
Scar Dog nodded with approval, tilted his head to look at the news again, and said with some regret: It's a pity that the federal government has not released the video of a fleet firing in unison. I have never seen this scene.

It must be quite spectacular.

X on the side did not speak, but seemed to have something on his mind. He stood aside without speaking, looking quietly at the bottom of the city not far away.


Wang Jili breathed a sigh of relief, put the badge to his mouth, kissed it softly, and murmured: It seems like there is no big problem. I should not have to die for the time being.

you die?

The badge muttered with some dissatisfaction: If you want to die, I will die first, okay? Why would I become a prop? This is completely unscientific, and it is a one-time prop. Every time danger comes, I always feel that I am not far from death.

Unscientific? Don't you feel that props having self-awareness is really unscientific?

If you want to put it like this, the existence of props is really unscientific.


Wang Jili shook his head slightly, and did not continue to dwell on this issue. Instead, he shook his head and said, You will not die. After all, when everyone betrayed me, you were the only one who stayed with me.

I will remember this kindness. You will not die in front of me.


The badge was obviously a little uncomfortable with Wang Jili's sudden expression. He paused for a while and then said with some embarrassment: I want to run, but I can't. I just awakened my self-awareness, and I haven't awakened my own legs. , otherwise I would have run away.

Wang Jili didn't speak anymore, he just put the badge back into his arms, looked at Mr. Jiang Cheng's back and remained silent without speaking.

And at this time.

It was getting dark.

The dark clouds gradually came up, and the raindrops slowly fell, making the whole city seem a little peaceful.

This kind of weather.

The best thing to do is to sit in your living room, open the window, feel the scent of the moist earth, the cool night breeze, and the sound of the rain, and then go watch a movie or play games. , eating fried chicken, or even sleeping.

No matter what you do.

In this environment, everyone seems to be extremely happy.

For ordinary people, happiness is never a broad term, but a narrow term. As long as you can find a quiet time of yourself doing nothing at a certain moment, you are considered happy.

x stood on the edge of the rooftop with a calm face, looking at Mr. Jiang Cheng's back. He suddenly figured out something. His frown suddenly relaxed, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he slowly opened his arms, and raised his head slightly. rise.

very nice.

very nice.

Wei Yan looked at the dark clouds above his head with slightly dull eyes. His blood-covered hand tightly grasped Xiaoya's hand. The stinging pain all over his body made him unable to move. He endured the severe pain and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He gently raised his hand to wipe away the smile on Xiaoya's face who was kneeling beside him, and murmured in a tired voice.

For a moment, I felt like I owned the whole world.

I thought a lot before you woke up.

I have thought that after resurrecting you, I will use your and my abilities to enslave the other ten gods, and then build a kingdom of gods that belongs to us. I will be the king and you will be the queen.

We give birth to a son and let him inherit our throne.

“I want to change the landscape of the federation.”

I even think that I am a kind god. When I see beggars on the roadside who are freezing to death, I will give them some money. The federation doesn't care about them, but I do.

But now I suddenly understand.

I don't think about anything anymore. In fact, I just want to stay with you, stay together forever.

Stop talking, stop talking.

Xiaoya's face was filled with tears mixed with blood. Divine power surged out of her body crazily and was continuously instilled into Wei Yan's body. She bit her lips and said with a trembling cry: I will save you. When you get better, we will do whatever it takes. If you don’t do it, just stay together like this.”

Are you stupid?

After Wei Yan struggled to get rid of Xiaoya's hand, he forcibly disconnected the transmission of divine power, and said helplessly: You don't have much divine power to begin with. This little divine power is not enough to prevent me from falling into a deep sleep. Don't use it indiscriminately. .

I won't die, I'll just fall into a deep sleep.

Perhaps it will wake up again in tens of millions of years.


At this time, the dark clouds finally condensed, and raindrops like snot bubbles fell sparsely, washing away the blood on Wei Yan's face, but soon new blood came out again, and he smiled miserably, deep in his eyes. A trace of reluctance flashed through, and he said hoarsely.

If I just leave you alone, you will definitely be lonely in this world.

They will definitely bully you.

Damn it, what if you get bullied?

I already feel like I don't have much time left.

Wei Yan's consciousness began to fade away quickly, and then like a flashback, he suddenly stood up, and then his legs were weak and he suddenly fell to the ground. He knelt on one knee and gasped, looking into the distance and forcefully mobilized The last bit of divine power in the body.

