Li Tian Cheng stood by the window, watching as the black car slowly drove out of the mansion with the lights on.

Li Tian Cheng smiled coldly.

"Miss, they've left," Yi said as she entered the room.

Li Tiancheng turned around coldly, "I saw it!"

"Miss, that method just now, could it really destroy that person's hearing?" A'Yi asked, a little worried.

Li Tian Cheng coldly smiled, "I have lived with him for ten years and know him better than anyone else. His body, his abilities, and even his heart, I know them all very well! The one who failed was my face. I thought that by meeting him like this, I would be able to get closer to him, but I didn't expect him to be so heartless. And there was also that Yao Xiaoyan. They thought that she would stay, but who knew … Fifteen hundred years ago, I once belittled Yao Ling'er like this! "

"Miss, now that Xue Xianzi and Venerable Xue have lost their souls, we don't have any ghosts to use anymore!" A'Yi said in a low voice.

"A woman with a big chest and no brains like her would disappear just like that. It's just too bad that my Soul-Returning Incense has disappeared!" Upon thinking of the disappearance of his concubine, Li Tiansheng's expression turned unsightly once more. She had just used such a precious Soul-Returning Incense to protect her concubine's life, but she hadn't expected that her concubine would be so brainless as to want to kill Yao Xiaoyan. If she could kill Yao Xiaoyan, she would have already done so.

Li Tian Cheng turned around and looked at the dark horizon. "In a few more days, I will find a way to use the Soul Resurrection Fragrance to recruit new souls. You can rest assured!"

Yi nodded.

The car drove through the heavy rain with difficulty.

Perhaps it was because Yao Xiaoyan did not insist on staying in Li Tiansheng's villa, but Dugu Ling's expression eased up by quite a bit. It was just that on the entire way, he had been touching Li Tiansheng's ears.

The silence in the surroundings made him uncomfortable.

Previously, he could easily hear the sounds of people several miles away. At night, he would sleep, the sounds of people farting in the surroundings, the running water in the toilet, the sound of talking in his sleep, grinding his teeth, it was extremely noisy. But now, it was as if he had fallen into a silent darkness.

On the surface, Dugu Ling did not reveal any of his emotions. He only stared intently at the road in front of him. It was filled with rain and water. This road was originally a dirt road and it was extremely muddy and difficult to walk on.

In fact, she had many questions, such as why did Dugu Ling suddenly barge into her bathroom and how did he barge in? Why did Dugu Ling tell her to stay away from Li Tian Cheng, but these words, when looking at the man's cautious and serious expression, became irrelevant.

Right now, the most important thing was for them to reach their destination as soon as possible!

"We have reached our destination fifty meters ahead!" Sister Ziling's sweet voice sounded again.

Yao Xiaoyan happily looked forward. There was indeed some light in front of her. She whispered, "Thank the heavens and thank the earth! We've finally arrived!"

Dugu Ling could not help but let out a bitter laugh when he saw Yao Xiaoyan's joyful expression. He was the only one who knew that this resort had been prepared for him by Wu Mei. The distance between it and the outpost was exactly the opposite direction!

Dugu Ling parked his car next to the hotel.

The hotel was at the village entrance. It was very big and very clean and bright.

Yao Xiao Yan stood in the hotel lobby and called Bai Xiao. After a while, she hung up, her expression was very bad.

"Emperor Dugu, we might have found the wrong place!" Yao Xiaoyan's voice sounded a little anxious, "Little White Sis said that their hotel was not named that at all!"

"I did it wrong!" Dugu Ling whispered, "There's a problem with the navigation system. I just noticed it too, but we can't leave tonight. It's too dangerous. I'll go and coordinate with Director Zheng. We'll stay here tonight!"

Yao Xiaoyan could only nod her head.

Naturally, according to Wu Mei's arrangement, there was only one room left.

"Bring us there to take a look!" Dugu Ling walked straight ahead.

Yao Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment before she followed behind her lackey.

The rain outside grew heavier and didn't stop. When Yao Xiaoyan stepped into the presidential suite that was more than 100 square meters in size, the crystal lights inside shone with a hazy light. The beautiful decorations of the room accentuated the dreaminess and warmth.

Even though it was raining outside, through the curtain of rain, Yao Xiaoyan could still see the lakeside behind the villa. The lights of the villa were reflected in the torrential rain, creating a magnificent scene.

