My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 867: Is the hair on the **** still there?

In front of the red crystal, a small black furry ball seemed to be held on the back of the neck by a giant hand, hanging pitifully in the air.

It wasn't until the invisible binding force disappeared that the little hairball hanging in midair was free again.

It fell from mid-air, and rolled on the ground several times, then stood up again, misty mist appeared in those purple grape-like eyes.

The **** big demon, was sealed in the spar and bullied it!

"Little black ball, what are you thinking about?" The man who was still closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, and the brilliant red light burst out from his pupils, arrogantly.

You are the little black ball, and your whole family is the little black ball!

Being exploded by this hateful name, Xiao Xuan swelled his cheeks and pointed his chubby buttocks at Huang Yan.

The corner of Huang Yan's mouth provoked a wanton smile and moved his fingers slightly.

Soon, a stream of hot red flame floated along the gap of the red spar, drifting towards Xiaoxuan's ass!

"Wow!!" A sad scream of the listener crying!

A pitch-black little black ball jumped three feet high in an instant and jumped into the sky.

The tip of its buttocks is still burning with flames like sparks, trembling, but very bright and bright!

Huang Yan lightly hooked his hand, and the naughty flame returned along the gap of the ruby ​​spar.

The overbearing voice is very bad.

"Xiao Heiqiu, if you dare to hold your **** at the deity again, the deity will let you feel once again what is called braised butt.

Although the deity is now sealed in the spar, it is not a problem to teach you. Huang Yan threatened.

As long as he is in the Profound Ring, he can use his power.

He didn't believe that this little spirit could stay outside forever and never come back.

"Big villain!" Xiao Xuan cursed angrily.

Huang Yan turned a deaf ear to his ears and continued, "Today your deity's performance is fairly satisfactory.

Continue to look at the little guy for the deity. Next time the deity finds you, he will answer truthfully like this time. "

He is now in a state of being half-sealed, and can only communicate with Yun lightly through his divine consciousness, but he cannot perceive everything outside.

Xiao Xuan was arrested by him, and he understood Yun's light words from the outside world.

Huang Yan finished his instructions and flicked his finger lightly.

The little mysterious statue who had stayed in front of the spar before was bounced back by a huge force, and moved backward.

The empty Xuan Jie restricted area has restored its former silence.

Huang Yan's red eyes showed a deep thought.

Unexpectedly, the little guy came to this place... It was beyond his expectation...

"Big villain! Big demon! You don't need to control the master!"

If it weren't for the big bad guy who said he could help his master, it wouldn't tell his master about the illusion.

Xiaoxuan, who was ejected from the restricted area, pitifully rubbed his slightly hot ass, crying without tears.

Is the hair on its **** gone? Doesn't it become a bald butt? Isn't that ugly?

The more Xiao Xuan thought about it, the more worried he became, the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved, and he turned around and flashed out Profound Ring.

"Xiao Xuan?" After applying the ointment, Yun Qingyan, who was just about to try to absorb the energy of the fire attribute, was a little surprised when he saw the small black group suddenly appeared in front of him.

Since encountering Jiang Wuya, Xiao Xuan has often hid in the Profound Ring.

Moreover, her little spirit is not heat-resistant, and she doesn't like the dry and high-temperature climate of the desert. After coming to this illusion of fire, it will rarely come out of Profound Ring, and it is rare that it will take the initiative to come out.

"Master, take a look! Are you still seeing the hair on my butt?"

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