My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 839: Whose grave is this, and who is buried?

The desolate wind blows from the mountain tombs. It is obviously an unfettered wind. At this time, there is a feeling of dull depression, sadness and desolation. It seems that there are countless dead souls wailing in the wind, making people's hearts tight!

Yun said lightly that she was 100% sure that that round of red sun was definitely not the one she saw in Tianyuan Continent. This should be another small world, another space embedded in Tianyuan Continent!

Whose grave is this?

Here, who is to bury and suppress?

Yun Qingyan's heart beat violently, as if he was about to reveal a huge secret, beating with nervousness!

No fear, no panic, only excitement and urgency!

There seemed to be a voice urging her forward!

"His Royal Highness, this is a sensory symbol.

We can't go to the underground palace with you. This sensor can help you sense the direction of your strength. Please keep it away. "The elder hand respectfully presented a rune carved with amethyst to Jiang Wuya.

Jiang Wuya stretched out two slender fingers from the black robe to take it, and the silver mask that covered it made people unable to see his expression, "Oh? This hall accepts it, you quickly open the stone gate of the underground palace."

The blood day in the sky rose higher and higher, gradually hanging up to the center.

At this time, the black robe great elder also moved with the remaining black robe envoys!

The aura on their bodies skyrocketed, and the terrifying pressure shot out from their bodies, causing a violent wind surging, almost lifting the black robes on them!

The heavy pressure made Yun Qingyan feel suffocated for a while!

The cultivation level of these people is several times higher than that of the Xuanzun He Dan Wuji appeared in the Yun Family!

She secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, she hadn't secretly acted on Jiang Wuya before. It's better to use the opponent's power to find out before she did!

This has nothing to do with other things, it's just a simple crush of strength.

But... if these old men can't enter the underground palace with Jiang Wuya...

Thinking of this, Yun Qingyan flashed a sly evil in his eyes.

She can't deal with the noble rank now, and Jiang Wuya's cultivation base aura is only about the mysterious rank. If her cultivation base can be restored to its heyday...

When Yun Qingyan had a small abacus in his heart, several black robe envoys had already chanted a spell, and they cut their palms without blinking, and blood flowed out of their palms!

"With my blood, sacrifice to the dead!

To comfort the soul of the dead with my blood!

With my blood, the spirit of the dead! "

The muffled and old voice gradually came from under the hood of the black-robed man, and the wailing in the wind became louder and louder.

The yin wind whistled, like a dead soul drifting by the side of the yin wind, Yun Qingyan felt the temperature of his body instantly became cold, and a layer of sensitive goose bumps appeared on the bare skin.

At this time, the evil, bright red sun also officially hung in the middle of the sky, directly on the tomb of Qingfeng!

"Broken!" With a sonorous fall, the entire mountain erupted with a humming sound!




One, two, three!

Roar after roar came, as if coming through the wall of another world, deafening!

It seems that one after another giant beasts that cover the sky and the sun are screaming!

I don't know if it was Yun Qingyan's illusion. She always felt that the third beast roar seemed to have been heard somewhere!

As the three huge roars of beasts fell, and immediately afterwards, the sounds of the beasts crowing together into a grand symphony!

The strange thing is that in these surroundings, even the shadow of a monster is invisible!

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