this kind of enemy

Chen Jiang took a deep breath in a daze, looked to the horizon, and said no more.

For some reason, he suddenly began to be afraid of this female god in his heart.

This kind of person who is extremely purposeful and does everything in order to achieve something is actually the person who is most likely to succeed!

Maybe they will be disgusted by the world, but success will choose to stand behind him.

Since ancient times, basically all people who have achieved great things have this kind of character.

This enemy is a bit scary.

After being silent for a while, he said softly: Tell Wang Jili and the others not to have any thoughts and pretend this never happened.

Just say that's what I said.

If I find someone who believes in this god and does something else, I will twist his head off.


Scargou answered with a serious look on his face. Seeing that Brother Jiang was a little serious, he didn't make any jokes, so he still had some winks.

Then the cook is still going to arrest him?

I won't go there today. Pay attention to the news over there. This matter may become a big deal.



While putting the doll in his hand into his arms, Any other ideas?”


Wang Jili said angrily: Which one of us is the pervert? Mr. Jiang Cheng knows as well as Ming Jing.

It's hard to say. In Mr. Jiang Cheng's mind, we should both be perverts.

After all, your previous behavior was no better than mine. At least I never touched the dead.

Wang Jili glared at


x looked up at Wang Jili with some curiosity. After pouring himself a glass of homemade vodka again, he said with some surprise: When did you become such a kind-hearted person? If you want to say pity, it is naturally a bit pitiful.

After being bombarded by the federal fleet, you still have to be bombarded by believers. How can you not be pitiful?

But what does this have to do with us?

There are so many poor people in this world. Ask those people who died innocently in Nila Star, do they think they are pitiful?


Wang Jili looked complicated and shook his head: I saw them that day, and they didn't seem to have any airs of godliness. If I hadn't known them, they were actually just a normal couple.

I just feel that the world is a little unfair. In fact, maybe they can enjoy their life as a couple in this world.


After being silent for a while, After exhaling a puff of smoke on Geely's face, he said softly.

The existence of the world is inherently unfair.

Do you know how much injustice my beautiful face brought to me when I was a child? Am I pitiful? Everyone in this world is pitiful.

Put away these boring kindnesses of yours.

In my eyes, you are at risk of rebellion now.

I will not report to Mr. Jiang Cheng this time, but the next time I hear such words from you, I will definitely choose to report. Don't forget that we are in a hostile relationship with that Xiaoya god.

The first thing she does when she sees you is not to thank you for your kindness, but to kill you.

Sober up.

Then he patted Wang Jili on the shoulder and strode out of the room, going somewhere unknown.


After the police left, Wang Jili didn't speak. He just turned around and looked out the window at the city washed by rain with a complex expression. He didn't know what he was thinking.

I know you.

There was a sudden sound in the empty room.

The badge hanging outside Wang Jili's coat said loudly.

You might be thinking how great it would be if you had a girlfriend who was so loving.

You're envious of them.

Xiaoya used everything to restore her divine power. It must be that Wei Yan fell into a deep sleep and wanted to use her divine power to restore Wei Yan.

There are not many people in the world who can do this for a woman.

And you've never had a woman like this.

Wang Jili did not answer, but looked at the raindrops on the windowsill in a daze. What he told Mr. Jiang Cheng was that he had killed his wife who had betrayed him.

But there were some things he didn't say.

That is, during these years, he pretended to be real.

He really fell in love with his wife and hoped for a long time that his wife would change her mind, but unfortunately, he did not do it.

But there is no need to say this.

After all, the reason why he came into contact with his wife was just to get close to his father-in-law, but when he said it, he felt like a bitch setting up a memorial for himself.

I do not know how long it has been.

A hoarse voice sounded vaguely in the room.

Forget it, I'm dirty, but when I met such a woman, I felt a little ashamed and didn't dare to come forward.

I just hope that if, when Wei Yan is really resurrected by Xiaoya, Wei Yan will not abandon Xiaoya because of this matter.

Hey, hey, this is getting further and further away from your position. You two are in a hostile relationship.

I know.

