My fort has a caliber of three thousand meters

Chapter 331 “When people’s hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.”

It all happened so fast.

It was so fast that no one around him even reacted, and it only took two minutes from the beginning to the end.

This conflict is over.

Crisp and neat.

The traffic police no longer need to determine liability, the insurance company no longer reports damage, the law enforcement officers no longer need to mediate possible conflicts, and there is no need for people from the criminal case team to solve the case. Just notify the crematorium to collect the body.

If every case could be as clean and tidy as this, public power would be released to a great extent.

One cut, two lives.


Scar Dog stared there expressionlessly for a while and then said, I don't understand. Aren't the people here mentally normal?

It's just a small scratch. Is it necessary? Why don't you apologize or pay some money? Isn't this thing over?

It directly caused two lives.

Although they have a lot of lives in their hands, they never kill people for no reason. They all have a reason. No one will kill people for no reason. That is not an interesting thing.

But these two people are completely casual.

You can tell autumn by looking at the leaves.

Li Hao paused for a moment and then said hesitantly: The emotions of these two people are not very stable. From this perspective, it can at least be seen that people in this city may have a lot of pressure in life.

You can tell roughly by looking at the pedestrians around you.

This is a very bad social pattern.

Most people are in a state of frustration. Maybe they started a business and lost all their money, or they may have been illegally fired despite working hard for the company, and they may be tired from appealing everywhere, or they may have gone home penniless and been raped by their wives. Crash out of the way.”

In short, in this situation, these people are like a powder keg that may explode at any time.

They don't even want to live anymore, so naturally they don't mind taking away someone who comes to bully them before they die.

Well, this is all my guess. It's hard to say what the details are.


Chen Jiang glanced at the place casually, then walked towards the distance: Let's go, things here have nothing to do with us.


Also, for them, things here are no different from children playing around. Maybe the people in this city are really tired.

What does that have to do with them?

Draw blood?

Wang Jili looked at the security guard standing at the door of the hall expressionlessly and said, I'm just here to apply for a license. Do you want to draw my blood?


The security guard pointed with a serious face to the TV playing the news and said: The devil has not faded yet. Everyone who enters public places must have their blood drawn to ensure that there is no devil in your body.


What a damn old word.

Wang Jili raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the news playing on the TV hanging on the wall.

It didn’t take long to figure it out.

A year ago, a bunch of demons invaded the planet. These demons were invisible and impossible to capture, but they would float into people's bodies.

When it floats into the human body, it will be like a chronic cancer, causing people to gradually die. After the death of the host, it will float out again and transfer to the next person's body. At this time, the power of the demon will be stronger, making the person die slowly. The host will also die faster.

This bunch of demons appeared out of nowhere and once caused a lot of impact on this planet.

Fortunately, it was contained six months ago.

There are just some sporadic demons wandering around this planet.

Drawing blood is the most effective way to determine whether someone is possessed by a demon.


After understanding the cause and effect, Wang Jili remained expressionless and silent. After a moment, he stretched out his arm and said, Come on, smoke it.

New here.

Don't be too busy.

Even if you are working for Mr. Jiang Cheng this time, you will definitely be protected by Mr. Jiang Cheng. There is no need to cause trouble as soon as you arrive, as this will make Mr. Jiang Cheng unhappy.

That's much more serious than drawing some blood.


The security guard took out a small instrument from his pocket, tapped Wang Jili's index finger, took out a drop of blood, and put the drop of blood on a test paper, which slowly turned red.

Then the security guard handed the test paper to Wang Jili: If the test paper turns red, it proves that you are not possessed by the devil. If the test paper turns black, it means you are possessed by the devil.

This test effect can last for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you need to do the test again.

You can hold this test strip to represent your own harmlessness, or enter this test strip into the personal information panel on your watch to obtain an electronic archive.


Wang Jili nodded lightly, looked down at the watch on his arm, calculated the time in his mind, took the test paper without stopping, and strode towards the hall in front of him.

Wait a minute, you haven't paid for the test strips yet. One test is 18 star coins.


Turn around.

Okay, please come in.

At this time, Chen Jiang and others were on the rooftop of a tall building.


Chen Jiang stood on the edge of the rooftop, frowning slightly and said, Just woke up?

The other party on the phone was Liu Yishou, the boss of the grave digging company.

Before he was smuggled out, he contacted this person, but was unable to contact him. He once thought that this person was dead or missing, or had an accident or something.

Unexpectedly, I contacted him again.

It was the other party who took the initiative to contact him.


Liu Yishou, who was on the other end of the video call, looked a little pale, as if he had just come out of the sauna. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, lowered his head slightly, and rubbed his temples: I was so sleepy the past two days, I just fell asleep today. It’s over, I just woke up.”

I've been under too much pressure these past two days. I haven't dared to sleep much. I can't hold on anymore today.


Chen Jiang glanced at Liu Yishou on the screen, paused for a moment, and then said casually: Originally, I contacted you today because I wanted you to go to the Good Cat Star. I need the original consciousness of the world on the Good Cat Star.

But your reply was a little late. I have left that area now and can't go back for the time being.

Get ready. I will find you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and send you to the Good Cat Star.

Don't worry about being discovered. Before sending you there, I will clean the good cat star thoroughly to ensure that no one will see you. It will be the same as last time, 10 billion.

Liu Yishou lowered his head as if deep in thought. After hesitating for a moment, he said hoarsely: Okay, I'll wait for your news.


After confirming the matter, Chen Jiang said no more and hung up the phone.

And when Chen Jiang didn't see it.

While the phone is hanging up.

Liu Yishou's entire body seemed to be boneless in an instant, and he slipped from the chair.

And a man came from the side and said with a cold expression.

Captain, there is no suspicion in Jiang Cheng's mind. The plan went well.