Let me be selfish one last time!

The next second——

A strong white light suddenly emerged from Wei Yan's body, and the soil under Wei Yan and Xiaoya seemed to have softened. The two bodies continued to fall, and they did not know how many meters they fell.

This white light forms a barrier!

Deep underground, an area roughly the size of a football field was formed.

In the room, there are various daily necessities, sofas, beds, and a series of other things transformed by divine power.

When everything is fixed.

Wei Yan had his eyes closed tightly, lying motionless on the spot, completely falling into a deep sleep. I don't know how long this sleep will last. Maybe when he wakes up, federal civilization no longer exists.

Brother Yan!

After Xiaoya reacted, her eyes were red, and the tears she had been holding back burst out from her eyes. She threw herself on Wei Yan's body and wanted to say something, but her throat seemed to be clogged with tears. I couldn't say anything, I could only cry heartbreakingly.

At this moment, this woman doesn't look like a god at all.

Totally, an ordinary woman whose husband had just died.

Of course she knew what Brother Yan meant.

Brother Yan didn't want to see her betray him after he fell into a deep sleep, so he sealed her here and let her be buried with him.

She could sense that the barrier formed by divine power could not be broken through with her divine power, unless she had ten times more divine power.

But she did it willingly and without any resentment.

In fact, even if Brother Yan didn't do this, she didn't plan to leave. Where could she go?

In this strange world, without Brother Yan, where can she go and what can she do?

She likes nice new clothes.

That's because she likes to show her good-looking self to Brother Yan. If Brother Yan is gone, who can she show her nice-looking new clothes?

At the moment when the main gun of the federal fleet fell!

Brother Yan mobilized almost all his divine power to protect her tightly. He withstood the blow, and then at the last moment when the planet exploded, he mobilized the few divine powers and came to the planet.

Without her, Brother Yan might still be alive and well now.

She cried and cried, and actually cried herself to sleep.

Like a kitten that had lost its mother, it huddled tightly next to Wei Yan's body. His eyelashes beat a few times in his sleep. He didn't know whether it was because of a nightmare or because he was a little cold.

I do not know how long it has been.

She slowly woke up from her sleep, glanced around, and then looked at Wei Yan, who was still lying on the spot with his eyes closed. Then she remembered what happened. He sat there with dull eyes, staring straight at him. Wei Yan didn't know what to do for a while.

Like a living dead.

at this time.

She suddenly discovered that there was a piece of light writing on the ceiling of this barrier, but she had never discovered it.


Forgive me for this selfish behavior. This time I fell into a deep sleep and exhausted all the divine power in my body. I may never have the chance to wake up again in this life.

But I don't regret it. I'm very happy these few days with you. This is the best gift God has given me.

I don't want you to confront the Federation head-on in order to resurrect me. Otherwise, you will fall into a deep sleep. Your divine power will not be able to resist the Federation, and the Federation has restricted almost all sources from which we can obtain divine power.

Allow me to be selfish one last time.

This barrier will last for a hundred years, and will automatically break apart after a hundred years.

At that time, you should have let go of this hatred. Your feelings for me may have gradually faded away with the passage of time. At that time, you can leave this place and start a new life.

Promise me not to resurrect me.

Give up the identity of a god and become an ordinary person, fall in love, get married, enjoy life, and live my part.

as well as.

I prepared a gift for you. Do you remember that clothing store in Bei Yinxing? I bought that clothing store and changed the name of the store to Xiaoya Clothing Store. This store may be able to help you a hundred years later. Start a new life.

I believe that you may be more suitable to be a fashion designer than a god.

The clothes you designed are really amazing and look better than any other clothes.

Come on, keep on living, Xiaoya, as for me, I'll just take a nap for a while, I'm a little sleepy.


After seeing the lines of words on the ceiling of the barrier, Xiaoya was stunned for a moment. Her eyes, which had just calmed down a little, suddenly turned red again. She kept roaring heartbreakingly, and the divine power in her body continued to surge, attacking the surrounding barriers. !

I want to leave here, get divine power, and then resurrect Wei Yan!

Wei Yan had been preparing for thousands of years to resurrect her, and now it was her turn to resurrect Wei Yan!

However, no matter how hard she tried, those barriers remained motionless and showed no signs of breaking!

Just like Wei Yan said, this barrier will not be broken in less than a hundred years!

