My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

: Chapter 840 Grandma's legs! Jiang Wuya, you bastard!

"Your Highness! Go in!"

The nine totems covering the sky were shining, and before the tomb, a huge stone gate was slowly opened!

In the crack of the door, there was not a trace of light, only the darkness of invisible five fingers!

"Boom!" With the sound of Shimen opening, countless rubble fell from the mountain peak.

"Puff!" The black robes who stayed in the middle of the stone gate made Qi Qi spit out a mouthful of blood, as if being hit by a huge force, they flew out one after another, smashed to the ground, their breath pale and pale !

With one blow, a master who abuses the highest rank is like a dog abuse!

Yun Qingyan was shocked, but he was no longer surprised at this time, because Jiang Wuya had already touched the bracelet and threw her whole body into the stone gate!

"Little mouse, go find your way first!"

The deep, sweet voice was ill-intentioned.

Yun, who was suddenly led to fly upside down, spoke lightly with anger!

Grandma's legs! Jiang Wuya, you bastard!

Suddenly, Xiao Xuan's voice flashed in the spirit sea, and Yun said lightly that a gleam of light slipped through a pair of crystal black pupils.

She no longer resisted the pulling force from her wrist, but flew over.

Obviously, Jiang Wuya's eyes passed a color of doubt as the resistance was getting smaller.

However, when the rags and very embarrassed young man continued to fly upside down into the stone gate from his side, he suddenly turned around in mid-air and changed his passive posture to active.

This smooth and elegant movement made Jiang Wuya stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the person who continued to fly upside down to Shimen suddenly stretched out his foot, kicked the unsuspecting Jiang Wuya face, and rushed towards Shimen with his strength!

Suddenly, Jiang Wuya felt his sight black, and his face was hit hard!

With that foot, Yuan Li was brought by the master, thinking that an elephant was smashed in the face!

When Jiang Wuya's face was sore, the crisp, sweet, arrogant voice was still floating...

"Deadly perverted, play slowly by yourself, Lord will not accompany you!!"

"You--!" Jiang Wuya gritted his teeth fiercely, ignoring the pain on his face, his body leaped swiftly, and his five fingers flew out to grab the foot of the person.

Five white and slender fingers slammed Yun Qingyan's ankle. They were obviously jade-like beautiful hands, but at this time they were firmly buckled on her ankles like steel, giving her a kind of ankle bone. The illusion of crushing!

Damn it! Death allergy so fast? !

The tendency to fly upside down was blocked, and Yun said lightly that the whole figure was about to fall down!

The gloomy ghost-like voice slowly overflowed from the thin red and enchanting lips, cold and cruel, full of murderous intentions, "Do you dare to step on the face of the temple--?!

dead! ! ! "

The huge and dark aura burst out from Jiang Wuya instantly, and the undisguised killing intent flooded Yun Qingyan like a tide!

"Kacha!" There was a cracking bone, which was the sound of Yun Qingyan's ankle cracking!

Her face changed with pain!

Unexpectedly, this fellow Jiang Wuya cares so much about his face!

Even if she kicked his lifeblood, this guy has never been so angry!

His body smashed to the ground due to gravity. Seeing the rough ground getting closer and closer, Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed fiercely, a palm hit the ground, and then the recoil leaped again, twisting fiercely, and the other The unbound feet slammed on the face of Jiang Wuya again!

In order to avoid another heavy blow to his precious face, Jiang Wuya subconsciously released Yun Qingyan's ankle and withdrew his body back.

And Yun Qingyan also borrowed his strength to fly to the Shimen not far from him again!

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