
Wang Jili nodded casually, paused for a moment and then spoke again: Okay, none of this is important. The most important thing now is to complete the tasks assigned by Mr. Jiang Cheng first. Since we are all here, then we will Job well done.”

Anyway, to me, it's the same on any planet, and I hope it's the same for you.

After Chen Jiang and others left Wang Jili, they wandered around the city.

As for the name of this city, they didn't know it. They only knew that it was a city on Beiyin Planet, so they chose it as the landing place.

It looks quite prosperous, with lots of traffic everywhere.

It was getting dark at this time.

The neon lights flash at night, making the city look like it's full of money.

At this time, Chen Jiang and the others were strolling casually on a road in this city, quietly admiring this bustling city.

Is this the bustling heart of the Federation?

Scar Dog put his hands in his pockets and held a cigarette in his mouth. He glanced around with a careless look: To be honest, it doesn't look much different from the cities on the Good Cat Star and the Asian Planet.

In terms of prosperity, it seems to be almost the same.


Chen Jiang nodded and stopped next to a garbage cube. He lowered his head and looked at the thing under his feet and said casually: This is indeed a prosperous area closer to the Federation. It is said that the economic development is more than that of the Good Cat Star and the Asian Star. Several levels.”

The square under his feet was a square stone brick about ten centimeters wide, inlaid on the stone pavement. The stone brick had a trash can symbol carved on its surface.

and a stampede sign.


Scargou, who also noticed the sign at this time, said with a trace of surprise in his eyes: High-tech? It feels a bit prosperous. Even things like trash cans are beginning to be technologically advanced. When a city starts to pay attention to its appearance, , which shows that this city will not be short of money at least in the short term.”

After finishing speaking, he stepped on the garbage cube tentatively.

Suddenly, a feedback feeling that something had been triggered clearly reached his feet, and then he saw a middle-aged man in uniform rushing out of a pavilion not far away. This man stopped directly in front of Scar Dog. , took a few breaths and then said: Sir, do you want to throw away the garbage?


Scargo stared expressionlessly at the uniform on the middle-aged man and remained silent for a long time before speaking: A manual garbage collector?

Well, what's wrong?

It's okay, it's fine.

What else can be said, he originally thought that when he stepped on this block, something like a technological mechanism would happen, such as a trash can rising from the ground, or a hole for throwing garbage to appear under his feet.

But after thinking about many possibilities, he never thought that the square was just a button on a pager, calling a worker to collect the trash.


If we collect garbage manually, how can we throw away this cigarette butt?

It doesn't matter.

The middle-aged man took out a cup with a wet tissue at the bottom from his arms, grinned and said, Just throw it in here, sir.


Scargou was speechless for a moment and said nothing more. He threw the cigarette butt inside, said thank you and prepared to leave.

Well, sir, you haven't paid yet, 10 star coins.


I'll change.

After seeing off the middle-aged man in uniform, Scargou sighed softly, looked around and said helplessly: How tiring are the people in this city? It costs 10 to even throw away garbage. Star coins, how much do they earn in a day?”

The pressure of this life is a bit too much.

Li Hao shook his head and said thoughtfully: Actually, you can't say that. From another perspective, it is actually a good thing. After all, it provides a large number of jobs, and it can be regarded as promoting social harmony to a great extent. .

Of course, it may be a little difficult for ordinary workers.

at this time--


A huge collision sounded in the middle of the road!

Only one vehicle was seen, forcibly cutting in front of a car and blocking the car with its body. This was where the huge collision sound came from.

Then I saw a burly and somewhat menacing man getting out of the first car and striding towards the forcibly stopped vehicle, shouting angrily as he walked.

Keep grabbing, keep grabbing for me!

You fucking think I'm spoiling you? Why don't you get off my back!


Scar Dog casually glanced at the conflict, then looked back to the front, and casually said: The conflicts caused by some small scratches will probably lead to dozens of minutes of verbal abuse between the two parties.

Or maybe a fight or something.

It's all boring stuff anyway.

With their current rank, it is difficult to pay much attention to this kind of thing. After all, it is just a small fight. As long as they are willing, there will be no more fighting in this city and there will be eternal peace from now on.

But the next second——

The stopped car suddenly started to reverse, then kicked the accelerator and hit the burly man!


The burly man was knocked down instantly.

Screams rang out from both sides of the road, and the people who had just been about to gather around to grab the best viewing seats now screamed and dispersed in all directions.

However, the car didn't have any urge to stop and ran over the man again, ruthlessly rolling the man under the wheels of the car.

Once, twice, three times.

Until nearly a dozen times.

The car seemed to have calmed down and stopped in place. Under the car, there was no complete body visible. Broken limbs, blood, and minced meat were scattered everywhere.

Then I saw a man with a sad face and a beard that had not been trimmed for a long time. He stumbled out of the driver's seat of the car and sat on the ground. He leaned against the car door with eyes blank and helpless, looking into the distance. The crowd murmured.

It's over, it's over, it's all over.

My life is a complete tragedy.

It's ridiculous, it's sad, it's hateful.

The next second——

I saw this man taking out a pistol that had been prepared at some point from his arms, slowly raising it and aiming it at his temple, his dry and cracked lips trembling slightly.


Gunfire rang out.

The man in a suit stiffened for a moment when the gunshot rang out, and then his head fell freely on his chest. His hands were weakly hanging by his side. Scarlet blood continued to flow along his head and down his body. The pool of blood under the vehicle slowly merged together.

The silence at this time was in stark contrast to the chaos just now.

One cut, two lives.

ps: On the second day of National Day, there is another chapter in the evening, a big chapter.

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