Yao Xiaoyan was very satisfied with the house and the two of them decided to stay together.

Yao Xiaoyan was packing her luggage while Dugu Ling was lying on the side of the bed and reading WeChat. She realized that Wu Mei had sent him a lot of messages asking why he hadn't arrived at the hotel yet.

"We're here!" Dugu Ling replied indifferently.

"Why so late? Did something happen? " Wu Mei asked.

Dugu Ling rubbed his ears. Even now, he could still hear the buzzing sounds, and his eyes couldn't help but darken.

"I'm fine!" Dugu Ling typed out a single word.

"Then look forward to my surprise tonight. Boss, don't forget to thank me after this!" Wu Mei sent him a smug smile.

Dugu Ling hesitated for a moment. Just as he was about to tell Wu Mei to stop her actions, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Yao Xiaoyan asked. The outside said it was a room service.

The door opened and a waiter pushed in a dining car. On the dining car, there was a bunch of fresh flowers that were alluring and exuding a sweet fragrance, as well as red wine and dinner.

"You two customers, you happen to be our top ten thousand guests. This fresh flower, red wine and dinner are all provided free of charge!" A handsome waiter wearing a tie smiled as he opened the door.

Yao Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment. She was just feeling hungry, so she thanked him and accepted it.

The waiter placed the food and wine on the table before lighting it with a red candle. Finally, he scattered the flower petals on the bed in the room, forming a red heart …

The bed was arranged in the shape of a red heart.

The room suddenly had a lot of ambiguous smells.

Yao Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment as she did not expect the waiter to arrange the bed in such a manner. Looking at the white bedsheets, she could not help but blush.

"If there's anything you need, you can call the front desk. I won't disturb your meal any further, I wish you a sweet night!" The waiter respectfully said before leaving.

Yao Xiaoyan felt a little awkward as she looked at Dugu Ling. She was afraid that Dugu Ling would misunderstand that he had purposely arranged it like this because he had accepted the free room service.

Dugu Ling sat down at the dining table with an expressionless face.

Yao Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment before walking over.

The red wine had already been opened by the waiter and poured into the wine cup.

The entire room was filled with the faint aroma of red wine.

Dugu Ling raised his wine cup and shook it slowly. He then glanced at Yao Xiaoyan and touched her wine cup. The transparent cup was placed between his lips as he slowly took a sip.

Yao Xiaoyan saw the man's sexy adam's apple roll up and down. In her mind, the sexy scene she saw that morning instantly appeared. She immediately felt that the room had become a lot hotter.

Dugu Ling drank a mouthful of red wine and looked at her.

Yao Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment but she still didn't raise her wine cup.

"I'm sorry, I can't drink. I'm afraid I'll do something to you after I drink it!" She would not allow herself to repeat the same mistake over and over again.

Dugu Ling raised his head and looked at her, his eyes filled with a dark and frightening look. To him, Yao Xiaoyan's words were filled with sarcasm.

Dugu Ling suddenly stood up, raising her chin. His handsome face slowly moved closer to Yao Xiaoyan, "I didn't lie to you that night. In the beginning, you were the one who took the initiative, but in the end, I also want you!"

Yao Xiaoyan opened her eyes wide in shock. Dugu Ling's meaning was …

Just when she wanted to escape, she was stopped by the man, who pressed her down, "Last time I kissed you, and you kissed me back, saying that we were even. Now, are we even because I want to seduce you once?"

Dugu Ling's lips slowly moved closer to Yao Xiaoyan's face. He could even smell the faint aroma of the wine mixed with the fragrance of the rose.

Yao Xiao Yan's chest heaved up and down as she was pressed down by the man. She looked at the man's face that was getting closer and closer and immediately closed her eyes.

She was very fair. Since she had seduced him once, he could seduce her once as well. If she didn't take the bait, then so be it!

Yao Xiaoyan closed her eyes, causing Dugu Ling to have an illusion. Did she just acquiesce? In an instant, Dugu Ling's lips were pressed against Yao Xiaoyan's.

After kissing Yao Xiaoyan, Dugu Ling's movements became more intense and his breathing became more hurried. His hands tightly wrapped around Yao Xiaoyan's waist.

Yao Xiaoyan had already made up her mind. She would push him away after Dugu Ling had seduced her. However, when the man's kiss landed on her lips, face, and neck, she realized that she had underestimated Dugu Ling's influence.

