My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 908: That deity will help you rub it!

Di Jiuque didn't care, and he touched the soft black hair in an affectionate manner, "When I get out of the secret realm, I will tell you."

"Really?" Yun said lightly with joy, his impression of Di Jiuque instantly changed.

Sometimes, "childish old man" still has a good temper~

"Who hit the Jiuyou Huagu Palm?" The person who had just been judged by Yun Qingyan as having a good temper turned his face and turned his face, his eyes fell on Yun Qingyan's chest and asked.

"A nasty guy." Yun said lightly, his dark eyes shot a fighting wolf-like gaze, his red lips raised dangerously, "I will avenge this hatred."

Emperor Jiuque raised his eyebrows.

The little guy doesn't want him to interfere?

If the dark eyes of the deep sea extinguished the light, Di Jiuque did not continue to inquire, only the abacus in his heart cracked.

Humph. Dare to slap her daughter-in-law on the chest and look for death!

Even if it's just shot by the energy claws attached to Yuan Ji, it won't work!

"Does the chest still hurt?" Di Jiuque asked, hiding the trace of murder in my heart.

"Fortunately, just a little bit, it's not a big deal." Yun said lightly, shaking his head, there are sequelae of the bone-changing palm, but she can bear this pain and it doesn't matter.

"A little bit?" Di Jiuque raised his eyebrows, and the arc of his thin lips slightly raised in Yun Qingyan's opinion was a bit unkind.

"Since it hurts, the deity will help you rub it!" Before Yun answered softly, Di Jiuque stretched out his hand calmly!

Yun said lightly: "!!!"

"Bang!" Just then, the door was knocked awake.

"Hey!" Yun Qingyan slapped Di Jiuque's hand open, glared at him, got out of bed and opened the door.

Di Jiuque's face was as stinking as others owed him millions.

"Crack." The door was opened, and Lei Fei was standing outside the door.

He held a tray in his hand, which happened to be Yun Qingyan's dinner, and he was holding a huge cloth bag in his other hand.

"This is your dinner, and this... it's a gift from the high priest to thank your fiance." Lei Fei put down the tray and cloth bag, and ran away like Fei.

"Eh!!" Yun said softly that he wanted to stop him and ask the high priest what he meant, but he didn't expect that he would disappear as soon as he slipped.

Is she so scary?

After touching his chin, Yun said lightly and was very puzzled. No matter how cruel she is, she won't scare people away, right?

Lei Fei, who hurriedly left, made sure that there was no more cold gaze behind him, and then stopped panting, his feet were as heavy as lead.

Raising his hand and wiping his sweat, Lei Fei's little heart is still pounding.

I don't know why, he... as soon as he opened the door, he felt that the mysterious fiancé's eyes were extremely cold when he looked at him, and he was going to frustrate him.

He doesn't remember when he offended this mysterious and powerful man!

Having seen the mysterious man wipe out that ghostly male pet so much that there is no scum left, Lei Fei felt his calf still trembling when thinking of the other's cold eyes.

Taking the food and the cloth bag back, Yun said lightly that he originally planned to give a piece of breadfruit to Di Jiuque, but he gave up when he saw his disgusting look.

"It's so picky." Yun took a bite of the breadfruit and sighed softly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Di Jiuque's handsome face without Tao leaned over, took a bite at the place she had just bitten, and looked at Yun Qingyan blankly, her clear eyes seemed to fit through. Through the soul.

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