It is also possible that in order to prevent her from absorbing beliefs online, although there are a series of electronic products here, there is no signal.

It was already on a deserted planet, deep underground, and coupled with the shielding of the barrier, there was no signal at all.

She opened a tablet and downloaded seven or eight thousand TV series.

Xiaoya looked at the tablet in her hand, smiled miserably, and her expression gradually became trance-like. She once told Wei Yan that these TV series were so interesting. There was no such thing before. There are so many interesting things in this civilization.

Perhaps because he was worried that she would be too bored during these hundred years, Wei Yan used his divine power to conjure up many things for her to pass the time at the last moment before falling asleep.

Looking around at the daily necessities that Wei Yan prepared at the last moment of his life.

She took a breath and put the tablet aside. What she liked was watching TV series with Wei Yan instead of watching TV series alone. Without Wei Yan, she didn't want to do anything.


In that case, let's sleep together.

She slowly lay down next to Wei Yan, poured all her divine power into her right palm, and then slammed it on her head!

It just didn't cause any injuries.

When those divine powers came into contact with the head, they returned to her body again as if they had returned home.

Gods have no right to commit suicide.

She lay expressionlessly in Wei Yan's arms, looked at the ceiling of the barrier, and slowly closed her eyes. Her hatred for the Federation continued to grow rapidly at this moment.

She wanted to resurrect Wei Yan, but she couldn't.

She wanted to commit suicide but couldn't.

She is like a waste, unable to do anything.

Whether before waking up or after waking up, she was like a waste. She could only follow Wei Yan, which was of no use at all.

At this time, she remembered what other gods said about her when the age of gods still existed.

If she is not Wei Yan, what qualifications does she have to become a god like us?

She's just a loser. Without Wei Yan, he would strangle her to death in minutes.

In other words, we rely on Wei Yan. Without Wei Yan, who will believe in her? A weak woman? Will you believe in a weak woman?

Definitely not. Who in the right mind would believe in a weak woman?

She slowly closed her eyes, tears falling from the corners of her eyes. Yes, maybe she was Wei Yan's burden from the beginning. If it weren't for her, Wei Yan wouldn't have fallen into a deep sleep this time, right?

at this time--

She felt another believer praying to her.

Another insult to her from that kind of believer!

But at this moment, she was so frustrated that she didn't even bother to feel angry.


She suddenly opened her eyes, and a light flashed deep in her eyes. She bit her lip with some struggle in her heart. Perhaps she could gain divine power in this way and resurrect Brother Yan.

But, is this method considered a betrayal of Brother Yan?

She turned her head and looked at the sleeping Wei Yan beside her. After sitting quietly like this for a long time, she cut off a strand of her hair, placed it on Wei Yan's chest, kissed Wei Yan's forehead and whispered softly. road.

I am dirty. Before I met you, I was just a little girl who was sold into a brothel.

You redeemed me.

But I have always been like a burden, dragging you down.

This time, let me help you once, and I will make you the strongest god in the world.

You keep saying that I am your moon and have saved you, but in fact you are my moon.

The next second——

She listened to the believer's prayer, and her consciousness instantly crossed the space and came to the statue that the believer had built for her.

Good Cat Star.

A man was kneeling on the bed, looking at the inflatable doll on the bedside and praying devoutly.

Everyone says you are a god. If you are a god, can you listen to me this time?

I just want.

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly saw the inflatable doll that was originally dead on the bed suddenly opened its eyes and stood on the bed.


The man was stunned for a moment, then his pupils suddenly dilated, and he shouted heartbreakingly: Ghost!!!

I heard your prayers.

Xiaoya's consciousness was bent over the doll, and she stood up on the bed. She looked down at her body and was silent for a while, then looked at the man in front of her with a calm face and spoke word by word.

I hear your prayers and grant your request.

But you need to offer your true faith.

And by spreading this news, anyone who devotes their loyal faith to me and prays to me every day will have the opportunity to receive my true body.



The man didn't react for a while. After a long while, he finished digesting the information in his ears. He swallowed secretly. The desire in his eyes obviously defeated the fear in his heart. He raised his hands tremblingly: I understand, I understand, that .Is anything okay?”

He gestured with his hands towards the doll that suddenly came to life in front of him.


Xiaoya slowly closed her eyes, a trace of sadness flashed deep in her heart, trying her best not to think of Brother Yan at this time: Anything is fine.

No problem, no problem! You will be the only god I believe in from now on, and I will even give my life for you!

