My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 2139: Walking sideways? It's enough to bring God's nine faults! (1)

Tang Rui frowned, thinking that this female doll was a little weird.

It's too bad for her age.

Monsters have different life spans, and their maturity period is also different. Some even enter the growth stage for hundreds of years, but their minds grow with their bodies.

But this little girl, who looks like a child on the outside, can vaguely make people seem to see another soul through her skin.

"Hmph! I gave you a chance, it's because you don't have a good grasp of it yourself." Tang Rui snorted coldly. He dared to do strong buying and selling and oppressing employers here, and he naturally depends on him.

Relying on not only the strength of the brothers, but also because of the contempt of Yawu City Warcraft towards humans.

These two did not have the breath of Warcraft at all.

Only the horns on the little girl's forehead have the characteristics of a beast, but it looks like a cub, and it has no lethality at all.

"You guys go! Go!" Huang Yu was already a little bit unable to hold on, "You leave first! I will go to you later! I won't let you pay for nothing!"

Yun said that he didn't listen to him, his small body nestled in Di Jiuque's warm arms, and he patted his shoulder with both hands, "Little Queque, let's do it."

After a pause, he left another sentence, "Don't kill it."

They want to keep a low profile! Hmm...low-key!

Di Jiuque's long and narrow cold eyes swept across Tang Rui and the others, and without his wife's prevention, his repressed impatience finally broke out.

He raised his stern eyebrows, and a icy pressure spread like a tide.

He shouted aggressively, "Go!"

"Bang-bang-bang!" At the moment when his voice fell, the people including Tang Rui knew that a shocking force was thrown at them. on the ground.

Even the hard stone slab made from black steel in Yawu City was smashed, and the spider webs began to spread.

The hard black steel stone is like this, and Tang Rui people...oh no, Warcraft, it is even more miserable.

I don't know how many bones are broken, and blood is vomiting at the mouth, directly unable to maintain the human form, turning into a beast form.

The people around took a breath.

Even the animal shape was shaken out, this is not a simple force!

And the handsome man with black hair and mysterious clothes didn't even move his hands.

Yun lightly looked at Topaz,

"Let's go. You lead the way."

Obviously I didn't expect that when I hugged such a thick thigh, Topaz was still in a silly state, staring.

"Go...where to go?"

Di Jiuque's cold voice sounded, "The best hotel."

The voice was like a cold wind mixed with wind and snow blowing into Huang Yu's heart, and he awoke from the shock, "Two adults, come with me."

Perhaps the remaining breath after the eruption of Emperor Jiuque was too intriguing. Even if he concealed the pressure, no one dared to approach him. One by one, he was automatically separated from him ten meters away like a snake and no one dared to approach.

Di Jiuque, who has always been a cleanliness addict, also hates being approached by others, so he usually doesn't go to places with a lot of people.

The winking people around let his unpleasant brows stretch slightly.

Short-handed and short-footed Yun Qingyan was firmly embraced by Emperor Jiuque, and his mouth twitched as he watched those who deliberately detoured away...

Suddenly, a guess came up quietly in his mind.

Why is it difficult to walk sideways on the road?

Just bring one Emperor Jiuque, and it's all right!

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