My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2138: I can't forget this!

He is here to live with his wife, not to listen to a group of ants quarreling.

Knowing the degree of danger to his family, Yun Qingyan has been secretly grabbing him with his hands, fearing that he would throw everyone out accidentally.

Her family is good in everything, but has a bad temper.

"Your name is Topaz?" Yun lightly looked at the boy.

"Yes." Topaz nodded hurriedly.

His name has no special meaning. Many topaz weasels are called Topaz, and the names of Warcraft have always been random.

"That way, you can lead us." Yun said lightly.

They really need a guide.

"!!!" Topaz looked up in horror.

She...she hired herself?

Normal people, shouldn't they just drive Tang Rui away after hearing a few words?

The headed youth's face flashed with horror, "Did you not hear what we said? This kid is a topaz weasel, who is a lie."

"Then it's like this again?" Yun said lightly and looked at him indifferently.

The first time someone defended himself like this, Topaz eagerly said, "My lord, don't worry! I will never deceive you!

That Tommy always likes to slander me! If you think I can't take it well, I am willing to return all the Mo Yu! "

"All right, you can lead the way." Yun Qingyan looked at Di Jiuque, "Xiaoqueque, Mo Yu."

With a flick of the fingertips of Emperor Jiuque, five black jade pieces were shot at the topaz without error.

The few young people who led the troublemaker wanted to stop, but strangely found that they couldn't stop it.

Huang Yu embraced Mo Yu with joy and thanked them.

"thanks, thanks!"

Yun said lightly, "Don't say thank you.

You provide us with services, we pay, it is justified, and lead the way. "

Those calm and plain words, mixed with soft voices, made people feel unwarranted.

It seems that a mature soul lives in the body of the little girl.

Tang Rui got angry and formed a circle to stop them.

"I have warned you not to hire them! Toast and not eat fine wine!

I tell you, today, you either hire us as tour guides or you go by yourself! Otherwise, we will keep you few from leaving! "

Yun Qingyan's eyes widened, and there is such a strong buying and selling?

Is the tour guide in Yawu City a tour guide or a robber?

Huang Yu's complexion changed, and he stopped in front of Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque.

"Tang Rui! I know you are targeting me! But they are visitors to Yawu City, and our grievances have nothing to do with them."

Tang Rui tickled his mouth and said, "How many of them are hurting our brothers' face today, this matter can't be forgotten."

After speaking, he gave him a wicked look, "

Also, Topaz, do you think we will let you go? Instead of worrying about others, you might as well worry about yourself! "

He waved his hand, "Brothers, teach this kid a lesson first. Let him spit out Mo Yu!"

Soon, several big men attacked Topaz, Topaz evaded the attack urgently, but still blocked Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque, "Go away!"

Yun Qingyan only noticed at this time that Topaz's right hand was empty, but he seemed to be beaten frequently, and his dodge ability was extremely strong, and he could barely hold the three in front of him.

Yun Qingyan looked at the only immovable Tang Rui, and smiled, his snow-white teeth lined up neatly, and with that pink jade face, he was a bit innocent.

"Did you know that what I hate most is that someone threatens me?"

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