My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 865: Don't you know what a blessing?

"Nothing, just a little trouble." Yun said softly and shook his head.

Only soldiers can come to cover the water and earth.

She seemed to have never seen Jiang Wuya ever move his hands, maybe he did not comprehend any elemental meaning like himself?

It would be great if there was a place to trap people in this secret realm.

However, as long as she opened her eyes and took away the elemental essence, outsiders like her and Jiang Wuya would definitely be thrown into another illusion. It was almost her wishful thinking to trap Jiang Wuya alone in the illusion. .

Seeing that Yun hadn't spoken lightly, and Huang Yan hadn't pressed for questioning, he didn't have much time.

"Are you still not comprehending any elemental mystery so far?" Huang Yan asked.

It's okay not to say this, as soon as I say this, I will get angry.

"Who caused this?" If the Huang Yan entity was here, he would definitely be able to harvest a wave of eye knives.

If she understood the mystery of the five elements, she wouldn't have fallen into such a tangled end.

The five elements generate and restrain each other, and if they are used well, she will be able to blend like a fish in the five elements.

She saw this illusion of the Desert of Fire. Although the conditions were relatively bad, the danger was not great. Whether it was a snake man or a local resident, the level was not high.

The Five Elements Realm actually uses the Five Elements to suppress each other to kill.

Hearing the resentment in Yun's light words, Huang Yan raised an eyebrow that flew into the temple, and his low voice carried the domineering domineering king of the world.

"If you lose your horse, how can you know it is a blessing?

Little guy, are you too arbitrary? "

Yun lightly raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

She also knew that Chi Huanghuo would not harm her, but there was always a trace of resentment in her heart.

"You understand that the elements you absorb are all ordinary elemental powers, mottled and messy. How can the red flames of this deity bother with those guys?"


"Elements that are too weak and weak will be swallowed by Chihuang Fire.

If you want to comprehend the power of the elements, at least you have to absorb the heavenly spirits and earth treasures above the level of the big element wizard. "A smile flicked across Huang Yan's deep eyes,"

Before your strength was too low to comprehend the profound meaning of the elements, I originally wanted to wait for your strength to improve before discussing this with you.

Unexpectedly, the old man Qianhuan had done a good thing after so many years.

The eyes of his illusion of the five elements contain the essence of the five elements, which can just solve your problem. The essence of the five elements is one level higher than the spirit of the big element. If you absorb the essence of the five elements to lay the foundation for your future cultivation, your future achievements will never be low! "

"But... the Five Elements Elemental Spirit is very domineering and fierce, it is difficult to refine and absorb." Yun Qingyan shook his head.

These Five Elements Elemental Essence is a treasure that even the gods are greedy, even a true god-rank master, it takes a lot of time to refine and absorb.

If you are not careful, you will be torn apart by the ultimate elemental power.

Even if there is no suppression of the illusion, her current cultivation is only a mysterious stage, and she has not even reached the noble stage. How can she absorb the five element essence?

I am afraid that if he can't even get close, he will be killed by the pure power of the five elements.

Compared to the Five Elements Elemental Spirit, she liked the big elemental spirit more. Although the Great Elemental Spirit is not as pure as the Five Elements Spirit, its strength is relatively soft, and she can just absorb it now.

"It is domineering with the five element elements, is it possible that the red flame of the deity is still weaker than weak?" Huang Yan is very arrogant and does not put the five elements essence that condenses the essence of heaven and earth in his eyes.

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