.

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