Leng Xiao's father stood up, his entire body was trembling in anger, "You unfilial son, you think you can be with Yao Xiaoyan just because you destroyed the teachings of your ancestors? "You …"

"Ah Yan!" Leng Xiao's father shouted loudly, and a bodyguard dressed in black came in from outside.

"Lock the young master in his room and confiscate his phone and computer. Without my order, no one is allowed to let him out!" Leng Ning's father shouted.

"Yes, old master!" A Yan stepped forward and respectfully said to Leng Hao, "Young Master, please!"

As Leng Hao walked, he shouted out to Leng Ning's father, "You have sealed my heart, but not my heart. My heart is with Yan Yan!"

Leng Ning's father frowned and waved his hands, "Drag this prodigal son of mine away!"

Ah Yan pulled Leng Hao out of the study.

Father Leng looked at the ashes on the desk and faintly sighed. Why did the man from the Leng Clan step into this circle? Could it be that it was related to that legendary curse?

When Leng Hao entered the room, he heard the door being locked. He rushed to the bed and took out a phone from under the bed.

Ever since he was sent out of the country, Leng Hao had kept at least six phones in case something happened!

After finding Baili Yi's number, Leng Hao called him.

"Hello, this is the Black Tower. May I help you?" A seductive female voice came from the other end of the phone. Without a doubt, it was that female secretary called Manman.

"I'm looking for Baili Yi!" Leng Hao said with a deep voice.

"It's like this. We, Master Baili, do not accept telephone inquiries. If you need anything, you can make an appointment in advance. However, we have been very busy lately. What's next …" "My name is Leng Hao. I've been to your place before, and it's not convenient for me now. Tell your master that I'll pay a high price!"

"Oh, so it's Mr. Leng. Alright, I'll inform him now!" After a while, a somewhat cold voice came out, "Mr. Leng, didn't you say that I am a God Stick? The reason why I'm calling now is that I haven't scolded enough. Do you still want to continue scolding? "

Leng Hao hurriedly smiled, "I'm sorry. I was a bit too excessive when I spoke last time. After all, no one has the ability to accept something like this, no?"

"And now? Now you believe it? " Baili Yi laughed coldly.

"If what you say is true, is there any solution?" Leng Hao hesitated for a moment before his tone became nervous as he asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Baili Yi also bluntly replied, "You came to look for me, I'll tell you!"

Leng Hao looked at the locked door, hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Alright, I'll go now!"

Leng Hao hung up the phone, pressed his ear against the door and listened for any movements outside. After confirming that no one was listening outside, he walked to the window and saw that Leng Ning's father was driving his car out.

He turned around and walked around the room. Finally, he found the rope he used to climb the rocks in the corner. He tied one end of the rope to the leg of the bed and slowly dropped the other end under the window.

He slowly climbed down the rope and quickly ran to the garage. After a while, a red Bugatti drove out of the house.

"Hao'er, you …." Leng Niang chased after him, looking at the car disappearing in the blink of an eye, sighing faintly.

Such days, when would it be the end!

Yao Xiaoyan's taxi stopped in front of the dark building.

He carefully looked at Yao Xiaoyan, then looked at the money he held and shook his head as he sighed. As he drove away as if he was resigned to his fate, the driver complained to his companion, "This is bad luck, pulling another one to the Black Tower. Today, this is the third one, I don't know if this is a human or a ghost!"

Yao Xiaoyan was about to knock on the door when the door creaked open again, revealing a glimmer of light.

Just as Yao Xiaoyan was about to push the door open to enter, the sound of a car's engine suddenly rang out behind her. Yao Xiaoyan instinctively turned around and saw a red Bugatti parked in front of her.

"Yan Yan, why are you here?" Leng Hao was stunned. When he saw Yan Yan Yan, a smile appeared on his face.

The warm sunlight shone on his long black hair. His smile was like a piece of crystal within the sunlight, reflecting the colorful light.

"Why are you here?" Yao Xiaoyan was also stunned as she stared at Leng Hao in shock.

Leng Hao hesitated for a moment. "Yan Yan, I have a lot of things to tell you. You get in first!"

Leng Hao ignored everything and first pulled Yao Xiaoyan onto the car. The car quickly drove away.

Just as Leng Hao's car drove away, the two dark doors creaked shut.