Yao Xiaoyan's body was so limp that she had no strength left. Her body seemed to be looking forward to Dugu Ling's kiss and also looking forward to his caress.

Expectation. Yao Xiaoyan felt a sudden shock in her heart. Why did she use the word 'anticipating'?

Dugu Ling also noticed Yao Xiaoyan's change in expression. He panted slightly and used her deep eyes to stare into the woman's eyes.

There was a trace of confusion in the woman's eyes, as if she was recalling something. That empty gaze made Dugu Ling panic from the bottom of his heart.

Dugu Ling stretched out his hand, and his ten fingers and the woman's fingers came into contact.

The scorching heat from her palm caused Yao Xiaoyan to come back to her senses. She raised her head and met the man's gloomy eyes. In that instant, she actually didn't know how to react.

Dugu Ling did not continue. He held the woman in his arms and said in a low voice, "We're even!"

It ended just like that? Disappointment welled up from the bottom of Yao Xiaoyan's heart.

Dugu Ling tightly embraced her body, his face resting on her arm. His breath tickled against her forehead.

"That …" Yao Xiaoyan was just about to open her mouth when her stomach let out a disappointing growl.

Yao Xiaoyan's face immediately flushed red.

Dugu Ling opened his eyes. His long eyelashes trembled slightly as he looked at Yao Xiaoyan's flushed face with a smile.

"Hungry?" He asked in a low voice. His gentle voice caused Yao Xiaoyan's heart to tremble slightly.

"Get up and eat something!" Dugu Ling said in a low voice as he stood up.

Yao Xiaoyan quickly followed suit and sat up.

Compared to the awkwardness of hugging each other, she preferred to move towards food.

The steak was already cold. Dugu Ling called the front desk and had someone prepare another serving.

The two men sat down again.

Yao Xiao Yan looked at the red wine in the cup, hesitating for a moment before she picked up the glass.

Dugu Ling looked at her.

"Actually, sometimes I really want to have a taste of being drunk!" Yao Xiaoyan stuck out her tongue at Dugu Ling. Perhaps it was because she had paid off her 'debt', but her tone was much more relaxed now, "In the past, when we were in school, we would go out for drinks together on weekends. However, I could only sit in the corner and watch.

Yao Xiaoyan took a sip of the red wine, her eyes narrowed in fascination at the fragrance of the wine as her words gradually increased in volume, "No matter what, Dugu Ling, I have to thank you. Because with you, I will have room to retreat, and finally feel like I have a home!"

Dugu Ling's thoughts raced, and he couldn't help but clench the wine cup tightly.

Home? She said she lived with him at home?

Dugu Ling's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of a smile. Although his facial features were still cold, his entire being was filled with warmth, making him appear extremely beautiful.

This was a beauty that people would never forget for the rest of their lives! For some unknown reason, these words suddenly appeared in Yao Xiaoyan's mind.

Dugu Ling raised his wine cup.

Yao Xiaoyan lightly touched his cup.

The two of them raised their cups and slowly sipped their wine.

Perhaps because his mood had become more cheerful, Dugu Ling squinted his sexy eyes and looked at the red wine in the cup. For the first time, he felt that red wine was better than blood!

After drinking a little, she slowly started to get excited. She started to tell Dugu Ling about all kinds of imps she had seen, including the country's toilet ghosts, telegraph ghosts, ice cream ghosts, and trash collectors. She was clearly scared of them before, but now that she mentioned them, she found them funny.

"Do you know? At that time, I enjoyed eating ice cream. But even if I have pocket money, I wouldn't dare to buy it, because there's always an old lady guarding the freezer in the village. As I get closer, she stares at me, I'm scared! "

"And the toilet ghost!" Yao Xiaoyan took another sip and her eyes began to shine, "Every time I go to the toilet in the middle of the night, she would always ask beside me, do you want a piece of paper? Do you want some paper? I really want to push her shiny face that was soaked by the toilet into the toilet again! "

"…" Dugu Ling looked up and saw Yao Xiaoyan take another sip of the wine. The first half of the glass had already entered her stomach.

Yao Xiaoyan grabbed the red wine bottle beside her.

Dugu Ling vaguely sensed that something was wrong. He held onto Yao Xiaoyan's arm and said, "Don't just drink and eat. It's getting late. Let's rest early tonight. We still have to go to the outfield tomorrow!"

