My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 866: How can it be that simple?

"Little guy, don't worry.

Your body has been transformed by this deity's Chi Huanghuo, and neither its tenacity nor the strength of blood energy is comparable to that of ants of the same rank. "

Ants of the same order? Yun Qingyan had three black lines hanging on his forehead, didn't this also curse her in?

The primordial beings of the same level as her are all ants, what about her? Isn't it also an ant?

Knowing Huang Yan's character, Yun held his forehead helplessly and swallowed silently.

"With your current realm, you really can't absorb the five element essence.

But the deity has its own way to let you absorb the elemental essence before the **** level. "Huang Yan is very confident and domineering.

Yun Qingyan's eyes lit up, "What method?" It would be better if he could absorb the essence of the five elements!

"Have you noticed that although this illusion will suppress your vitality, the fire attribute is extremely strong." Huang Yan's voice with a slight smile slowly sounded.

Yun Qingyan felt it carefully and found that it was so.

The desert was scorched by the sun day and night, and even Yuanli had a scorching temperature.

The power she had absorbed before was generally without attributes. In the body of the elemental being who has understood the mystery of the element, the non-attribute elemental power will bring its unique attributes.

It is very rare to see this kind of natural elemental force that does not need to be transformed in the body of the elemental being, but it is all fire elemental energy in the desert.

"You don't have the power at this time, so why don't you practice again?" Huang Yan slowly suggested.

"You mean, let me directly absorb the fire attribute power?" Yun asked softly.

She has not tried such a thing.

Because most of the time, cultivators can't find such a strong elemental power with attributes, and even if they find it, they can't absorb elements that are different from their own attributes.

"If there is no Chi Huanghuo, you should be able to comprehend the mystery of the five elements?

This means that your body can absorb the five elements, without worrying about side effects.

After finding the fire elemental essence, you might as well try to cultivate the fire elemental energy around you to make your veins more suitable for the burning of the fire elemental energy, so that you can absorb the fire elemental essence more smoothly in the future. "Huang Yan said.

"As long as I cultivate these fire attribute powers, will I be able to accept the fire element essence?" Yun said lightly that he couldn't believe it, how simple things would be?

If it hadn't been sealed by the spar, Huang Yan couldn't help but walk out of the Profound Ring and knock this little guy a violent shudder, "How can it be as simple as you think?"

If this fire elemental essence is so easy to absorb, how can so many people burst into death while absorbing the elemental essence?

"If you want to absorb the elemental spirit, of course you have to do some other preparations.

But in your current state, it's useless to tell you. Let's talk about it when you cultivate the elemental power of the fire attribute to the level of the earth elementary teacher. "Huang Yan searched his mind for a while before he managed to find Yun Qingyan's classification of this world.

In the past, all Yuan beings below the **** level were not classified at all for him, and they were only classified into one category-ants.

It was also after getting to know Yun Qingyan that he slowly began to understand the realm classification of ants that he had looked down upon before.

"The deity is suppressed by the spar, so you can't communicate with you for too long. Please practice hard." Huang Yan said, and the ray of consciousness that had communicated with Yun Qingyan slowly flowed in along the gap of the red spar.

The ruby-like spar can not only seal physical power, but also spiritual power!

Inside the Profound Ring, the tall and beautiful red spar was puffing up red light from time to time, and that red light was shot from the cracks in the spar.

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