In the lobby of the Black Tower, Baili Yi was sitting in front of a pitch black square table, touching the《 Thirtieth Book》. He shook his head slightly. It seemed like Leng Hao had decided to follow the same path as he did in his previous life!

Manman looked at Baili Yi's dejected appearance, and could not help but step forward. She leaned her big chest against Baili Yi's shoulder, and wrapped his arms around Baili Yi's neck, "Do you still miss him? You know it's impossible with him... In this life, the person who can accompany you is me, so don't miss him, okay? "

Baili Yi abruptly grabbed at Manman's chest, his face immediately revealing an unrestrained smile, "Who said I missed men? Manman, you are my lover! "

Man Man's eyes flashed with joy. She wanted to lower her head and kiss Baili Yi's lips, but was avoided by Baili Yi.

There was disappointment in Manman's eyes. She got up and said with a faint smile, "There are two other guests making reservations today!"

Baili Yi looked out at the light of day, his eyes glazed over as he nodded his head, "Alright!"

In the quiet and elegant Western restaurant, Leng Hao ordered Yao Xiaoyan's favorite salad and cappuccino.

"I still remember that our first meal after our reunion was at a western restaurant with this style!" Leng Hao looked extremely happy. His eyes were extremely clear and bright.

"I'm leaving at 12 o'clock!" Yao Xiaoyan looked at the time. There was still an hour until midnight.

"Do you still want to take that 'Thousand Year Love'?" Leng Hao's excited eyes dimmed slightly.

Yao Xiaoyan nodded her head, "She's already at the late stage. There's still about a month before she kills Qing!"

"Yan Yan, do you believe in people's past lives?" Leng Hao looked at Yao Xiaoyan and suddenly asked.

Yao Xiaoyan's heart tightened. In her previous life?

"A few days ago, I met a Goddess. She said that I also loved you in my previous life!" Leng Hao laughed lightly, "She said that the two of us were a very happy couple in our previous life. From the old age, we have two children, a boy and a girl!"

Yao Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt an ache in her heart.

"She also said that we will be very happy for the rest of our lives!" Leng Hao stepped forward and grabbed Yao Xiaoyan's hand, "Do you believe me?"

Yao Xiaoyan didn't know if she should nod or shake her head.

"If you want to film, if you want to be a film empress, I won't stop you. I will support your work! I won't force you to marry me now, I just want you to give me a chance to stand by your side! " Leng Hao clenched Yao Xiaoyan's hand tightly.

Yao Xiao Yan felt the warmth of his palms.

For some unknown reason, Yao Xiaoyan felt that Leng Hao's palm was warmer than Dugu Ling's!

But now, she was Dugu Ling's wife. Even if it was only a formal marriage, she didn't have the qualifications to accept another man's heart!

Just as Yao Xiaoyan was about to break free from Leng Hao's grasp, her cell phone rang.

Yao Xiaoyan took the opportunity to break free from Leng Hao's grasp. With an embarrassed smile, she picked up the phone.

"Where?" Dugu Ling's cold and gloomy voice sounded out from the phone, "You won't forget that starting at 12 o'clock, right?"

Yao Xiaoyan whispered, "I'm going back now!"

Yao Xiaoyan quickly hung up the phone, "I'm sorry, my time is up. I need to hurry to the outside to film. Let's talk about it when we have the chance!"

Leng Hao quickly stood up and took Yao Xiaoyan's bag, "I'll send you off!"

"No need!" Yao Xiaoyan firmly snatched the bag back, "It's more convenient for me to take a taxi!"

Yao Xiaoyan smiled as she opened the door and left.

By the time Leng Hao paid the driver, Yao Xiaoyan was already in the taxi.

"Yan Yan, you still haven't given me an answer!" Leng Hao stepped forward and asked urgently.

After the car drove away, Leng Hao did not wait for Yao Xiaoyan's reply.

Leng Hao stood there blankly, his face full of regret.

In a coffee shop not too far away, Dugu Ling stared at Leng Hao, his eyes were shockingly dark.

It was 12 o'clock when the car arrived at the villa. Yao Xiaoyan ran into the courtyard and saw that Dugu Ling was already sitting in the car, waiting for her.

"Madam, I've already packed your luggage. Do you have anything else you've forgotten?" Mingjie dragged Yao Xiaoyan's suitcase.

