My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2135: She is getting smaller (3)

Yun Qingyan sorted out the things to be done carefully, now that fellow Yu Dafang should have been invited to the banquet in Sifang City, right?

Moreover, it was getting closer and closer to the time when Grandpa had to take the second Earth Element Pill. The materials in her Profound Ring were almost collected, but now she has lost her cultivation base and can't make medicine.

Di Jiuque keenly sensed Yun's light-spoken mood, "What's wrong?"

"I want to return to the South Sea Realm." Yun replied lightly and truthfully.

I don't know if it was Yun Qingyan's illusion. After hearing the answer, Di Jiuque seemed to stiffen for a moment.

His deep icy eyes looked down at her hair spin.

In fact, when he brought her here this time, he didn't think about putting people back again.

"Yu Da Pang and they were invited to attend the birthday banquet of the Master of the Square Pavilion, and they don't know if they will be in danger.

Moreover, Grandpa's Earth Pill was not well refined. I have almost collected the materials, but now I cannot refine them. "Yun lightly counted what he had to do.

She felt that this God Realm seemed to have an inexplicable repression of her-the star power was too pure.

This is the best environment for cultivation when she was still a ‘human’.

But now, she is a demon, this pure star power is actually harmful to her.

Emperor Jiuque pondered for a while, "The deity can be refined."

Yun Qingyan's eyes lit up, and she forgot that Emperor Jiuque was an excellent alchemist.

"Leave it to you." Yun said lightly, stuffing him with the materials, and enthusiastically attached a face-to-face kiss, "Thanks for your hard work, Xiaoqueque~"

Emperor Jiuque: "..."

He accepted the materials resignedly, "Yeah."

"Well, you refine the Earth Pill and give it to Grandpa.

I went to the South Sea to find a way to recover. "She wanted to figure out how her body became like this.

She faintly felt that the few Jiang Wuya probably hadn't left the Southern Sea Realm.

"Three days later, there will be an auction in the main city of the Northern Alliance. The auction items include Wumuhua and Sacred Bamboo Lotus, which are the two main medicines of the third Hunyuan Pill.

In addition, there are many other heavenly treasures.

You can attend the auction before leaving. "Di Jiuque said lightly.

Yun Qingyan showed a tangled color on his face.

The main medicine of these two Hunyuan Pills is very rare.

But on the southern sea border, Yu Da Pang and the others didn't know what was going on.

Di Jiuque gave another dose of medicine, "The deity sent Feng Liao to the lower realm, and your friend will not have any trouble."

Yun Qingyan finally took his attention, "Then I will leave after participating in the auction."

The corner of Di Jiuque's mouth bends slightly, "Yes."

After spending half a day, Emperor Jiuque refined the Diyuan Pill and sent someone to the Yun family in the Eastern Sea.

Yun Qing said that these few days have completely lived the life of rice worms.

Accompanying Di Jiuque to deal with official duties every day, by the way, he was treated as a human-shaped recliner.

However, she was more concerned, because he was a young man dressed in black who often came to report to Emperor Jiuque.

He looked at her, it seemed strange and very complicated.

It's both like hate and like.

Shadow Kill is very tangled inside.

He originally thought that the superior only occasionally wanted to drink clear soup, that he liked the women of the lower realm.

Unexpectedly, the Supreme Lord even has children!

Half of that child was of mediocre blood, and the other half was of honorable blood.

On the one hand, he felt that this inexplicable young master had tainted the blood of the emperor, on the other hand, he was constantly reminded in his mind that this man also had the blood of the emperor.

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