Wang Jili paused for a while with a calm expression and then said softly: But among those soldiers who fought tooth and nail for the Federation, do everyone love the Federation from the bottom of their hearts?


Sometimes a person's position is different from what he does, and there is no conflict.

I hope so, but if we do meet, we will still be hostile.

In that somewhat dark space.

Xiaoya curled up in a ball, shivering a little, and got into Wei Yan's clothes, letting her body and Wei Yan stick together tightly.

Wei Yan's body has gradually become colder, and his body functions have stopped functioning.

If ordinary people are like this, they are basically not far from the first seven.

She is not cold.

She was just a little scared, and a strong fear kept rising in her heart.

She couldn't imagine what would happen when Wei Yan was resurrected and learned all this. She couldn't imagine that scene. Just thinking about it made her whole body tremble with fear. But she couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Wei Yan continued to sleep like this. What's the point of living alone in this world?

The consciousness is divided into thousands of strands and floats out along with the power of faith.

When each strand of consciousness is separated, she always cuts off the strand of consciousness immediately so that the next memory will not appear in her mind.

This will not have any impact on her gathering the power of faith.

But it had a great impact on her spirit. Every time a ray of consciousness was cut out, her head would always sting, as if she had been pricked by a needle.

She didn't know how to deal with this.

As if this could make him feel less guilty about betraying Wei Yan.

Xiaoya curled up in Wei Yan's arms and her body kept shaking. The consciousness that was constantly separated made her a little dazed at the moment. The stinging pain made her lips covered with blood stains. In the trance, her memory seemed to go back to many years ago.

It was a snowy night.

Because she once again refused to accept guests, the madam took off all her clothes, pulled her into the snow and whipped her as a warning to other girls.

At this time, he appeared.

He didn't say anything more, he just took her away.

Maybe Wei Yan couldn't remember this scene clearly, but she always remembered this scene. At that time, Wei Yan seemed like a real god, saving her from fire and water.

At that time, Wei Yan was not a god, he was just a mortal who had initially mastered the power of absorbing faith and had some unique abilities.


She stayed with Wei Yan and watched him walk up to the throne of the gods step by step.

After other gods became gods, their temperaments basically changed drastically. The word tyranny can no longer be described. After all, all gods were actually just mortals before. They unscrupulously enjoyed their power and the fear of the world.

Only Wei Yan is different.

Even after becoming a god, Wei Yan still maintained his original character, and would even often help mortals. She didn't know why Wei Yan did this. She once asked, but Wei Yan just said he did it when he saw it.

The Federation designated them both as evil gods.

In fact, only she knew that Wei Yan was not an evil god at all, he just couldn't stand the way the federation ruled.

As the tingling in her mind became more and more intense, her expression gradually became trance-like.

Vaguely, she remembered the conversation when Wei Yan had her for the first time.

She lay on the redwood, facing the dim light of the oil lamp, buried her head in Wei Yan's chest, and whispered a word.

I'm not clean anymore.

She somewhat forgot what she said later.

She only remembered what Wei Yan said.

No one in this world is clean, and I am no exception.

The stabbing pain in her head became more and more painful, almost causing her to lose the ability to think.

And at this moment——

She suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears.


Brother Yan?

Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly got out of Wei Yan's arms and looked at Wei Yan's face: Brother Yan, are you awake?

But to her disappointment, Wei Yan's body was still sleeping, with no trace of waking up.

Hey, look at the top of your head.

Hearing the voice in her ears ring again, she subconsciously looked above her head.

At some point, a shadow of Wei Yan appeared above her head, looking at her with a smile.

Before falling asleep, there was still some divine power in the body, so seven scenes were left behind. Once a day, just treat me as talking to you.

After all, you may feel a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but you will get better later.

We are gods with very long lifespans. Hundreds of years will pass quickly.

After a hundred years, you can start your new life.

Okay, I don't have much power left. I can only leave this scene. See you tomorrow.

As soon as the words fell, the shadow began to slowly disperse.

Obviously, this ghost only has the function of leaving messages and has no function of dialogue.


Xiaoya looked at the slowly dissipating shadow above her head in a daze, like an injured kitten. She curled up into Wei Yan's arms again and murmured in a low voice: I will revive you.

