My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 855: It's enough for the kitten to understand me~

Relieving some of the pain in his abdomen, Jiang Wuya slowly raised his head, looking at the proud face a few steps away, the enchanting smile on his face deepened.

It's really like a cat with fried fur, with sharp claws, which will scratch the owner if he is not careful.

A cruel and faint purple light flashed in the purple eyes, like a predator lurking in the middle of the night, fierce and bloodthirsty.

He licked a circle of red lips, and his smile deepened.

However, this is what makes people want to conquer her, possess her, and pull out the sharp claws.

How would it feel to be a fierce and fierce kitten trained into a docile little female cat? Really look forward to...

Jiang Wuya's eyes waved up and down.

Yun Qingyan was staring at his whole body with cold hair standing upright, frowning coldly, her dark and dark phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, shooting towards Frontier Wuya like a sharp blade.

"What are you thinking?"

Let her uncontrollably produce a desire to beat him.

"Haha~" A string of magnetic laughter flowed out of Jiang Wuya's throat, and he did not answer Yun Qingyan's question directly.

He quietly groped his chin with jade-white fingers, silently thinking.

If the fried-haired kitten really becomes a docile little female cat, it will not be cute.

A deep killing intent flashed across the purple eyes.

If she really becomes that look, then he will kill her.

Uninteresting things are so obtrusive, they don't need to exist in the world!

Yun Qingyan no longer pays attention to Jiang Wuya.

It is normal for Jiang Wuya to have convulsions from time to time. After knowing him for so long, Yun said that he has slowly got used to it.

Her eyes fell on the human martial artist who was approaching.

It was a group of ordinary human beings, and the power class on them was generally not high. The strongest was just a middle-aged man with a beard and a ninth-order Yuan who was the leader.

Next to the big man, there is a handsome, brown-haired teenager whose strength is almost the same as that of Tier 4 Yuan. As for the others, most of them are wandering between Tier 3 and 4 Yuan, and some are ordinary people with stronger bodies and greater strength. .

A group of people holding bows, arrows, spears and giant swords, saw Yun Qingyan and Jiang Wuya on the sand dunes, and they were surprised.

They saw many snake people here before, but now they are gone!

"Are you all okay?" The brown-haired boy was extremely fast, and fell on the sand dune while his tight body slid, showing concern.

"Which tribe are you from? Where is the snake man here just now? Why did they all run away?"

A series of questions poured out of the boy's mouth like beans, Jiang Wuya frowned coldly, but his red lips aroused a bloodthirsty smile.


I really want to kill this ant.

Feeling a sudden coldness coming from his side, the young man almost subconsciously tightened his muscles and jumped in the direction of Yun Qingyan.

Jiang Wuya was slightly surprised. He thought that his killing intent had been concealed well enough, and he did not expect to be noticed by the other party.

It's unexpectedly sharp.

Yun Qingyan perfectly caught the flash of consternation in Jiang Wuya's eyes and smiled mockingly at him.

The smile on Jiang Wuya's face is indeed very deceptive, but although this young man is not strong, he is very sensitive. It is difficult to hide the smirk of Jiang Wuya from these simple and keen people.

Faced with Yun's provocative eyes, Jiang Wuya did not evade, curling his lips gently.

"True, false." Yun said softly, his red lips lightly opened, his lips said.

"It's enough for the kitten to understand me~" Jiang Wuya's red lips moved slightly, and the same replied.

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