My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 926: Desert Island Grilled Fish

The blue robe was loosely tied to him, but it was particularly good-looking, like the color of the sea reflecting a little bit of light under the sun, reflecting different textures.

This blue scales on the tail of a fish.

Yun lightly retracted his gaze, secretly rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, the mermaid turned into his own clothes, otherwise Emperor Jiuque would have to run naked.

If he wakes up, know that she has seen him running naked.

Yun Qingyan's face became stiff, thinking of the several ‘bathroom encounters’ with Di Jiuque before, the whole person was not well.

"I'll be with you." Qing Yan, who turned her legs out of her mind, smiled lightly to Yun, and grabbed her hand with little strength, but she couldn't get away.

"Let's go." Yun said lightly, seeing that Qing Yan lacked a sense of security, and did not refuse, leading him directly to the woods to find firewood.

Perhaps it was the first time he tried to walk on his legs after he became a mermaid. Qing Yan was a bit clumsy at first, but his learning ability was very fast, and he learned in a few breaths.

The island is not big, but there are many plants and even many medicinal materials. This discovery immediately attracted Yun Qingyan's attention.

But she was so hungry that she was not in the mood to study medicinal materials. She just wanted to quickly appease her rebellious five internal organs temple, so Yun Qingyan picked up some dry wood with Qing Yan and went back to the beach to start a fire.

Huang Yan said that the water attribute illusion, the fire attribute will be restrained, and even difficult to move, but when he came to the small island, Yun said that he was not restrained strongly, and the vitality in the body seemed to be able to mobilize a little bit. The illusion is much better.

Holding his breath and mobilizing the Fire Origin Energy in his body, Yun said lightly that a small cluster of small flames appeared soon at his fingertips.

Looking at the precarious posture, it seems that a gust of wind can extinguish it.


There was a sea breeze.

The poor little flame swaying at the fingertips was unexpectedly... extinguished.

Yun Qingyan's face turned black for an instant.

"Puff." Qing Yan smiled, and in the next second he harvested Yun's vicious eye knife.

He quickly sat down with a serious face and put away the smile on Jun's face.

"Pop!" With a beating of his fingertips, a cluster of silver flame flew from his fingertips and fell on the dead wood. In a flash, a bright yellow flame ignited on the dead wood, and the silver flame returned to him after a round.

Yun said lightly, his pupils shrank.

That silver flame was the silver flame used by Emperor Jiuque to refine medicine in the illusion of fire.

She suddenly thought about a question, how much of the power of Emperor Jiuque is left?

Although he controls Yinyan, Qing Yan doesn't seem to like flames, so he unconsciously retreats a few steps after lighting the flames.

This is the mermaid's natural aversion to flames.

Yun Qingyan puts the processed fish on the rack and skewered it on the fire. Without any seasoning, Yun said that he can only make do with it and barely cook it.

Qing Yan stayed aside obediently, staring at Yun Qingyan without turning his clear and cold phoenix eyes.

The oil from the sea fish came out, and apart from the evening breeze on the quiet island, there was only the crackling sound of dead branches being burnt.

Because the clothes were wet, Yun Qingyan took off his coat and set aside to bake. He sat on the beach with only a single coat, let the flames bake his coat naturally, and kept flipping the fish under his hands.

The atmosphere was awkwardly silent for a while.

But the person on the opposite side didn't seem to feel the embarrassment of silence at all, and the slightly raised phoenix eyes opened, staring at Yun Qingyan shiningly.

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