She felt that the wine seemed to have a special attraction. She suddenly pushed Dugu Ling's hand away and poured a cup for herself, "My story isn't finished yet. I have many ghost stories here, you can listen to them for one night!"

Dugu Ling's eyes darkened. He opened his phone and quickly sent a message to Wu Mei, "What did you do with the red wine?"

Wu Mei gave him a flirtatious glance, "Bao Jun. Tonight, Bao Jun. Satisfied!"

Dugu Ling's eyes darkened. When Yao Xiaoyan was about to continue drinking, he pulled her arm and said, "You drank too much!"

Yao Xiaoyan really felt the sky spin and the earth spin. Most importantly, she felt the handsome Dugu Ling in front of her, so she raised her hand and grabbed the hand that Dugu Ling was holding her other arm with. With a gentle smile, she lowered her head and placed her face on his hand.

Yao Xiaoyan rarely called Dugu Ling by his first name. Usually, she was called Dugu Xingdi, but at this moment, she spoke his name in a low voice. Such gentleness, such charm, made Dugu Ling's heart almost tremble.

"You really drank too much!" Dugu Ling turned around and walked up to Yao Xiaoyan, and picked her up.

Yao Xiaoyan obediently curled up in Dugu Ling's embrace. Her face was a little hot as she pressed her head against her chest. Listening to his heartbeat, her cheeks were flushed red.

Yao Xiaoyan suddenly smiled and whispered, "I feel very familiar with your heartbeat …"

Dugu Ling's body stiffened. Your heartbeat, I feel very familiar with it … How could I not be familiar with it? My heart is your heart!

Dugu Ling placed Yao Xiaoyan on the bed. Yao Xiaoyan took the initiative to stretch out her arms and place her ear against his chest. She closed her eyes, as though she was listening to his heartbeat.

Dugu Ling lay on the bed, one hand holding Yao Xiaoyan's body as her thoughts traveled back to 1500 years ago.

In the Spiritual Blessings Palace, Dugu Ling was the most at ease when he held the woman in his arms. He listened to her heartbeat, one after another, before slowly falling asleep.

Every time he hugged Yao Ling'er like that, Yao Ling'er would be extremely unwilling. Even though she was in his embrace, she didn't show any expression on her face.

"Yao Ling'er, I only want to hear your heartbeat. Don't tell me that you aren't willing to satisfy me even for this?" Gao Yang asked in a deep voice.

Yao Ling'er sniggered. "Gao Yang, you want to take my heart as well?"

That day, Gao Yang had just dug out the heart of a court official. He loved to hold the heart in his hands and feel it beating in his hands. Unfortunately, the human heart would soon stop beating.

Gao Yang wanted to dig out the heart of the exorcist. To a certain extent, the exorcist had spiritual energy, it was a species that interacted with humans. He believed that the heart of the exorcist could beat longer.

However, he had never wanted to hurt Yao Ling'er!

Gao Yang immediately pressed Yao Ling'er down. He placed his large hand on the woman's heart and felt her pounding heart. His eyes turned cold and bloodthirsty, "Yao Ling'er, if I wanted your heart, would I have to wait that long? What do I want, do you not know? "

As long as Yao Ling'er loved him, he wouldn't be enemies with her. She would be her lover!

Yao Ling'er looked at him coldly. "Even if you dig out my heart, you won't be able to get my heart. Gao Yang, just give up!"

After that, Yao Ling'er actually gave him half a heart before he died.

"Gao Yang, I've already given you half a heart. Your ambition should be satisfied. I hope we can never meet again!" Yao Ling'er's smile was extremely beautiful and cruel!

Dugu Ling immediately opened his eyes and broke out in a cold sweat.

He actually had a dream! Dugu Ling had a look of disbelief on his face.

Dreams were something that only humans would dream about. He wasn't a human, so how could he dream about it? For the past 1500 years, he had longed for Yao Ling'er to enter his dreamland, but he had never succeeded. But now, he was dreaming, with Yao Ling'er's reincarnation clearly in his arms!

Dugu Ling turned around to look at Yao Xiaoyan. In the dim light …

Under the dim light, Yao Xiaoyan was sleeping soundly. Her long eyelashes drooped down, leaving behind a faint shadow in her eye sockets. Perhaps she had dreamt of something, but her lips slowly curled up.

