My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 826: The corpse was broken into pieces

Behind him, there were two tall figures, one red and one blue. Two tall men stayed behind a young boy in reverence and awe. This should have been so weird at this time because of the young man’s body. The temperament seems to have no sense of contradiction.

"Master Emperor, the barrier of the Northern Territory began to loosen a month ago, we..." Feng Liao began to respect the people in front of him.

However, the figure standing proudly in front of him suddenly turned around and galloped away, leaving a cold breath.

"We..." Feng Liao's words were not finished yet, and the lingering sound was not over, staring blankly at the voice that quickly left.

Di Jiuque's brows were almost twisted, and his cold and severe aura was enough to make any creature fearful!

For a moment, he felt that something happened to his little guy!

The Requiem that he left in her body lost contact for some reason. At the last moment, he could feel that she was seriously injured!

But his requiem seal was suppressed by a mysterious force, it didn't work, and he lost contact with him!

Now, he can't feel any breath of the little guy!

The ice eyes were cold and bloodthirsty, Emperor Jiuque gritted his teeth fiercely, and his handsome face was bloodthirsty and cold, like a bloodthirsty killer from the Asura Hell!

Don't let him know who did the hands on his people, otherwise, the corpse will be unsolved!


Next to the deep and cold cold spring, a shaggy figure was constantly jumping, trying to put a pill into the mouth of the ‘boy’ in front of him.

But the boy's lips were closed tightly, his lips were white, and there was no tendency to swallow the medicine.

"Master! Master! Hurry up and take the pill!" Xiao Mao Tuan was so anxious that the mist quickly gathered in his big eyes, and in an instant it turned into huge water droplets and fell on the white face of the'boy'.

The warm touch caused Yun Qingyan's cold body to have a slight reaction, she struggling to open her eyes, her scattered eyes focused hard, and saw the familiar mass.

It's Xiaoxuan.

She opened her mouth hard, trying to speak, but she couldn't make a sound.

However, at that moment, the pill was smoothly swallowed by her.

"Master!" Xiaoxuan was overjoyed and hurriedly fed Yun Qingyan into the water.

After the medicine was lowered, a warm stream of heat emerged from the dantian, giving her a touch of warmth to her painful and cold body, and she recovered a bit of strength.

Although the bones on his body still felt like shattering pain, it was much better than the dying state before!

"Where is this?" Yun asked, sitting up hard, leaning against a cold black stone with his back.

The temperature here is extremely cold, and even the black stone behind it is like a block of ice, but she has no choice now.

"I don't know." Xiao Xuan shook his head, "Master, you have been fainted all day and night since you were beaten by that old guy!

Fortunately, the bitter sea green lotus seeds in your body have saved you, otherwise..."

Xiaoxuan had a meal and suddenly cried out!

Scared it to death! It almost thought the owner was going to die again!

Even if you live for a long time, but this little spirit is sometimes as simple as a child!

"I'm okay, don't worry." Raising his hand hard to touch the fluffy little black ball in front of him, Yun Qingyan tried his best to evoke a faint smile, not wanting to see the little Qi Ling who has accompanied him for two lives so sad.

She checked the bitter sea green lotus seeds in her body. At this time, the bitter sea green lotus seeds seemed to have withered, and the dry land was like a lotus seed that had been left for many months and lost water. The green, which was full of vitality and green, turned dark brown. There is not much life breath left.

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