Yao Xiaoyan took the suitcase and said with a smile, "No, thanks a lot, Sister Ming!"

Mingjie helped Yao Xiaoyan put the suitcase into the trunk of the car.

Yao Xiaoyan got into the car. Inside the car was a song.

"She doesn't love me. She was too cold holding my hand, and she didn't get close enough to hug me …"

As Yao Xiaoyan listened to the song, she suddenly thought of Leng Hao's injured and despondent expression. Her eyes slowly lowered.

In fact, before Yao Xiaoyan's mother found out that Yao Xiaoyan was playing with Leng Hao, Yao Xiaoyan and Leng Hao had a very happy time together. In fact, before Yao Xiaoyan's mother found out that Yao Xiaoyan was playing with Leng Hao, Yao Xiaoyan and Leng Hao had a very happy time together.

Leng Hao was an absolute tycoon in the village. Every few days, his father would get someone to bring him all kinds of delicious food, and a large portion of the food would fall into Yao Xiaoyan's stomach.

There was a small seat behind the tricycle, and the happiest thing Yao Xiaoyan did every day when she went out was to eat snacks while sitting in the back seat of the tricycle and circling the village. Behind the two of them were a bunch of children in the village, who were all looking at her with envious gazes.

That summer, Yao Xiaoyan's weight had risen to the point that she had become a chubby girl. However, Leng Hao liked her and liked to pinch her cheeks. Only after they separated later on did Leng Hao change his problem!

At that time, the rich and handsome Leng Hao was definitely the overlord of all the children in the village. He could not be dragged around. However, he had always doted on Yao Xiaoyan and had a smile on her all day.

Ever since she was young, Yao Xiaoyan loved to bully Leng Hao. Once when she was playing a prank on him, she pushed him off the rock, causing Leng Hao to kowtow. Yao Xiaoyan was scared silly and burst into tears.

In Yao Xiaoyan's memory, the only reason why Leng Hao lost his temper at her was because she had distributed the white rabbit candy he gave him to other kids. Leng Hao held his cool handsome face and held Yao Xiaoyan in her arms, his large face facing Yao Xiaoyan's small face as she coolly warned her, "You are not allowed to share it with other boys, otherwise I will not give it to you anymore!"

Even though he said that, the next day, Leng Hao carried a bag of snacks to look for Yao Xiaoyan without any shame. It was also because of Leng Hao's snacks that Yao Xiaoyan, who had been scolded as a ghost by the villagers since she was young, finally had a few friends to play with her!

Perhaps it was because she thought of the beauty of her childhood, Yao Xiaoyan couldn't help but smile.

Dugu Ling sat in the car with a cold expression on his face. The moment he turned on the radio, he turned on the disheartened song. Just as he was about to change the channel, Yao Xiaoyan got in the car and he started the engine.

Suddenly, when Dugu Ling looked at the rearview mirror, he realized that Yao Xiaoyan was smiling. The light in his eyes dimmed.

With a "kacha" sound, Dugu Ling abruptly turned off the car radio.

Yao Xiaoyan also recovered from her reverie and glanced at Dugu Ling apologetically. Only then did she realize that Dugu Ling's expression was extremely cold and his face was ashen.

Yao Xiaoyan thought that Dugu Ling was angry at her for being two minutes late. She said in a low voice, "Sorry, I had something to do this morning. I made you wait!"

Dugu Ling coldly smiled, "It's good that you know it yourself!"

She was afraid that something would pop up out of nowhere. Usually, it was Bai Xiaobai who drove the car, but this morning, Bai Xiaobai and Hu Zi had followed the film crew's car to the outfield, saying that this was what the director had arranged!

Yao Xiaoyan did not know where the location was so she could only follow Dugu Ling.

In such a situation, Yao Xiaoyan could only swallow her anger and smile. After all, she had no choice but to lower her head.

"I'm sorry, but I will pay attention in the future!" Yao Xiaoyan continued.

Dugu Ling didn't say anything else. He just turned on the GPS and Lin Zhiling's sweet, coquettish voice echoed throughout the car. "The navigation should now begin. The destination …"

Yao Xiaoyan tightly gripped the seat belt on her body. She was regretting sitting in the front passenger seat. The two of them didn't talk so sitting like this was really awkward.

Yao Xiaoyan instinctively turned her body to the side.

From Dugu Ling's point of view, it was as though the other party was intentionally avoiding him.