Yao Xiaoyan's arm was even wrapped around Dugu Ling's waist.

Dugu Ling felt that he and Yao Xiaoyan were like husband and wife, sleeping together and dreaming together!

Dugu Ling lay on the bed and closed his eyes once more. No matter if it was a nightmare or a good dream, this was the first time he began to dream in the past 1500 years!

This time, Dugu Ling had a good dream. He dreamt of a blossoming rose among the roses. Yao Xiaoyan, oh no, it should be Yao Ling'er. He was dressed in ancient clothing and was leading a maid to pick up the petals of the rose.

"Empress, why do you need so many petals?" The maid stepped forward and asked in confusion.

Yao Ling'er's lips curved upwards as she placed the petal under her nose and sniffed it. "I like this smell. Be at ease!"

"Esteemed Empress, are you going to make incense for the Emperor? Yesterday, I saw you asking the palace incense maker about the method to make incense!" Fu'er stepped forward and deliberately winked.

"Fu'er, what nonsense are you spouting!" Yao Ling'er's face was slightly flushed with a hint of anger.

Fu'er hurriedly bowed and apologized.

When Dugu Ling saw this scene, his heart sank. It looked like this was another nightmare!

The scene changed, and Yao Ling'er ground the sun-dried roses into powder, turning them into incense sticks and incense sticks.

Dugu Ling looked at the perfume bag, and his eyes lit up. He recognized that sachet, and the palace's manufacturing department gave it to him, saying that it was the spice he had just chosen. He felt that it was very good, so he took it with him, but he did not expect it to be the spice that Ling'er had personally dried and made for him!

Dugu Ling's expression instantly became absent-minded. Why didn't Ling'er personally bring the scented sachet to him? Why …

Later on, the spices in Dugu Ling's bedroom were all changed and replaced with the scent of roses. Perhaps it was because he was used to the scent of the roses, but Dugu Ling still liked the smell of the roses the most.

When Dugu Ling woke up, it was already early in the morning. He blinked his eyes and realized that Yao Xiaoyan had disappeared from his side.

He had always slept very lightly. Previously, he had lived in the hotel on the forty-eighth floor, so he knew every time a customer entered the lobby. Never had he encountered a situation where he didn't even know that the person sleeping beside him had left.

Dugu Ling quickly stood up. Through the gaps between the curtains, he saw a white figure standing in the hotel's backyard, picking roses with his head lowered.

Dugu Ling's heart skipped a beat and he quickly opened the door and left.

Yao Ling'er buried her face in the flowers, sniffing the fragrance of the flowers while picking the blooming ones. Her expression, her smile, and her gaze, were almost exactly the same as Yao Ling'er's in Dugu Ling's dream.

"Ling'er …" Dugu Ling called out in a low voice.

Yao Xiaoyan suddenly raised her eyes upon hearing Dugu Ling's gentle voice.

Ling'er? Yao Ling'er? A name suddenly intruded into her mind.

"You mean …" "Yao Ling'er?" Yao Xiaoyan asked as she walked up to Dugu Ling with a bunch of flowers in her hands and stared into her eyes.

Only then did Dugu Ling realize that he had lost his mind. He asked in a low voice, "What Yao Ling'er?"

Yao Xiaoyan knitted her brows doubtfully, "Weren't you just calling Ling'er just now?"

Dugu Ling shook his head. With an irrefutable tone, he said, "You've heard wrongly!"

Yao Xiaoyan glanced at Dugu Ling. However, she could hear it clearly. It really was …

"Why are you picking so many flowers?" Dugu Ling asked lightly, quickly hiding the emotions in his heart.

"I don't know. When I woke up in the morning and saw these roses, I wanted to take a walk. I unknowingly picked so many of them. Do you think it's good to dry them and make them?" Yao Xiaoyan tilted her head and asked with a smile.

"Alright!" Dugu Ling's eyes grew hot, as though he had seen Yao Ling'er's sweet smile.

Yao Xiaoyan put the rose flower in the car. The entire car was filled with the fragrance of the rose flower.

Yao Xiaoyan couldn't help but take photos and post them on Weibo.

He had been busy these past few days and had not posted on Weibo for a long time.

The car started moving. Yao Xiaoyan was bored to death as she browsed the Weibo post a few days ago. Suddenly, she found that the comments were like a tidal wave as they flooded the Weibo post, scaring Yao Xiaoyan. She took a glance and realized that Dugu Ling had forwarded her Weibo post.

