Native planet?

Chen Jiang was stunned for a moment, and there was a strange flash in his eyes. He naturally knew what the natal planet meant. If the planet under their feet was really the natal planet of a god, it meant that they controlled the lifeblood of this god!

Now the age of gods is long gone.

The conditions for the death of a god include the death of all believers and the destruction of the god's natal planet.

In this current environment, besides Xiaoya, which other god has any followers?

In other words, as long as they destroy the planet under their feet, it means they can kill a god!

However, I don’t know which god’s natal planet the planet under my feet is.

It doesn't have to be the natal planet.

Scar Dog hurriedly explained: I just found some murals left from the age of gods. Maybe it's just an ordinary planet. But based on the information we got, we can probably know that there wasn't much habitability here in the age of gods. Planetary.”

After all, the Federation's habitable planets are so dense.

Part of it is that the Federation has changed the trajectories of a number of habitable planets and they are all gathered together. The other part is that the Federation has transformed some planets into habitable planets. In addition, in the past few years, a group of planets have appeared out of nowhere. Pile of planets.”

That's why there are so many habitable planets. There weren't that many before.

At least from the murals, it can be inferred that this planet is very likely to have traces of mortal activities in the era of gods. In this case, if I were a god, I might not be very willing to set up an uninhabitable planet. The natal planet.”

But it's hard to say. After all, the gods also know what their own lifeline is, and the gods are at war with each other. They shouldn't be so open and honest about making such a conspicuous planet their natal planet.

Go down and have a look.

Chen Jiang didn't speak anymore, but stood up and walked to the side, leaning on his cane.

No matter how much I say, why not go down and take a look.


The door of illusion opens immediately.

When they stepped out of the illusory door again, the group of people appeared deep underground.

Soon, soon

Xiaoya curled up in Wei Yan's arms, closed her eyes tightly, feeling the endless power of faith coming towards her, and murmured in a low voice: It will be fine soon.

In fact, the divine power she possesses now is enough to revive Wei Yan!

I don’t know why, but the power of faith she collected in the Federation is purer and richer than that collected in the Age of Gods!

Obviously, the thoughts in the hearts of those who believe in her in the Federation are not pure, but the power of faith gathered is even stronger!

But she soon figured it out.

Although the purpose of these people is not pure, but the purpose of those believers in the age of gods is pure. No one will believe in the gods without any purpose. Everyone claims to believe in the gods devoutly, but in their heart they have some little things of their own.

Compared with those in the Age of Gods, the beliefs of believers in the Federation are actually purer.

I have to say, this is really ironic.

Although she had already had enough divine power, she still did not stop. Just waking up Wei Yan was not enough. She had to leave him enough divine power to restore Wei Yan to his former strength.

She knew Wei Yan's dream.

She wants to build her own kingdom of gods and rule the federation in her own way. From a certain perspective, Wei Yan is indeed an idealist. She actually doesn't care whether those mortals live or die. She only cares about whether Wei Yan can complete it. own wishes.

Since Wei Yan thinks.

Then she will help Wei Yan.

The Federation has already intervened to stop it, but it's a pity that it's completely useless. The Federation can use battleships and giant cannons to blast the gods, but it can't blast the little ones in the hearts of the Federation citizens.

When everyone commits a crime, the law has lost its meaning. Forced enforcement of the law at this time will not only fail, but also destroy the credibility of the law in people's hearts.

The Federation cannot bring warships to bombard an inhabited planet for this reason.

So what if we bombard a planet? This matter has already affected too many people.

But this matter had to be dealt with.

After several days of decision-making, the Federation finally chose to curb this matter through a side attack.

Let the tax collection company take action and carry out humane elimination of those manufacturers that produce dolls for no reason. The tax collection company is better at finding these chaotic forces than the federal government.

In response, several tax collection companies readily agreed and acted very quickly!

The reason is also very simple. The interest chain of this incident is so big that companies like them, which span thousands of light years, can't help but be jealous. They usually buy cigarettes from the cheapest man, and the price is The 9999 doll didn’t even blink.

It is said that men are the lowest-end creatures in the consumer market!