The man who finally reacted looked excited and ran over with trembling hands. He held the shoulders of the doll in front of him and said excitedly: Then, let me start?


After a while.

The doll returned to life, while the man was lying on the bed with a dazed look on his face, his legs were weak and trembling, and then he looked at the ceiling in hindsight.

What he went through would be unimaginable to ordinary people.

This experience cannot be explained in words.

That is a god, a living god!

After a moment, he reacted suddenly, jumped out of bed, hurriedly opened a social forum, and began to share his feelings. He did not forget the conditions for his promise to the gods. In fact, even if he did not agree, he would Do it this way!

After all, this experience was such a powerful social bargaining chip that it was completely worth talking about!

Brothers, exclusive secret!

The gods are obviously spiritual. Buy a one-to-one life-like simulation doll of Mi Xiaoya, then pray to the doll day and night, and offer your loyal faith. Then Xiaoya God will have the opportunity to appear in the doll!

I just experienced it, and I can only say that it's fucking amazing!!!

Don't say that I didn't take care of you all, brothers!

If you have a doll, hurry up and try it, you will definitely be in for a fucking surprise!


Many people responded.

First floor: My mother makes a nest, I admire you.

Second floor: Are today's advertisers so desperate to advertise?

Third floor: Only otakus use that stuff, who normal people use it?

Fourth floor: That's right, a doll sells for five figures, can't you afford to live?

Insults and questions came one after another.

However, starting from the 87th floor, the painting style suddenly began to change.

Eighty-seventh floor: Damn! I and the others really tried it just now. Xiaoya God really came. I was almost scared to death, but I have to say that the feeling was really amazing. For the first time, I felt that my money was well spent. So worth it!

Eighty-eighth floor: The navy troops upstairs are determined.


Floor 92: It's fucking true. I tried it just now, and God Xiaoya really came!!! Oh my god, I didn't know what to say for a moment, and suddenly I felt like I was better than Xu Xiandu Awesome, if I see Xu Xian after I die, Xu Xian will have to call me brother.

There are more and more different voices.

Many people are gradually becoming less determined. Could it be that this thing is real?

No, this is too damn unscientific!

It's not that they question the god's ability, but they don't believe why the god would do such a thing!

However, this incident was just a trigger, and a bigger storm was ignited!

Just one day.

This incident became a huge hit on all social forums of Haomao Star!

Haomaoxing is the place with the most Xiaoya dolls.

After all, Xiaoya dolls were made by One!

Even if you don’t use it after you buy it, you can still enjoy it by using it as a decoration!

When more and more people confirmed that this thing was true, the whole planet became a sensation! ! !

I don't know how many men excitedly waved a lot of money, rushed into the store, and bought the dolls in the store at a premium!

Before the boss even reacts!

The inventory was sold out!

The doll manufacturing factory, which had been preparing to temporarily close the factory to avoid the limelight, suddenly turned red and asked all workers to be on duty 24 hours a day. The machines were fully activated and began to make dolls crazily!

The moment I heard the resurrection of Xiaoya God!

The first reaction of this doll manufacturing factory was to run away immediately!

You can make more money, but you only have one life!

But the market is so hot, and the price of dolls continues to double, suddenly it feels like there is no need to run away.

If your life is gone, you will still have it in the next life, but if your money is gone, you don’t know when you will make money next time!

And after investigating clearly why the market suddenly became so popular, the doll manufacturing factory suddenly felt relieved. After all, even the god Xiaoya was willing to appear in the body of the doll, and let it be ravaged, so naturally it would not care about him anymore. .

Just send the relevant news to x at the first time.

After all, the original mold for the doll was provided by x, and the copyright on this doll is also exclusive to x.

at this time.

Inside the sub-meixing.

Wang Jili and others were staying in a hotel, living in different rooms, waiting quietly.

One day has passed.

Logically speaking, the global activities of Chen Jiang and others are over and they have temporarily returned to the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

Only Wang Jili and others were temporarily accommodated in this hotel, waiting for Mr. Jiang Cheng's next order.

And at this time——

When he saw a message and a long post on the screen in front of him, x's face froze in place. After being stunned for a long time, he looked at Wang Jili aside and murmured: Brother, don't say I'm lucky and didn't call you. Let me give you an exciting show for the first time.

Wang Jili and others were put into different rooms in pairs to prevent any accidents from happening when they were alone in the room, and no news could be spread.