Even if the method is a bit dirty.

I will leave when you wake up.

The speed of collecting divine power is very fast. She can feel that if she continues at this rate, she will be able to collect all the divine power in up to seven days.

And then——

Wei Yan would wake up, and she would leave before Wei Yan woke up. After all, she was dirty at that time and no longer qualified to be by Wei Yan's side.

The day passed quickly.

This is already the second day for Xiaoya to collect the power of faith.

This thing, starting from the Good Cat Star, began to radiate crazily towards the surrounding planets at a very fast speed!

Whether they are otakus or petty bourgeoisie families, they are all full of yearning for this kind of thing!

It’s not that they have never seen women before, but this behavior is so novel and full of conversation topics!

Whoever controls the conversation will control the traffic password!

Countless factories have begun to produce dolls in batches based on molds. Driven by profits, the speed is outrageous!

Never underestimate capitalists!

Driven by profit, the creativity of capitalists is even ahead of everyone else!

These words are a bit heartbreaking. Although the Federation encourages workers to work gloriously, the development of the Federation basically has nothing to do with these workers. Instead, these capitalists and those chaotic forces are the primary productive forces that promote the development of the Federation!

Just like now.

Almost in just one day's work.

Factories have opened across several planets. In the past, it would take two or three months to install product sales points five hundred meters apart in each city. Now it can be done in a few hours. Everyone works together, driven by profit. Next, many forces twisted into a rope, moving toward one place with divine power!

This allows Xiaoya's recovery speed to double!

The federal headquarters has not even noticed this yet.

In fact, even if you find it, it will be of no use.

Social platforms can be blocked because the platforms are there and cannot escape.

But behind these factories that produce dolls are the forces of chaos.

Just run away, who will hang you?

Since there is no way to crack down on the producer side, we can only crack down on the consumer level. But the question is, when there are too many people involved, how are we going to judge?

The law does not punish everyone. This saying has been applicable everywhere since ancient times.

This wave was like an irresistible cold wave, quickly sweeping across several planets.

What can be expected is that when this cold wave completely breaks out, some things that some people do not want to see will definitely happen in this world.

too crazy.

In a certain room.

The Staff looked at the news in front of him and murmured: Didn't it mean that Wei Yan is the strongest god and Xiaoya is just an accessory? Why does it seem like Xiaoya is the strongest one now?

He enslaved a god.

I learned from that god that Wei Yan was the strongest god in the age of gods, bar none.

Xiaoya only became a god with the help of Wei Yan.

But now it seems that Xiaoya is not weak at all. He has never thought of gathering the power of faith in this way. This kind of miracle is much more effective than any medical miracle.

Although it sounds a bit embarrassing.

But he's a pragmatist, so it works, and it seems to work well.

This is a bit too late.

He took a breath with some toothache, frowned and started thinking. With this speed, Xiaoya could probably collect several times more divine power than before in a short period of time. For such a powerful god, this was very important to him. In terms of plans, this is not good news.

I thought that Jiang Cheng was troublesome enough, but why did someone even more troublesome than Jiang Cheng appear now?

Five days passed quickly.

The Federation is taking action.

Scargou stood aside with a serious face and reported: A series of crackdowns were used like thunder, but the effect was not very great. The fundamental reason is that most people feel that the punishment will not fall on them. After all, they are just buying It’s just a doll, you want to arrest me and put me in jail, this kind of thing is very funny if you say it.”

But the Federation is obviously planning to kill a bunch of chickens as a warning.

I don't know any news yet, but...

Li Hao and I just made a new discovery.

What discovery?

Scar Dog took a deep breath before hoarsely saying: We found some murals deeper underground than the central control room in No. 1024. The planet we are on, the Mechanical Life Star, is most likely preserved from the age of gods. of a planet.”

And through those murals, we can probably figure it out.

The planet we are on has traces of the residence of a certain god. It may even be the natal planet of a certain god.

If you want to truly kill a god, you can only meet two conditions.

Kill all followers of this god.

And destroy the god's natal planet.

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