In Dugu Ling's mind, he recalled the scene of Yao Xiaoyan and Leng Hao holding hands in a western restaurant. The look in his eyes became even darker.

The temperature inside the car seemed to have dropped a few degrees in an instant. Yao Xiaoyan couldn't help but stroke her arm, regretting that she didn't bring a blanket over just now.

Although Dugu Ling looked like he was seriously driving the car, Yao Xiaoyan's actions were all caught by his eyes. His eyes darkened as he turned on the air conditioner in the car.

He couldn't suppress his anger, but at least he could turn on the air conditioner.

September had just arrived. It was early autumn, yet she had already turned on the air conditioner. It was really strange, but slowly, Yao Xiaoyan did not feel cold anymore.

Yao Xiaoyan turned her head and glanced at Dugu Ling. Although his expression was not good, at least his actions were done in good faith.

She turned towards Dugu Ling and said gently, "Thank you!"

Yao Xiaoxiao's gentle words caused Dugu Ling's gloomy mood to ease up slightly. Slowly, he thought of his own plan, and the aloof indifference on his body began to dissipate bit by bit. There was even a trace of a smile on his face.

Dugu Ling smiled, and his facial features also became softer. His facial features became increasingly enchanting, as if there was a sort of radiance emanating from his body.

Dugu Ling sensed that Yao Xiaoyan was looking at him. He pretended that she didn't know as she tried her best to widen the smile on her face.

Wu Mei said, women like to laugh men, because when men smile will be very beautiful, very gentle!

The smile on Dugu Ling's face captivated Yao Xiaoyan's eyes.

Dugu Ling's previously cloudy expression instantly disappeared. He continued to smile, causing his charm to rise to its peak as he continued to emit light and heat.

"Emperor Dugu, is there anything that makes you happy?" Suddenly, Yao Xiaoyan asked in a low voice.

Dugu Ling stared blankly at Yao Xiaoyan with a puzzled expression, "What?"

"Do you know that you've been laughing for a long time?" Yao Xiaoyan said in a low voice, "For someone like you to look at the smile in front of you is truly terrifying!"

"…" Dugu Ling stepped heavily on the throttle.

Yao Xiaoyan gripped her seat belt tightly and fell silent once more.

What Yao Xiaoyan said was the truth. She was used to seeing the upper body of ghosts. What she was afraid of the most was that the people around her would suddenly change their personalities for no reason.

The car headed out of the city. About an hour later, the weather had gradually darkened and the sound of thunder could be heard from the horizon.

"It looks like it's going to rain!" Yao Xiaoyan finally opened her mouth to speak again, breaking the silence between the two.

Dugu Ling looked at the gloomy sky and his depressed mood turned wonderful once again. Wu Mei's weather was as accurate as ever! Dugu Ling glanced at the navigation system. If nothing unexpected happened, he would arrive at the village in an hour!

"Why haven't we reached the location yet?" Yao Xiaoyan mumbled to herself as she called Bai Xiaobai.

"Yan Yan Yan, where are you?" "Lil 'White," Bai's clear voice sounded.

"This is Ma Jiagou!" A stone tablet was placed by the side of the road. When Yao Xiaoyan saw the words written on it, she hurriedly said.

"Ma Jiagou? Where is Ma Jiagou? Did you and Dugu Xingdi go the wrong way? "We didn't pass through the Ma Family Gully, we just left the city and headed north. We'll be there in an hour!" Bai Xiaobai said anxiously.

"30 km ahead, we are reaching our destination!" In the navigation system, Sister Ziling's voice continued to spread with a coquettish tone.

"That's what the navigation system said. They might have led us to another path!" Yao Xiaoyan was also worried. She and Dugu Ling had already set off for an hour and a half, but the navigation system still indicated that they had a distance of 30 kilometers. From the looks of it, they would still need another hour!

"That should be right. This place is a vacation area. It can't be considered remote!" Bai Xiaobai said.

Yao Xiaoyan nodded and hung up.

Not long after, bean-sized drops of rain began to pour down. The wind in the countryside was extremely strong. Accompanied by the torrential rain, they smashed against the roof of the carriage, causing people to feel terrified.

"Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first. This type of thunderstorm is likely to cause accidents!" Dugu Ling said as he slowly drove the car to a painted road. Through the heavy rain, he could faintly see a grey-white building at the end of the road.

