My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 902: Explain what happened to the male pet

Ah bah bah bah! She has a guilty conscience!

It was her who was obviously injured, so he was more emotional than her.

Yun Qingyan threw away the guilty conscience in his heart, staring at the man's cold and handsome face, slandering in his heart.

In the face of the wounded, even if you don't comfort them carefully, you will get angry at her! No wonder I've been single for so long! Deserve to be single!

Di Jiuque just wanted to raise his hand to treat Yun Qingyan's ankle injury, but suddenly discovered that, except for the fire power, his other powers seemed to be sealed by something, and couldn't be mobilized at all.

"Huh?" Di Jiuque frowned and looked up at the sky.

The gap in space that he forcibly tore out has disappeared, but now the black clouds are still surging in the Tamur Desert, quite a sign of stormy weather.

Obviously it was evening, but now the sky was as dark as night.

He broke in by force from the outside, and once the gap in the space he tore was restored, he also lost contact with the outside world, and was restricted by the rules here.

More than that, the silver ring in his hand seemed to erode him a little bit.

The body has recovered from the reverse growth state, but it is like a flashback of a dead person, first fattening the prey, and then swallowing it in one bite.

this world? Against him? This thought suddenly flashed through Di Jiuque's mind, and the corners of his thin mouth were coldly conjured up randomly.

against? This word is really interesting.

"The deity will take you back." Di Jiuque said unceremoniously when he lifted Yun Yun lightly.

"I can go!" Yun retorted lightly.

"Recover well." Di Jiuque turned a blind eye, but his thin red lips evoked a slight curve, obviously very satisfied with this rare welfare.

"Yun... Yun said lightly, this is...? And, you...your male pet was killed?"

Innocent people have always been courageous. It is better to say that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Obviously, Lei Fei is such a person.

After recovering a bit of strength, he rushed over. Due to the coercion of Emperor Jiuque, his words were a bit vague, but his meaning was expressed.

Juvenile dark eyes were full of fear.

He wouldn't forget that when this mysterious man came out, it caused so many changes in the world, and it even shot that charming and enchanting male pet to death.

Lei Fei hadn't heard the conversation between Yun Qingyan and Di Jiuque just now, so he didn't know that Jiang Wuya was a high demon clan, and he didn't know that he was not dead.

Lei Fei had only one impression of Emperor Jiuque now-a cruel, cruel, and very powerful man.

"Male pet?" Di Jiuque chewed on these two words, his voice low and dark, with an inexplicable killing intent, his eyes coldly looked directly at Yun Qingyan, as if he was cutting off an ice knife.

Yun said that his temple suddenly hurt, and gave Lei Fei a vicious look!

Which pot does not open and which pot? ! This kid is sure and definitely not on purpose? ! Was it revenge for her previous grudges? !

Suddenly stared at by Yun's faintly resentful eyes, Lei Fei took a small step back in fright.

"I think you need to explain to me what the male pet is." Di Jiuque narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes, with a compelling momentum.

In fact, when he killed the bug before, Yun Qingyan didn't show any pity in his eyes, he was sure that things were definitely not what he thought before.

With the little guy's temperament, if he is a person who likes or agrees with, he will definitely prevent him from doing it and confront him.

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