My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 907: Do you want the deity to feed

However, with the previous experience of being asked to go out verbally because of disgust, the three-year-old Emperor was a little dissatisfied, but he only complained a few words.

"What is the pill you gave the high priest just now?" Yun asked softly, it is rare to see the high priest so excited.

"Open Maidan." Di Jiuque replied as he fiddled with the herbal medicine in his hand. This time he was more serious than before.

The alchemy for the high priest before seemed to be played like a child, and he did what he wanted. If the elixir hadn't finally refined the pill, Yun would want to yell—how can there be such a pill?

At this time, the Emperor Jiuque carefully cleaned the herbs, divided them into categories, weighed out the appropriate quality with his hands, with a familiar calm and self-confidence in his gestures.

While refining the pill, he continued, "This illusion is a fire attribute illusion, and it has a suppressive effect on other attributes.

That guy was born with the Mizuki attribute, which has a bonus effect on planting herbs and healing, but living under the fire attribute not only can't cultivate, but also reduces his life.

My open pulse pill can open up a fire vein for him, so that he will not be suppressed by the fire attribute. "

As Emperor Jiuque spoke, the pill in his hand had been refined, and he handed it to Yun lightly, "Eat it."

Yun Qingyan stared at the round and jade pill before his eyes and blinked.

Smelling the fragrance of the medicine, this pill seems to be Xugu Pill. But there are some differences with Xugu Dan.

"You don't want to eat, do you want the deity to feed it yourself?" Di Jiuque smiled, his handsome face a little eager to try.

Yun Qingyan's face turned dark, and without thinking, he swallowed the pill in one mouthful.

A look of disappointment flashed across Di Jiuque's face.

Yun said lightly: "..." Should the disappointment on your face be so obvious?

As soon as he took the medicine pill, Yun said lightly he felt a tingling warmth from his ankles, with a slight itching.

That is the sequelae of the rapid growth of bones.

After about a minute, the tingling heat disappeared. Yun lightly stood up and walked, and found that the injury on his left foot was completely healed.

Even the pain in the chest due to the bone palm has disappeared a lot.

"The bone renewal pill can only heal the injury on your foot, the Nine Nether Transformation Bone Palm in you..." Di Jiuque's eyes passed the killing intent of Sen Leng, "The deity will find Dragon Bone Grass for you."

"Bone Renewal Pill, what you refined is Bone Renewal Pill?" However, Yun Qingyan's attention was in the first half.

This Sugu Pill is obviously better than Hunyuan Medical Classics.

"Yeah." Di Jiuque nodded, Bing Miao looked at Yun strangely and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

"Ahem..." Yun Qingyan asked, licking his face, "Where did your pill come from? Where did you learn from?"

For the first time, she encountered a pill that was even more effective than recorded in Hunyuan Medical Classics.

Is the master of Emperor Jiuque a man even more powerful than Yaozi? !

Yun Qingyan suddenly remembered... when he made a detoxification pill for grandpa, the fact that the pill had a pill formation was also what Emperor Jiuque told her!

In other words, Emperor Jiuque is also a highly accomplished alchemist? !

"There is no master." Di Jiuque sat down beside Yun Qingyan, squeezing the white and tender face, in order to avenge his previous squeeze.

"Why, do you want to learn?" There was a low smile in the magnetic voice, and there was almost nothing written between the eyebrows--

Want to learn, please ask me a few big words.

Unable to understand the triumphant appearance of Di Jiuque, Yun Qingyan felt entangled in her heart. She wanted to know the optimized prescription as a cat scratching, and she didn't want to see Di Jiuque.

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