My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 841: The main hall is going to catch the cat~

"It's an honor for you to kick your face! Take care to keep the seal that the Lord put on your face!" When the body flew upside down into the dark stone gate, Yun said that he turned over in the air, grinning, his face gloomy Jiang Wuya made a very provocative gesture,

Go to his little kitty mouse!

She has endured him for a long time!

If the tiger doesn't show off his power, she will treat her as a sick cat?

This time, it was just interest! One day, she will trample on that perverted face!

The body was completely submerged in the cave, and the flood of darkness gradually drowned Yun Qingyan's whole person.

Jiang Wuya's purple eyes were icy cold, as if condensing the most poisonous venom, staring at the stone gate that symbolized the unknown.

"His Royal Highness?" The black-robed messenger, who was previously unable to move, was hit by a mysterious power and did not expect such a thing to happen.

Who could have imagined that a cowardly and timid little chicken would suddenly change so much?

"Wuya, are you... okay?" Among the several people in black, the lightest backwater Shui Mei stood up hard because of her special identity. Suddenly, black light burst out from her body, and her face pale as gold paper began to appear. A lot of rosy gradually.

She coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood, and a deep murderous intent burst out on her seductive face, "Next time, I will kill him for you!

Do not! It's too cheap to kill him.

Abolish his cultivation, break his hands and feet, cut out the bones and remove flesh, I will torture him to death! "

Jiang Wuya did not answer her words, but slowly touched the silver mask on his face with one hand.

There, there was a suspicious gray mark on the mask and a piece of bare skin, which was the ‘seal’ that Yun Qingyan put on his feet.

"Hehe..." Jiang Wuya's purple eyes are deep and deep, but his red lips are slowly and curiously aroused, and bursts of creepy laughter flow out.

The beautiful face that only showed half of it was full of evil intentions and enchantment.

"Yeah~ It's too cheap to kill her~" The wet tip of the tongue gently licked his lips, and the sound of the ending sound was sweet and scratching.

She was almost deceived by her.

"It's really a cunning little cat~" He narrowed his purple eyes lightly, his eyes filled with weird purple light, but his soaring killing intent gradually receded, and replaced by a more dangerous aura.

"Wuya?" Jiang Wuya's strange attitude made Shui Mei panic.

"The hall is going to catch the cat~" Xie Xie smiled, and Jiang Wuya's slender five fingers made a grasping motion, as if someone could not escape his five fingers mountain.

The corners of Hongyan's mouth rose, revealing two sharp and pale fangs, "This time, the main hall must train her well, pull out her minions, and see how she scratches others."

Jiang Wuya's words made Shui Mei look confused, as if she didn't understand, she vaguely knew that what Jiang Wuya was talking about was the audacious boy just now, but she felt...Jian Wuya's attitude was very unpredictable.

"Wait! I'll accompany you!" Seeing Jiang Wuya walking towards Shimen, Shui Mei glanced at the disabled elder behind her, striding to catch up.

"You?" Jiang Wuya stopped and glanced suspiciously up and down at Shui Mei.

"My mother gave me the secret treasure, and few elders who have been strong enough to enter the Imperial Tomb." Shui Mei said quickly.

"Heh~ old witch." Jiang Wuya laughed unclearly, and continued to walk into which dark doorway, "Then go."

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