Yao Xiaoyan was a little worried. If she did not arrive at the location today and missed the shoot, then …

However, the rain was too heavy. Yao Xiaoyan was worried that there would be danger if it continued like this.

The grey and white building was a manor. It seemed to be a private place.

"You sit in the car and don't move!" Dugu Ling said in a low voice as he grabbed an umbrella from the back seat and got off.

Dugu Ling stood in front of the door and frowned slightly. He had never been to this manor before, so it looked extremely strange. It didn't match the picture Wu Mei had given him.

A man opened the door.

"I'm sorry, but we encountered heavy rain on the way. Can you please avoid the rain for a bit?" Dugu Ling looked at the heavy downpour and asked without thinking too much.

The man said, "I'll ask our young lady!"

Dugu Ling nodded.

After a while, the man ran out and opened the door for Dugu Ling.

When Dugu Ling returned to the car and started to drive, Yao Xiaoyan discovered that half of his body was already wet. Instinctively, he pulled out a tissue for him.

Dugu Ling whispered a thank you as he wiped his face and drove the car into the villa.

As he sat in the main hall, Dugu Ling slightly frowned. Right now, he was certain that this wasn't the place Wu Mei had arranged for him. It seemed like there was something wrong with his route!

"Miss, it's them!" The sound of footsteps came from upstairs. Yao Xiaoyan and Dugu Ling raised their heads to look up and saw a woman wearing a long black dress striding down the stairs gracefully.

"So it's actually Emperor Dugu and Miss Yao. We are truly fated to meet here!" Upon seeing Dugu Ling and Yao Xiaoyan, the woman immediately opened her mouth and smiled.

"It's you?" Dugu Ling stared coldly at Li Tiancheng. This manor belonged to Li Tian Cheng?

Yao Xiaoyan did not expect to meet someone she knew here. With a faint smile, she nodded at Li Tiancheng.

From Yao Xiaoyan's point of view, Li Tian Cheng and Dugu Ling should be very familiar with each other, so she shouldn't say too much.

"Look, your clothes are getting wet. I have some clothes to change with here, how about you two go upstairs to the guest room to take a bath and change?" Autumn Rain is the Iceman! " Li Tian Cheng said with a smile.

"No need, we'll leave soon!" Dugu Ling said coldly.

A gust of autumn wind blew in through the door, causing Yao Xiaoxiao to involuntarily shiver from the wetness. However, she still faintly smiled, pretending that nothing had happened.

She didn't like to bother people either.

"Shadow Emperor Dugu, I'm a huge fan of yours. Are you going to reject even this little bit of kindness from me? Moreover, it seems like the rain will not stop anytime soon. I might as well take a shower and drink a cup of hot tea to warm my body first! " Li Tian Cheng said again, and called for a servant.

Dugu Ling saw Yao Xiaoyan's trembling body. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Then I'll be troubling you. However, we'll have to bring our own clothes to change!"

Li Tian Cheng nodded and had his luggage brought over to the two of them.

"Prepare two rooms for Emperor Dugu and Miss Yao!" Li Tian Cheng instructed the servant.

The servant nodded and carried the suitcase upstairs.

Yao Xiaoyan entered the room and thanked the servant before opening her suitcase and taking a change of clothes to take a bath.

After entering the room, Dugu Ling first listened vigilantly to the surroundings to ensure that there were no abnormalities. Only then did he take a look around.

Dugu Ling had always felt that Li Tiancheng's sudden appearance was too coincidental. While wiping his wet hair with a towel, he paid attention to Yao Xiaoyan's movements in the room next door.

The sound of water splashing came from the room next door. It was most likely Yao Xiaoyan who had already started showering.

Just as Dugu Ling was paying close attention to Yao Xiaoyan's situation, an ear-piercing alarm suddenly sounded downstairs. Because Dugu Ling was too focused, a buzzing sound could be heard and his ears suddenly hurt. A painful expression appeared on his face.

Dugu Ling suddenly realized something and quickly moved to Yao Xiaoyan's room. He then pushed open the bathroom door.

The bathroom was filled with dense water vapor, and Dugu Ling could clearly see Yao Xiaoyan's pure and flawless body. Her pupils couldn't help but constrict as she quickly shut the door.

