My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 827: It doesn't give people a way to survive

Yun said with a wry smile, this bitter sea green lotus seed has not had a good day since he followed her.

Suddenly, Yun lightly said that there was a pain in her chest, and a burst of pain suddenly came from her ribs, causing her head to sweat.

After Xiaoxuan cried, his big misty eyes were full of worry, "Master, you have a meta-skill like bone transformation."

The bone-chewing pain was so painful that it oozes away quickly.

When the pain passed, Yun said lightly, leaning on the black stone, panting and calming his undulating chest, "Bone-making metaphysics?"


A very vicious type of meta skill is a special meta skill.

Even if the victim is not killed on the spot, the bones in the body will slowly melt away until all the bones are melted away and the host dies.

If it weren't for Kuhai Qinglianzi to protect the master at the last moment, the master would not be there now. "

Xiaoxuan's eyes showed anger, "That old guy is too sinister!"

Yun Qingyan didn't have any anger on her face. She just lifted her lips gently, and cast a row of small fan-like shadows on her eyelashes, "Yeah.

Let the old guy live for a while, and I will repay this debt one by one. "

She raised her eyes to Xiaoxuan, "Is there any way to solve it?"

"The dragon bone grass can be resolved!" Xiao Xuan replied lonely, "but the dragon bone grass only grows in the dragon tomb and uses keel bones as nutrients."

Where do they find the Dragon Tomb now?

Moreover, the Dragon Tomb has always been a forbidden place for the dragon clan. With their current strength, even if they find it, they have the ability to enter.

"Don't worry. People always think of ways."

Yun said comfortingly.

Turning bones into bones, since the opponent's elementary skill is turning bones, she just needs to do the opposite!

Taking out a few bone renewal pills from the Profound Ring, Yun said lightly without wanting to swallow them.

Fortunately, she always had a pill in her Profound Ring. That day after Yu Da Pang was broken by Fei Dingding, she refined a lot of bone renewal pill, otherwise she could not refine the pill in her current state.

After swallowing a few Xugu Pills, Yun said lightly that a numb and itchy pain came from the painful bone marrow, which was the pain that the broken bone was gradually being repaired.

She clenched her teeth, trying to bear the tingling itch coming out of her bone marrow.

It took about a quarter of an hour before the itchiness faded slightly.

Yun Qingyan suddenly felt a bit of mobility restored, and she could slightly feel that the newly repaired bone was being attacked by an inexplicable force again, but the speed was so slow that she could still bear it.


She squeezed a fist, and now she can only exert one-third of the strength of her heyday, while Jin Peng and the others, because they finally shared the attack for her, are still in a coma and healed in the Warcraft space.

Right now, the only ones who were not injured were Xiao Xuan, who was a tool spirit without the slightest fighting power, and... Carlos, who fell asleep in order to enter the growth phase.

If it can last until Carlos enters the growth phase, it will be easier.

Yun Qingyan sighed quietly. The most urgent thing is that she should survive and heal her wounds, and explore this strange land. By the way... see if she can collect herbs such as bones and bones, even if it can’t treat the roots like dragon bone grass. , At least it can delay time.

Yun Qingyan was still thinking about the next plan, and suddenly, a strange breath broke into the realm!

Yun Qingyan subconsciously took Xiao Xuan into Profound Ring.

"Huh? Where's a little mouse?" A cold voice sounded, and Yun looked at it softly, and suddenly cursed in his heart--

I wipe you thief God! There is no way to survive!

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