My Galaxy Technology

Chapter 171 PDA Company is confused

What does Hualong Technology want to do?

Zhu Yonggang and his subordinate Manager Wang looked at each other, and they both saw confusion in each other's eyes. They were obviously confused after hearing the news.

Isn’t Hualong Technology no longer using PDA software?

What does Hualong Technology want to do?

Is Hualong Technology’s wings stiff?

Neither of them could understand that PDA software was the main production tool of Hualong Technology. Without it, Hualong Technology would not be able to design electronic circuits, and the company would not be able to carry out normal R\u0026D and production.

Even if you use other types of software, it won't be able to be adjusted in a short time, and it is used both upstream and downstream, so you can't do it without it.

Does Hualong Technology use other types of software?

But it shouldn't be, because the parent companies of other software have the same attitude as them recently, and you can't use it without paying.

Hualong Technology has no reason to use other products instead of PDA!

Zhu Yonggang immediately called other software manufacturers.

Mr. Zhu, no, Hualong Technology didn't come to us.

Brother Gang, you don't know what's going on with us. How can Hualong Technology use our software?

Brother Gang, it's okay. Hualong Technology has not used our software for many years.

One after another gave him clear answers, Hualong Technology had not approached them.

Strange, so strange!

Zhu Yong just hung up the phone and muttered to himself.

Since their software Hualong Technology is useless, does Hualong Technology not plan to do it anymore?

Manager Wang, his subordinate, said at this time: Mr. Zhu, do you think Hualong Technology has found a replacement software? We don't know which domestic company has replaced it?


Zhu Yonggang said decisively, but soon hesitated: This possibility cannot be ruled out. In this case, you go and investigate, and we...

Jingle bell~

Before he finished speaking, the phone of his subordinate Manager Wang rang again.

Is this the phone number of Zhongwei Technology?

His subordinate, Manager Wang, looked at Zhu Yonggang, waiting for his order to take it now.

Zhu Yonggang nodded, with a slightly unhappy look on his face.

His subordinate, Manager Wang, sighed secretly and immediately answered the call.

Hello, Manager Wang, could you please discuss the software fee issue? It is indeed difficult to pay in full...

People from Zhongwei Technology also came to discuss cost issues.

Manager Wang suddenly felt something bad after hearing this. It seems that Hualong Technology said the same thing just now, but as soon as they refused, Hualong Technology immediately said forget it.

But don’t let this happen again!

When he saw the boss Zhu Yonggang's expression immediately dropped, he was very ugly, and he obviously had the same idea as him.

Of course, he was also depressed and couldn't help but want to curse.

You Hualong Technology and Zhongwei Technology have a market value of hundreds of billions, but it’s so hard to pay one or two million for software. You still say it’s too difficult. Isn’t that a bit bullying?

He did not answer the people from Zhongwei Technology immediately, but blocked the microphone and asked Zhu Yonggang: Mr. Zhu, how should I answer the people from Zhongwei Technology? Do I need to follow the previous plan?

Zhu Yonggang glared at him angrily and said, The parent company's decision cannot be changed. You can do whatever you want and follow the process.

Manager Wang was speechless, but he also understood what the boss meant.

It's very simple, everything is guaranteed to be correct according to the company's regulations. Even if it causes bad consequences, it has nothing to do with them. They are just part-time workers, so there is no need.

However, if they don't follow the company's regulations and something goes wrong, they are all responsible, and they don't know how they died. Even if he makes a great contribution, the end will not be any better.

Manager Wang then let go of the hand holding the microphone and replied: Sorry, according to company regulations, I really can't communicate here.

Well, he emphasized that he couldn't communicate here.

If you are a smart person, you will definitely know the hidden meaning of these words, and you will turn around and go to the higher-ups of the PDA company to communicate.

The people who called Zhongwei Technology must be smart, otherwise they would not be able to be in this position and come forward to communicate with them.

However, the next moment, Manager Wang heard the other party say: Well, then we can only express our regrets and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future.

As soon as they finished speaking, before they could react, a busy signal of Dududu came from the phone.

The attitudes, reactions, and even words spoken by the people at Zhongwei Technology cannot be said to be the same as those at Hualong Technology, they can only be said to be exactly the same.


Manager Wang couldn't help but blurt out a national curse, and then cursed: What about playing with us? They have discussed it, right? Is there such a way to communicate things?

He didn't realize at all that they were the first to be unkind.

However, as a vested interest, it is natural to protect one's own interests, and double standards are also the norm. He has no reason to think about Hualong Technology/China Technology.

Okay, what's the use of scolding me?

Zhu Yong just stopped and said: Hurry up and investigate. In addition, see if there are any changes in other companies. If so, you can delay it for a while and say that the company is discussing internally and we are still communicating.

Two big companies in a row flatly rejected them, there must be something hidden behind it.

Zhu Yonggang felt strongly uneasy in his heart, but all he could do now was delay time while he communicated with the headquarters.


Manager Wang responded quickly, and then hurried out.

As soon as he went out, Zhu Yonggang immediately started writing an email, clearly describing the recent problems, including his own suggestions, and then sent it to the headquarters.

After sending it, Zhu Yonggang immediately called the president of the headquarters and repeated the content of the email.

Foreign companies use email as the standard, but the phone is also an important tool for quick communication.

Zhu, you are too nervous. I suggest you take a long vacation and relax. Do you think any company at this stage can make software as powerful as a PDA in a short time?

However, after hearing Zhu Yonggang's words and concerns, the PDA president was very dissatisfied. He even laughed and asked.

Zhu Yonggang suddenly became speechless. After thinking for a while, he said: Boss, I suggest that you seriously consider it. Maintaining the original plan is the most beneficial to us. Zhongwei Technology and Hualong Technology are not our targets. Feiyang Technology only has a cooperative relationship with them. , are not integrated.”

These words seemed to be the truth, but how could the PDA president not hear the dissatisfaction in them?

He immediately became unhappy and said in a commanding tone: Zhu, the headquarters will seriously consider your suggestion, but before a new decision comes out, you must implement any decision made by the headquarters!

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Apparently he didn't want to listen to Zhu Yonggang anymore and felt it was a waste of time.


Zhu Yonggang was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed: These white-skinned people will not give up until they reach the Yellow River. You will regret it in the future.

Mr. Zhu, something big happened!

At this time, Manager Wang, who had just left not long ago, suddenly barged in without even knocking on the door, with a look of panic on his face.

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