My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2134: She is getting smaller (2)

There is no child under a hundred years old in God's Domain. The child suddenly appeared, still the child under the emperor's crown. All the affiliated forces almost frantically began to order them to go to the Tianyuan Continent to collect children's clothes, and they rushed to make them.

Yun Qingyan did not expect that he would drop such a big bomb.

She was now nestling in the palace of Emperor Jiuque and began to look inside.

Xing Yuanli's cultivation base was temporarily sealed, but there was obviously a new thing in her body-magic core.

However, the magic core seems to still need power to supplement, and has been in a state of malaise.

Yun lightly guessed that she might need devilish energy.

It's just that the star power in God's Domain is sufficient, but there is no devilish energy at all.

Soon, Di Jiuque returned with the newly delivered clothes.

"Time is tight, so I reluctantly dress first. The deity will help you find better ones."

Emperor Jiuque stretched out his hand and waved hundreds of beautiful clothes floating in the air, but they all had one characteristic in common.


Yun lightly saw the materials of several of the clothes, starlight yarn, Biyun brocade...many of them were just materials she had heard of.

There are still a lot of clothes, she can't recognize it.

This is also called barely?

Yun was speechless and looked at the sky. He thought he would become rich after blackmailing the Red Sun Palace, but he did not expect that he would be a poor man in front of the real local tyrants!

"I want that one." Yun said lightly and pointed at one of the white gauze clothes. The clothes made of starlight gauze are not invaded by water or fire, and they are not broken by swords. It is really good for her who has lost her combat power.

"Yeah." Di Jiuque took the piece she was referring to, and lightly embraced Yun Yan who was wrapped in the quilt.

Yun Qingyan widened his eyes, "What are you going to do?"

"Help you change clothes." Di Jiuque said naturally.

Yun said lightly, "I will do it myself."

It's not that she can't move now. Being a child does not mean that her mind has also become a child.

"The deity will do it." Di Jiuque was absolutely determined, and there was no room for discussion.

Yun Qingyan, who had lost his cultivation base and spoke softly, watched as his sheets were lifted and his limbs put on new clothes under control.

Di Jiuque looked at Yun with a stern face in front of him, and his small face was about to be frozen, but his mood flew happily.

The daughter-in-law looks good whether she is big or small.

In his heart, he had already begun to wonder whether or not to make her clothes from now to adult at one time, and then change them one day, without duplicates.

After getting dressed, Yun said that he was just about to get out of bed when he suddenly noticed one thing-no shoes.

She looked at Emperor Jiuque blankly.

Not thoughtful at all! Not at the level of a dad!

Di Jiuque raised his eyebrows, ignoring her gaze, and directly reached out and picked up the person, "The shoes have not been delivered yet.

Where do you want to go? The deity holds you away these days. "

Why are the clothes so slow to arrive at the shoes? Yun Qingyan frowned, his dark, round eyes looked at Di Jiuque, "Really?"

A big power, even the Red Sun Palace can easily crush, can't find a pair of shoes? ?

Di Jiuque's face was cold and expressionless, and there was no guilty conscience on his face, "Really."

As for whether it is true or not, I am afraid that only ghosts know.

"Di Jiu Que." Yun Qingyan said with a small face lying on Di Jiu Que's shoulder, "How long have I been in a coma?"

Emperor Jiuque, "Seven days."

Yun said lightly, almost startled, "Seven days?!"

Then the South Sea Territory does not know how long it will take! She can remember that the time flow rate of the Saint Yuan Continent and the South Sea Realm are different.

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