Wang Jili and x were placed in the same room.

An exciting show? What the hell?

Wang Jili took out a cigarette from his arms and threw it into his mouth. After lighting it, he turned around and leaned against the window sill and looked at x unhappily: I don't want to see it. It would be no good if you came to me. If you hadn't been very Do we need to be worried now if that thing is to be auctioned back?

If it weren't for you, would Jiang Cheng Company need to worry about this now?

No, no, no, this is a really exciting show.

x An secretly swallowed his saliva before he recovered from the shock and forwarded all the messages on the screen in front of him to Wang Jili.

Wang Jili frowned and did not speak, but checked the message from x.

After a while.

The cigarette in his mouth fell unconsciously and fell to the carpet, burning a hole. He himself looked up at x with an expression of disbelief and murmured: I can't imagine what I just saw?

Can you make sure this source is correct?

Correct, here is a video of a doll being possessed by the god Xiaoya, and it has started to go viral on the Internet.


Wang Jili swallowed secretly, sat on the carpet tremblingly, picked up the half of the cigarette on the carpet, lit it again, and said in a trembling voice: Such an enemy is a bit too scary. In order to restore his divine power, he has gone to any lengths. No.

When she recovers enough divine power, the sky will change!

She must be stopped!

How to stop it?

x spread his hands with helplessness on his face: Tell me how to stop it?

Don't you own the doll mold of God Xiaoya? Moreover, the copyright of this doll is exclusive to you. You announced that no one is allowed to produce this doll anymore. Naturally, that god will not be able to collect the power of faith!

it's useless.

x sighed softly: Actually, I thought of this at first, because the boss of the factory on Haomao Star told me when he informed me that the market suddenly exploded!

Many factories directly bought those genuine dolls and began to make their own molds to produce pirated dolls.

As for copyright, when the profit is enough, who cares!

It is said that those factories that produce pirated dolls are recruiting legal persons under a high-pay buyout system. The only function is to let the legal persons go to jail when the defendant commits infringement. One factory has already reserved seven preliminary legal persons, waiting for us. File a lawsuit, and then let the legal person go in and jail.

In the beginning, my route was to produce high-quality luxury goods, so the cheapest dolls were priced at several thousand dollars more, but those factories that produced pirated dolls even prepared countless versions!

For example, the replacement version of 9.9 star coins, the materials are naturally the worst, but it can be used.

After that, from the price of 29.9 star coins to the price of 999 star coins, everything is available, almost satisfying the price range of all consumers!

.Even the forces of chaos have intervened.

The market is really hot. In this case, copyright is a big deal.

who cares?


After Wang Jili remained expressionless for a long time, he said hoarsely: Those people should know what will happen when God Xiaoya regains full power. The emergence of a real god is not a good thing for the Federation.

They don't know. They only know that putting the pentacles in their pockets is true, and those believers don't care about that. They are more concerned about when the gods can listen to their prayers and take care of them.

Not everyone can think about issues from the federal perspective. There are only a handful of such people.


Wang Jili took a deep breath and suppressed the turbulence in his heart: Mr. Jiang Cheng must be informed of this matter immediately and let Mr. Jiang Cheng make a decision.


x nodded with a serious face: But before that, I wonder if you would mind having one more faith?

What do you mean?

I mean, you're not an atheist, right?

Even if you are a true atheist, you shouldn't be firm at this time, right?

That's it. I wonder if you would like to try to believe in Xiaoya God?


After Wang Jili remained expressionless and silent for a long time, he put the cigarette in his hand on the window sill and said, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are even more perverted than before.


x took out a noble and exquisite Xiaoya doll from his arms and placed it on the bed.

You know, the point of life is to try different things.

“This experience is definitely worth remembering for a lifetime.”

As good brothers, we can be together.

go to hell.

Wang Jili dialed the call with Mr. Jiang Cheng expressionlessly: I don't believe in Xiaoya, I believe in God. I hope God will send you, a scumbag, to hell as soon as possible and bring peace to the world.


The call is dialed.

Inside the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

Chen Jiang, who was originally about to get up and go to Fire City to catch the cook, suddenly stopped after listening to Wang Jili's report, looked up into the distance and murmured in a daze.

Isn't this kind of enemy too difficult?

ps: This is a big chapter of 8,000 words. I have made up for the chapters I owed during my leave yesterday. Phew! Can you support me with a monthly ticket? Woohoo, I love you.

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