The beautiful ear fins of the drooping mermaid moved, and the arc of the tail wagging decreased, looking in the direction of the sound source.

That demon and handsome face gradually lifted up, revealing a pair of red glowing blood pupils, extremely fierce.

After the blurred vision gradually saw the people in the distance, the red and fierce light in the blood pupil gradually dissipated, like a beast quietly retracting its sharp claws.

Then Yun Qingyan saw that the people on the round reef had disappeared. The next second, a confined embrace hugged him tightly.

Yun Qingyan felt the other party's slightly cold face rubbed against the side of his cheek, like a child.

"Good." Yun said lightly and hugged him with his backhand, inserting one hand into his silky satin-like hair, softly comforting.

Across her chest, she seemed to be able to feel the restlessness and anxiety in the other's heart.

Yun Qingyan hardly confirmed that the other party was Emperor Jiuque like this moment.

If he was not Di Jiuque, how could he have such a big emotion for someone who only met for a few hours?

"Why are you missing?" The magnetically sweet voice was a little bit wronged, like a feather gently sliding across his heart, it could almost make the whole body weak.

"I went to the beach." Yun Qingyan explained patiently, "I am a human being, not a mermaid, and I cannot live in the sea like you.

I will return to land after all. "

That **** old man, why did Emperor Jiuque's "reincarnation" become a mermaid?

Yun said lightly and couldn't help spitting harshly at the old man in Huang Yan's mouth.

When she spoke, she could clearly feel the body of the person in front of her stiffened.

Yun said lightly that he was a little uncomfortable with such Di Jiu Que, the previous Di Jiu Que was arrogant and clear, and definitely not as soft as Qing Yan at this time.

Yun Qingyan sighed faintly in his heart, and Huang Yan said that to get rid of "reincarnation", he must rely on himself, and help from others is useless.

She didn't know whether Emperor Jiuque could escape from that thousand illusion'samsara'.

"I will live on land with you." A clear and firm voice.

Qing Yan hugged Yun Qingyan in one hand and swam quickly to the beach.

"Food." Qing Yan held three arm-sized fishes with bright eyes.

The belly of the three fish was neatly cut, and it was obviously processed. It was born without scales, and the flesh of the belly was slightly translucent and looked very tender.

Seeing Qing Yan's expression waiting for him to eat, Yun Qingyan made a black line on his head.

Even if she is not picky, she doesn't like eating raw!

"I don't like it?" Seeing Yun Qingyan didn't seem to like the food she brought, Qing Yan dropped her head in despair, like a lost little milk dog.

Seeing Qing Yan's expression, Yun Qingyan's heart suddenly softened to a mess.

There was something wrong in her heart suddenly.

If you let Di Jiuque recover, you still remember his current memory, don't you know what his expression is?

"No, I just can't eat raw." Taking the fish, Yun said quickly and comforted.

She comforted Qing Yan, "Wait here first, I'll find some firewood."

Considering that the mermaid cannot leave the water, Yun Qingyan exhorted him.

But before she took two steps, the people behind her immediately followed.

Yun Qingyan looked at Qing Yan, who was following him in surprise, and looked down his waist, and found that his fishtails had become legs, and he was still wearing a large blue robe.

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