In the bathroom, Yao Xiaoyan was taking a shower when the door suddenly opened. She let out a frightened cry and turned around to see Dugu Ling slamming the door shut.

Seeing Yao Xiaoyan safe and sound, the worry on Dugu Ling's face slowly subsided. He calmed himself down a little and could not help but shout, "Yao Xiaoyan, you idiot, won't you close the door after taking a bath?"

Yao Xiaoyan quickly wrapped herself in a towel and quickly opened the door. Dugu Ling was no longer in the room.

Yao Xiaoyan was closing the door, but she was closing her room's door. She locked it from the inside. When she went out to get a small room, she forgot to close the bathroom door. Who knew …

Yao Xiaoyan walked barefoot to the door. Looking at the door that was locked from the inside, she was dumbstruck for a moment.

Her door was locked, so how did Dugu Ling get in?

Dugu Ling instantly moved to his room. The alarm downstairs had already been lifted, but Dugu Ling could still feel the buzzing in his ears, causing him to feel very uncomfortable.

After a simple change of clothes, Dugu Ling went downstairs.

In the main hall, Li Tiancheng was reprimanding the security guards. The security guard lowered his head and explained in a low voice, "It was a wild cat that caused the alarm. I am truly sorry!"

Li Tian Cheng's anger had not yet subsided. She raised her gaze to Dugu Ling who was standing on the stairs and could not help but say with an apologetic smile, "I'm really sorry for scaring the Emperor. It was the wild cat that caused the alarm."

The sky had already started to darken, but the heavy rain had not stopped yet. He looked through the window and saw that the branches outside had been blown all over the place, but he did not hear the cold wind.

Dugu Ling suddenly realized something. He tried to listen for Yao Xiaoyan's movements, but in her surroundings, other than the sounds of the security guards downstairs, he could not hear anything else.

Dugu Ling felt that this world had never been so quiet before!

Clenching his fingers tightly, Dugu Ling's eyes turned dark. His extraordinary hearing had disappeared!

"Emperor Dugu, please take a seat. Have a cup of hot tea to warm your body!" Li Tian Cheng waved his hand and dismissed the security guards. He raised his head and smiled as he made a gesture of invitation.

Dugu Ling retracted the shock in his mind. With the same indifferent expression, he said, "There's no need!"

"Emperor Dugu, although we were mistaken last time, we are, after all, friends from many years. It seems a bit inappropriate for you to refuse us like this, even though you are a thousand miles away, no?" The smile on Li Tian Cheng's face vanished as he looked at Dugu Ling with a smile.

"I just don't want to disturb Director Li!" Dugu Ling slowly descended the stairs, "Since the rain has not lessened, we can't disturb Director Li any longer. The entire crew is still waiting for us at the outer scenery area, so we'll be leaving soon!"

"Since that's the case, I will not be unworthy of staying with Emperor Dugu. Merely, the rain is too heavy. I fear that Emperor Dugu and Miss Yao are truly not safe. How about I have my two drivers take you to your destination?" Li Tian Cheng laughed.

He was sure that the alarm incident just now was not a coincidence. However, with Yao Xiaoyan by his side, he could not make any movements. He could not let Yao Xiaoyan suspect him, and the only thing he could do now was to quickly leave this place.

"No need!" Dugu Ling said calmly.

Li Tian Cheng laughed: "Alright then, since the Dugu Shadow Emperor is so rejecting, I will not say anything else! "Yi, send off Emperor Dugu and Miss Yao!"

Finished speaking, Li Tian Cheng slowly walked up the stairs towards Dugu Ling.

Dugu Ling's eyes became dark and cold.

Yao Xiaoyan took a shower and changed into a set of dry clothes just in time to meet Li Tiancheng upstairs.

"Miss Yao, I originally thought that we were fated to meet here, and with the heavens staying behind, I thought that I could spend a pleasant night with Miss Yao and Dugu Xiao Di. But now, it seems that I was dreaming!" Li Tiancheng said in a regretful tone, "Even though it's raining so heavily, I still have to insist on going to the scenic area!"

Li Tiancheng hoped that Yao Xiaoyan would be willing to stay. If Yao Xiaoyan stayed, naturally, Dugu Ling would stay!

Yao Xiaoyan glanced at Dugu Ling and said with an embarrassed smile, "Because everyone in the crew is waiting for us. We have to hurry over. We might disappoint Director Li's good intentions!"

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