But this incident made many people realize that in this society, men still occupy more wealth. When men really enter the consumer market, men have terrible consumption power, short-term decision-making ability, and basically no The excellent after-sales service has made many businesses feel that men are the best consumers!

Is the benefit great? big!

But it has nothing to do with tax collection companies like them!

Although there are chaotic forces behind these manufacturers, it is not illegal to produce or sell dolls. They can only look at it with jealousy, but they have no way to collect taxes. They have even gone fishing to enforce the law. As soon as these manufacturers take the bait, They immediately stepped forward to collect taxes, but these manufacturers seemed to be a little smart. They were law-abiding and would never do anything that was not in compliance with the rules. Every process was clearly implemented.

But things are different now. They are conducting house raids on orders from the Federation!

The proceeds from the copying are naturally all theirs!

This is what the Federation promised.

Under this huge profit, every tax collection company can be said to be full of energy!

The dolls already in circulation on the market cannot be taken back. We can only contain them at the source to end this farce as soon as possible.

In fact, this move will definitely have an impact. Yesterday, the Federation even asked the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research to develop a more realistic doll with artificial intelligence and more ways to play, and put it on a certain planet at a lower price. on, as a pilot test.

I hope this will draw people's attention to these more cost-effective and more exquisitely crafted dolls.

Not that damn Xiaoya doll!

But what makes the federation helpless is that no one cares about it at all!

At this time, everyone discovered that there are not that many men who like dolls at all. What these men like is just to enjoy the pleasure of conquering the gods when the doll is possessed by Xiaoya!

Men are born with a sense of conquest!

This sense of conquest is not only reflected in battles, but also in women.

I tried several methods, but none of them had very good results, so I had to use this trick.

Coupled with the federal government's overwhelming propaganda, which also asked women to keep an eye on their husbands at home, and communities to keep an eye on the single men in their own communities, it slowly began to have some effect.

It's just a pity that the Federation is not a pure rules society.

Here, the rules do not play an absolute role in crushing, otherwise this matter should have been over long ago. If it were placed in other rule-based societies, there would be no need to delay for so long. When the top gives an order, the bottom directly picks up the machete to execute the order.

I don’t care whether you die or not.

I only carry out my orders.

They seem to be harmonious on weekdays, but when the rules are implemented, you will find out what the rules are.

In a rule-based society, ordinary people generally go through three stages.

In the first stage, follow all the rules and act like a good baby.

In the second stage, it seems that there are some rules that you don’t need to follow. This society has its own unspoken rules.

In the third stage, when the rules are truly taken seriously, all unspoken rules are just floating clouds, and only rules are king.

And with this series of federal actions.

Xiaoya could also feel that the speed of her divine power began to slowly decrease.

Another day passed.

She slowly opened her eyes, got out of Wei Yan's arms, arranged her clothes, and looked at Wei Yan lying on the ground with a somewhat reluctant expression.

One day earlier than planned, today is the sixth day.

She originally expected that seven days would be enough time for her to recover enough divine power to revive Wei Yan.

Unexpectedly, on the third day, she had collected enough divine power to revive Wei Yan, and in the remaining three days, she had collected enough divine power to help Wei Yan regain his strength!

There are many more people in the Federation than there were in their godly era!

She never thought that she could absorb the power of faith so quickly.

In the age of gods, word of mouth among believers could not be so fast. After all, most people would never leave their own land. But in the Federation, under the influence of the Internet, the speed has increased by more than a thousand times.

For the first time, she truly realized the power of the Internet.

Perhaps this world, as you said, is more suitable for you.

With a complex expression, she slowly knelt down, kissed Wei Yan's forehead and murmured: I'm leaving. Don't think about me in the days to come. Go work hard to fulfill the dream in your heart. I will cheer you on secretly. of.

Come on, my brother Yan.

You will be the greatest god in the world.

The next second——

She took a deep breath, waved her sleeves with a calm expression, and the barrier that Wei Yan said could trap her for a hundred years was easily broken. Then she began to teleport, preparing to go to a strange place.