"So it turns out that the shadow empress's favorite flower is Rose. Hey, why is that?"

"What does the movie emperor like the most?" Flower or human? "

"Other than his nickname, this car seems to be the movie emperor's Bujadimedragon. Is the movie emperor together with Yao Xiaoyan!?"

Yao Xiaoyan was trembling with fear as she looked at the messages. She couldn't help but glance at Dugu Ling, who was beside her.

On the other hand, Dugu Ling acted as though nothing had happened and continued driving.

"You forwarded my Weibo post?" Yao Xiaoyan asked in a low voice.

Dugu Ling lightly replied, "I just think that the flower is pretty!"

"…" Yao Xiaoyan was speechless, was the Weibo incident from two months ago not bad enough? Dugu Ling forgot about it so quickly?

"You don't have to worry, someone will be responsible for extinguishing the fire and it won't burn your head!" From the rearview mirror, Dugu Ling saw the displeased look on Yao Xiaoyan's face and her tone turned cold.

"I didn't mean that. I was afraid of causing trouble for you!" Yao Xiaoyan said in a low voice.

"You don't have to worry about me!" Dugu Ling's facial expression relaxed slightly. He had entered the entertainment circle because he wanted to use a different method to survive in Yao Ling'er's life. Since he had already found Yao Xiaoyan, he might as well not be the tiring Shadow King!

Yao Xiaoyan silently cursed under her breath. She didn't understand why Dugu Ling wanted to go through her Weibo and cause trouble for herself.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Xiaoyan also forwarded Yao Xiaoyan's Weibo post. Below, she also wrote, "I like it too!"

In an instant, the headlines of Tencent Entertainment News were seized by Yao Xiaoyan's Rose Flower Pageant. Everyone was speculating on the relationship between Zhao Xiaoya, Dugu Ling and Yao Xiaoyan.

Yao Xiaoyan browsed Weibo for a while and was relieved when she saw that the situation was not as bad as before. She felt tired after watching it for a while. She wanted to close her eyes and rest for a while, but in the end she fell asleep again.

The road in front of him was a little uneven. Dugu Ling slowed down and closed the window. Then, he glanced at one of his coats in the back of the car. With a flick of his finger, the coat silently floated onto Yao Xiaoyan's body, covering her exposed arms.

Along the way, Dugu Ling watched Yao Xiaoyan's sleeping face as she drove. Finally, when she was waiting for a red light, he suddenly stretched out her hand and gently stroked her face. Then, she gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

After waiting for 1500 years, he could no longer remain calm in front of her, so he would occasionally lose control. However, he would do his best to conceal his true feelings, making Yao Xiaoyan fall in love with Dugu Ling. From then on, Gao Yang and Yao Ling'er would both disappear from this world forever!

While driving, Dugu Ling called a person. He only said two sentences in a low voice, "Everything is going well, as per my previous decision!"

Putting down his mobile phone, Dugu Ling turned to Yao Xiaoyan, who was still sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile.

Yao Xiaoyan was the only hope and motivation he had in this long journey of her life. No matter what, he would not give her up!

When Yao Xiaoyan woke up, they had already arrived at the scenery. She checked the Baidu map and found that the scenery was in two different directions from the hotel they went to last night. No wonder they didn't arrive for two and a half hours!

Dugu Ling had already contacted Director Zheng, so he didn't make things difficult for Yao Xiaoyan. He only asked them to enter a state of meditation as soon as possible.

The film crew rented a few rooms at the back of the village, packed up a little and began to film the male and female lead's plain and fulfilling vacation life. In this quiet and primitive little village, the female lead in the movie had truly fallen in love with the male lead.

Maybe it was because it was cloudy in the countryside, but this time around, when she was together with Dugu Ling, she didn't see any of those things. She ran around the fields barefooted, picking fresh vegetables, and at night, when she had nothing to do, she would sit by the sea and listen to the wind and fish.

In the past twenty years, Yao Xiaoyan had never felt this relaxed. She would often turn her gaze to Dugu Ling who had been sitting by her side the whole time during her free time. The scent of a rose unique to Dugu Ling floated into his nose, causing her mood to rise and fall like the tide in front of her. Sometimes, she felt that he was just like the female lead of "A Thousand Year Love", falling in love with Dugu Ling.

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