My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 903: Plucking tiger head

She didn't stop him, his expression was so indifferent, he guessed it, the little guy didn't like the bug.

But... when he thinks that they were so close before, why is he so upset in his heart?

Di Jiuque's narrow and long eyes reflected icy cold light.

"How old are you, still jealous?" Yun Qingyan stretched out his hand and patted that handsome face that was close at hand, funny and helpless.

Although Bingzhen's voice was still so vicious, she felt that the previous anger was no longer in the magnetic voice of Emperor Jiuque.

With Yun's light IQ, it is not difficult to guess that Di Jiuque has actually confirmed that she has nothing to do with Jiang Wuya, and if there is, it is only an enemy.

But obviously knowing the truth is still such an unhappy look, eating the vain vinegar, so Yun said that he had to laugh.

Obviously he is an "old monster" who has lived for an unknown number of years, but looks like a child when he is childish.

But... unexpectedly cute?

At the age of three, the emperor didn't know that his label in his wife's heart had become a ‘childish old monster’, otherwise, he would have to start being cool again.

Ren Yun lightly said his hands up and down his face. Although Di Jiuque's face was tight, he did not stop him.

Yun Qingyan was addicted to the touch, not to mention, he touched and pinched and pulled and pulled from time to time, feeling in his heart, this fellow Di Jiuque is going against the sky! The skin is better than that of a woman, it feels soft and tender, and feels first-rate, making her a little addicted to pinching.

She stretched out her hand and squeezed her face again, and her heart was ignited with envy.

Although she believed that she was not bad, she was a bit inferior to Emperor Jiuque's.

This is the rule of the cultivating world. In most cases, the higher the cultivator's cultivation level, the better the physical function, both in strength and appearance, are several times better than those of low-level cultivators.

I don't know what level the Emperor Jiuque is.

Over there, Yun lightly fiddled with the emperor's three-year-old face, but here Lei Fei and the others were shocked.

How should I put it... Seeing Brother Yun pinching each other's cheeks like this, they always have a... Uh, seeing the little milk cat plucking hair on the tiger's head.

The most shocking thing is that the tiger is still adapting well and is not angry at all.

Lei Fei, who knew that he had said something wrong, would now never mention the male pet, and did not dare to ask the identity of Emperor Jiuque again.

Just when the convoy was about to march again, Di Jiuque directly held Yun Qingyan without throwing a glance at Lei Fei, and swept in one direction.

A gust of wind passed by, and no one was seen in the blink of an eye.

Lei Fei, who originally wanted to greet the guests on the road together, raised his hands and stood in the desert, "..."

"Wait a minute." Yun Qingyan patted Di Jiuque's hand, told him to stop, and explained that he came out with Lei Fei and the others, and was a companion.

Di Jiuque's face was full of displeasure, and he obviously didn't want to stay with these ants that could be crushed to death by a weak finger in his eyes.

But it is a matter of being entrusted by others and loyal to others.

Yun lightly said that since he promised Leiter to take good care of his son and the team, he must take the people back.

What if Lei Fei and the others had an accident on the way if she went back alone?

After Yun Qingyan's good or bad talk, Emperor Jiuque turned back dissatisfied and rode a camel beast with Yun Qingyan.

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