But before leaving, she transferred all the divine power in her body into Wei Yan's body through the air.

After the last bit of divine power was transmitted, Xiaoya's body disappeared.

Where he went, no one knows.

Just a word slowly appeared on the ground.


Wei Yan, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened his eyes. He was a little dazed and had not yet reacted. After a while, the memory came back to him: I'm awake.

Then he jumped up from the ground immediately.

Seeing that the barrier he had set up had been broken down, and Xiaoya had disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: It must have been tens of thousands of years. I don't know how Xiaoya is doing now.

The lifespan of gods is very long, and they can live for tens of thousands of years without any problem.

He was ready to lift his leg to find Xiaoya, but he quickly hesitated and then slowly stopped.

Xiaoya must have a new life of her own now. If he goes to find Xiaoya at this time, it will destroy Xiaoya's new life. He is a person who should not appear.

But at this moment——

He suddenly felt an unusually abundant divine power within his body, which was even stronger than when he was at his peak.

How is this possible?

He froze on the spot, a little unbelievable for a moment. Although he didn't know how he woke up, he knew that he didn't have so much power at his peak. How could he have it now?

at this time--

He suddenly noticed a paragraph under his feet.


Don't look for me.

Work hard to build your own kingdom of gods, and I will stand in the dark and silently cheer you on.

I am no longer clean. Even I hate myself now. I don't ask you to forgive me. I just ask you not to hate me.

Xiaoya. I will always love you.

No, no, no no no.

Wei Yan's face suddenly turned pale. An unbelievable thought flashed through his mind. His lips were blue and his whole body was trembling slightly. Then he suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and used his divine power to generate a signal booster out of thin air. After connecting to the federal signal.

One piece of news appeared in front of him.

At this time, less than seven days had passed since he fell asleep.

After seeing the news in front of him, he also knew how he woke up and why Xiaoya left her.

No no no, no no, damn, damn!!!

Wei Yan was a little excited, and the veins in his hands were bulging out with a ferocious expression. He threw the tablet in his hand heavily to the ground, smashing it into pieces, and then gathered a ball of divine power again and penetrated into his body.

He was a god, and for a moment he was like a little boy who had lost his family. He knelt on the spot with tears pouring out of his eyes like thunder and lightning. He raised his head and cried silently, looking a little embarrassed.

But soon——

He recovered again, kept turning to victory, and tremblingly murmured: No, no, no, I can't live without you, I want to find you.

I don't want any kingdom of gods anymore.

I only want you.

The Federation loves you as much as you want, I just want to stay with you.

The moment before he fell asleep, he knew that he was wrong, and he couldn't be more wrong. The most important thing was obviously around him, but he always wanted to build some kind of kingdom of gods. This kind of absurd and ridiculous thing.

At this moment, he completely gave up on the matter of the Kingdom of Gods.

He doesn't want to seek revenge from the Federation anymore.

He was afraid.

He was afraid of falling into deep sleep again. This was the first time he felt afraid in so many years since he became a god.

He just wants to find Xiaoya, and the two of them can live their lives well.

But Xiaoya cut off all spiritual thoughts from him, and his divine power couldn't sense where Xiaoya was at all.

Where is it where it is!!

For a moment, Wei Yan, who didn't know where to teleport, was like a newly graduated college student being insulted by his boss for the first time. He stayed there with an excited expression and was helpless, like a headless goshawk!

Bei Yinxing, Xiaoya Clothing Store!

A flash of light suddenly appeared in his mind!

He knows where Xiaoya might go!

Before falling asleep, he left a message for Xiaoya, saying that he had acquired Bei Yinxing's clothing store and renamed it Xiaoya Clothing Store. If Xiaoya decided to live in seclusion from now on, she might go to that clothing store!

Thinking of this, Wei Yan's face, which was originally ashen, suddenly burst into a glimmer of hope!

Without any hesitation, he rushed towards Bei Yinxing!

At this time, Wei Yan had completely given up everything. He had no intention of revenge against the Federation, and no longer wanted to establish a kingdom of gods. He just wanted to find Xiaoya, be an ordinary couple, and enjoy the world.

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