My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 854: Although I can't kill you, I can beat you!

Jiang Wuya prefers to work against others the most.

The more you want to know, the less he will tell you.

So Yun said lightly that he would rather suppress his curiosity than ask him.

Waiting for the human beings rushing here, Yun Qingyan began to slowly sort out the thoughts in his mind.

She really doubted whether Jiang Wuya was a snake man after all.

He speaks snake language, is cold and merciless, wears a black robe and doesn't like the sun all day, almost like snakes.

The most important thing is that when the previous snakeman leader finally came to fish for the body of his companion, he also performed a weird etiquette to Jiang Wuya.

Although the etiquette is weird, it is not difficult to see the respectful color hidden on the opponent's face.

Moreover, the character was strange and perverse and boundless, without the slightest hindrance, it was weird enough that the leader of the snake man took away the two snake man corpses.

Seeing Yun Qingyan quietly thinking, Jiang Wuya smiled.

The reason why the leader of the snake man was so respectful to him was because what he said was the ancient snake language only spoken by the nobleman of the snake man, and the other side's respect was only because of doubts about his identity.

But Kitty, now must be breaking the mind thinking about the relationship between him and the snake man, right?

After putting on the already ragged black robe and blocking the glare of sunlight on his head, a trace of satisfaction appeared on Jiang Wuya's face.

Sure enough, he still hates sunlight.

Two steps away from Yun Qingyan with a light pace, Jiang Wuya has a Xiaobian smile on his face.

"Oh, why doesn't Kitty ask me why I speak snake language?

If you ask, I will definitely answer~"

There was a mischievous light in those dark purple eyes of evil charm.

Yun Qingyan frowned uncomfortably a little further away from Jiang Wuya, and asked in a very suspicious tone, "Will you really answer if I ask?"

Jiang Wuya glanced over the distance where Yun Qingyan's feet moved, and his red lips wore a harmless smile, "If the little cat asks~

The main hall will naturally answer. "

"Why do you speak snake language?" Yun asked bluntly.

Isn't it just a question, anyway, she won't suffer.

"Guess it~?" Jiang Wuya tilted his head, his face was pure, and the evil smile on his face revealed his true feelings.

"Didn't you say you can answer?" Yun Qingyan's expression turned gloomy for an instant.

"Nah~ It really surprised me.

The kitten would still believe in the promise of the temple? "

There was a strange light in the deep purple eyes, and Jiang Wuya laughed carelessly like a little pet.

"Don't Kitty know that the promise of this temple never counts~?"

Yun Qingyan's face was instantly black as water.

Seeing Yun Qingyan's frizzy appearance, the smile on Jiang Wuya's face became even brighter, and the enchanting and enchanting aura almost came out.

However, he couldn't laugh anymore!

"Hmm!" Jiang Wuya snorted, stepped back, clutching his abdomen with pain on his face!

This weird girl! Obviously he is a little cat, and his strength is even bigger by a tiger!

"Haha." This time it was Yun's turn to take the initiative.

Looking at Jiang Wuya's face full of pain, she waved her fist in a chic and melodious manner, and her red lips were hooked. She was very shameless, "If you dare to play a rogue with me, I will dare to play a fist with you."

Yun gently slapped his hands, as if he was about to pat the dust off his hands, with a cynical smile on his face, he raised his chin proudly, and snorted coldly, "Nothing, it can't be solved by a painful beating.

Jiang Wuya, you'd better weigh it, although I can't kill you, but I can beat you! "

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