The captain standing next to him took out a small spider embedded in his Adam's apple from his throat, sneered, and looked at Liu Yishou lying on the ground without speaking.

This little spider is a little prop.

There is only one effect, that is, you can record someone's voice and then perfectly imitate that person's voice and tone.

As for Liu Yishou, he naturally died long ago.

And he died miserably. There were a lot of bones placed next to him. Basically all the bones in Liu Yishou's body were taken out, not for torture, but to transform him into a puppet.

Yes, all Liu Yishou's actions just now were controlled.

The joints play a large role in driving a person's movements, so these bones must be taken out, a bone sensor is embedded in the place where the bones were originally placed, and then the corresponding receiver is tied to each of them. .

In this way, you can see remotely and interact synchronously.

It's not worth wasting this thing on this person.

At this time——

A man sitting on a chair nearby had his body covered with sensors that flashed with various lights. He waved it casually. Liu Yishou, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly got up from the ground and moved with almost no delay. , made exactly the same action as this man.

Like, two people separated by a mirror.

This set of things is not a prop, but a federal technology, and it is expensive to make.

The purpose of creating it is to control some physically strong people and use it as a killing weapon.

Among the race players in recent years, there have been some races with strong physical strength. These people are a bit troublesome and wasteful to kill. Therefore, this technology has been developed to effectively control the bodies of race players.

This is actually not the correct use of this technology!

When the brain dies, the muscles in the body will slowly wither, and no matter how strong the body was during life, it will not be able to exert it.

The correct way to use it is to put a player of this race on the operating table, and then ask a doctor with superb medical skills to come and remove all the bones from this player's body, replace them with bone sensors, and finally cut off the brain of this player to control himself. body line.

In this way, you can ensure that your body will not wither and your body will always maintain peak combat power.

But the disadvantage is that players of this race will retain their own consciousness.

This was obviously not suitable for use just now. If Liu Yishou conveyed any news with his eyes, their plan would have a big surprise.

This is not what they want to see.

Well, waste is a little wasted.

The man who was the captain stayed on the spot and looked at Liu Yishou, his eyes narrowed and he paused for a moment before hoarsely saying: But everything is worth it. At least Jiang Cheng has no suspicions about Liu Yishou, so go ahead and prepare.

When Jiang Cheng takes the initiative to contact us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will be Jiang Cheng's death!


They are the federal task force No. 23!

It has to be said that the actions of Liu Yishou's grave-digging company on the Orange Star are indeed very covert, especially under the cover of Jiang Cheng's company, it is indeed difficult to find traces of the grave-digging company.

But many things will leave traces as long as they are done.

And these traces cannot be eliminated.

There are only a few companies that have this business near Orange Star. With a little screening, they can find a few suspects. The whole process is very easy and does not waste too much effort on their part.

If it hadn't taken a while to replace Liu Yishou's bones, Jiang Cheng would have been able to pick up the call when he called Liu Yishou.

A little delay might arouse Jiang Cheng's suspicion, but there was nothing they could do about it. Bone replacement was an extremely complicated matter. They had to mobilize a medical team with superb medical skills to take charge of this matter.

This will definitely take some time.

Just as they guessed.

Since Jiang Cheng deprived one planet of its original consciousness of the world, he would definitely want to find Liu to create the second planet's original consciousness of the world.

Someone set up a net.

Someone was caught.

Next, I hope Mr. Jiang Cheng will enjoy their welcome ceremony.


After hanging up the phone, Scargou leaned his head over and asked curiously: I just saw that Liu Yishou's face was a little pale. Isn't this kid overindulging in sex?

Not sure.

Chen Jiang shook his head casually: This is not important, but I am more curious.

Which point?

Do you know where Liu Yishou is?

Shaxing? Or are you going to other planets?

Scar Dog was a little confused and said, Who knows where it is specifically.


Chen Jiang nodded lightly, paused for a while, and then said: I don't know exactly where it is, but I can basically determine that it is near Shaxing, and where we are, we are on Beiyinxing.

There is a distance of 7,000 light years between us!

I'm very curious, when did Liu Yishou have the ability to contact others in real time through video calls across 7,000 light-years?

This kind of method is probably not even available to Bei Yinxing's star.

How could Liu Yishou have this?

Oh, that's right!

Scar Dog was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: I didn't expect that there are 7,000 light years between us and Liu Yishou. How did the other party contact us?

Is it possible that Liu Yishou is near us?

I seem to understand.

Li Hao on the side frowned, thought for a moment and then hesitated: The Nicholas Galaxy Federation must have this kind of real-time communication capability across light years, otherwise the Nicholas Galaxy Federation would not be able to deal with those planets that are tens of thousands of light years away. Create enough deterrence.”

Those with this ability are basically large-scale chain forces across federal territories.

For example, Ge Feiyang Tax Collection Company.

Or the Federal Task Force 23.

This is a force that directly belongs to the Federation and only obeys the orders of the Federation. In this case, this group must have the ability to communicate across light years, otherwise they would have no way to receive orders from their superiors in real time.

So it can be roughly inferred that Liu Yishou has been killed, and there is a group of large cross-federal forces waiting for us in a network.

It's just that what I don't understand is why the other party showed such a conspicuous flaw. It's simply too big. Unless...unless the other party doesn't even know that we have arrived at Beiyin Star, which is 7,000 light-years away.

If the other party knew that we were already 7,000 light-years away, they would definitely not show such a conspicuous trick.


Chen Jiang did not speak, but turned around and stood on the edge of the rooftop. He looked down at the neon city in the night and admired it for a moment before suddenly laughing.

Liu Yishou doesn't get along well with us.

Old friend.

An old friend died like this. We didn't do anything. It would easily make the people below feel chilled.

If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.

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